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Mykans Guide - Mainline Quests


Active Member
Sorry, misunderstood, thought you were getting odd quests in fairies. If you're getting odd quests in Orcs and they're not fairy quests, I'm lost, too! Maybe if you could let us know what the quests are, someone way smarter than me can figure out where they are coming from.

OK, The Gems of Knowledge list of Fairy CHAPTER quests was accurate up until the non-declinable Ancient Wonder research quest. Iif you look at the Gems list, you will see a whole bunch of DECLINABLE quests following the AW quest, which I intended to decline to get to orc quests. However, after completing the AW research quest (on YOUR list it's the LAST fairy chapter quest), I am now getting dumb stuff like make 10 beverages and spend 2 kps. Support says they do not and will not make a list, Gems being a completely separate entity from the Elvenar folks.


Oh Wise One
Chapter quests are not actually a thing. They are all mainline/storyline quests. Mykan (and others) have grouped them by chapter for convenience.

The quests do occasionally change,so the lists are only a rough guide, not a verbatim thing. Because cities can't re-do quests from before, they have no way to change the lists unless someone provides a detailed list of the changes, or they make a whole new city and do it over again.

If the quests are changed, it would be good if someone could get the details and report them so lists like Mykan's can be updated.


Active Member
Chapter quests are not actually a thing. They are mainline quests. Mykan (and others) have grouped them by chapter for convenience.

The quests do occasionally change,so the lists are only a rough guide, not a verbatim thing. Because cities can't re-do quests from before, they have no way to change the lists unless someone provides a detailed list of the changes, or they make a whole new city and do it over again.

If the quests are changed, it would be good if someone could get the details and report them so lists like Mykan's can be updated.

I was using Gems language. Have you looked there? If "chapter" quests are actually mainline quests, then what do you call the quests in the icon below those, which are all declinable & we cycle through them to get coins & supplies?


Oh Wise One
I was using Gems language. Have you looked there? If "chapter" quests are actually mainline quests, then what do you call the quests in the icon below those, which are all declinable & we cycle through them to get coins & supplies?
Those are the repeatable or cycling quests. While they do change from chapter to chapter soemtimes, they don't really have a lot to do with the progression of the cities through the technology story. They are there to provide something to do, and extra coin and supplies.


Active Member
Those are the repeatable or cycling quests. While they do change from chapter to chapter soemtimes, they don't really have a lot to do with the progression of the cities through the technology story. They are there to provide something to do, and extra coin and supplies.

Ok ty, so from now on I will change saying chapter to mainline & say repeatable for the others. So, on Mykan's thread, the MAINLINE fairies quest list ends at AW research, but that's not what I'm experiencing in the game. Thought someone would like to know that. :)


Oh Wise One
Several people will be interested. I actually created a new thread because of your report, asking if anyone who's about to finish fairies could verify the details so that both the Gamersgems folks and Mykan can update their lists if they like. Thanks


Active Member
Last FYI on this post :) I just now finished spend 3 kps, which I think was the 4th piddly quest after AW research (give or take 1 or 2) and have arrived at "research orc portal" so I feel much better now and I did not have to go through and decline 20 or so declinable mainline quests as Gems list shows to get there. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Thanks for hanging with me on it! <3


Oh Wise One
I am getting a bunch of piddly non-declinable quests following Ancient Wonder research. They don't match at all what is on Gems of Knowledge, and they don't match this list. :(

There are special quests that do arrive that are not on either list. There are 2 types of these:
  • Triggered - based on something you have/do in your town and thus they can vary. Have x relics of a boosted type is the common one of this type and arrives completed.
  • End/Start of a new chapter also has a bunch of decline able quests that are once off only quests, often up to 5 of these although I am unsure if there is an exact number.
Edit: I have a town in fairies I am actively working on so I will watch out for the non-declineable ones you mention


Active Member
There are special quests that do arrive that are not on either list. There are 2 types of these:
  • Triggered - based on something you have/do in your town and thus they can vary. Have x relics of a boosted type is the common one of this type and arrives completed.
  • End/Start of a new chapter also has a bunch of decline able quests that are once off only quests, often up to 5 of these although I am unsure if there is an exact number.
Edit: I have a town in fairies I am actively working on so I will watch out for the non-declineable ones you mention

Thanks for reply. I will no longer be surprised at running into these. Heretofore, Gems had been pretty accurate. IDK why Elv wants to keep these a mystery but they do.


Hey there. At the request of another post, I'm trying VERY hard to remember to track the quests through Orcs so you can update this list. I've found one difference so far:
15: Train 30 Treants is now Train 10 Paladins.


I feel that this is a question for you and wasn't sure where to place it. I hope you can find it buried down here :)

I'm following the Knowledge Tree Quests. I've been using your guide for the quest lists. I'm on the Chapter 4 quests. I was moving along the list when today a whole bunch of non-declinable quests were skipped over(?). The quest I was given shouldn't happen for quite awhile. Do you think this is a glitch? Will all the skipped ones return or am I out of luck on completing those? I'm attaching the list. Yellow I've done. Red is next. The yellows just above the red appeared this morning. I didn't think too much about it until the red one came next. I know I can complete the tree without the quests, but I've always followed the lists. What's your take on this?



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