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    Your Elvenar Team



So many people have been so horribly upset by this. I didn't face this issue and it wouldn't have affected my play because I cleared every province I could as fast as I could. But not everyone appears to have wanted to play that way.

This thread has gotten a lot of comments from players I have never seen before. This has been a very negative thing for a lot of players. Any game feature that makes this many people this upset is a bad thing. People want choices. Or they leave.

We don't want people to leave.

This is just one more example of the YOU WILL DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO AND YOU WILL LIKE IT kind of mentality of the devs. Soon, there won't be any choices at all. We will all play in lockstep or we will be blocked.

Xyleanne has a good idea, but what if you don't want to do that?
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I personally didn't have any issues with this, as I was getting provinces to get up my percentages in my boosted goods, and using the KP. But I have had many others in my fellowships complaining about it, and 1 player quit yesterday because they didn't want to play a fighting game. I tried to help them with the goods aspect so they could negotiate instead of fighting, but they wouldn't listen and would not get rid of non-boosted goods and trade for what they needed. I was also a big pusher to clear provinces to get to good traders so i didn't have to pay extra to trade. It is not always easy, but if you learn to fight properly, and gather the goods to negotiate, it can be done without slowing down your game play too much.


Not to mention the enemies are way too hard. I went in with different combinations of like 300+ Paladins, Axe Barbs, Bowmen and Doggies and Lost all of them every single time against tree and golom looking characters.

I mean, wtf. These enemies are freaking impossibly powerful when my best units can do only like 30 damage and they can do 300.

Tuluto, I know where your coming from as an Elf player. If your losing all your troops its probably because it looks like you may win, and I decided why should I have to lose 95% of my fighters just to win no way. Unless you spend tons of coin, supplies on armories and space for them to build your fighters it's going to take a good part of the week and again more supplies to buy them. Just to get back where you were. I mentioned before
that I was so upset with this lopsided battling that I sold all my armories only to build them back again and wait until I get better fighters. You can pretty much just look at the fight and tell what the outcome is going to be. So now I'm doing two things #1 building up my golems and Sorceress (which I just researched) and making a large army so when the upgrade comes there all turned into the upgrade at no extra expense & supplies.
#2 fight the weak ones that I may lose only 10% or less and negotiate the rest. But negotiating does come at a cost though, so stock up on your goods
and when you have 20k of each good then take a couple of provinces. This also means being busy with the trades, and I could go on but that's enough
to get my plans, and how I do it now. I can't wait for the upgraded golems & Sorceress. ~_~


By the end, she says she just wipes everything out with ease.
Once you're unlocked all of the Squad Size and Unit Promotion capabilities in a chapter then you might as well get on with your fights, and thereby allow yourself a bit more time to accumulate enough sectors to open the next Advanced Scouting chest.

But yeah, you should damp down your fighting when you're in the early stages of each chapter OR, equally, favor Catering rather than Fighting.
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Pretty much there aren't many choices left around here. Sigh. I wish everyone could play they way they want, but it doesn't look like that is possible. So, I will tell you what I did to get through it all in case it helps.

First, when I was doing the tech tree that early there weren't any requirements, but, it wouldn't have mattered if there were, I have always cleared tons and tons of provinces.

Let me tell you why.....scouting times increase and then never stop increasing. By the time you get to my level on Arendyll, you will be facing 2 day 17 hour times and longer. You can never get another scout. The one thing that stops you dead in this game is lack of space. In the beginning it looks like there are miles to investigate and you don't think you will ever run out of spaces to clear. But you do. Then it is a long slow slog waiting, just waiting for the scouts to get done. And waiting. And waiting. And it takes 9 provinces to clear before you get one expansion. So you wish you had your scouts active as can be early on.

Now, if you aren't clearing those provinces, then eventually, your scout gets blocked out. Your scout can't move! Horror!!!!!! That is time you will never get back. Never. sniff sniff. Precious time when all your friends skate past you because your scout was on vacation!

What did I do?

1. I learned how to fight. There is an encounters guide I will link to if that helps. And I read up all I could and I asked other people. Some provinces are really easy to clear if you use the right fighters. You take almost no losses.

2. I rushed my factories as much as possible because even with the fighting techniques I learned, I still get slaughtered. Then it takes forever for troops to be made. So, I built only boosted factories and I cleared all the boosted provinces first. And I produced produced produced! Then I could negotiate those suckers!

3. I quested! And I quested and I quested. If you don't know what that means....on the left are two quests. One is a storyline quest you cannot decline. The other are the "declinable" quests". The declinable quests are in a loop. If you decline one enough times, it comes back around. So, when I collect goods, I made sure the Collect x amount of goods quest was up. When I collected supplies, the supply quest is sitting there. When I collect coins, again, the right quest is up. If you are upgrading a building, that quest doesn't need to be on the screen the whole time. The upgrade main hall quest can be put up right before the building is done upgrading and you get credit for that. When I traded goods, I also set up the gain x amount of goods quest (If I was doing the right kind of trade). Before I fight, I always have the fight 3 encounters quest up or the solve 4 encounters or gain 4 relics quest. If I don't think I can win 3 fights, then I do the solve 4, if I think I can, I have up the fight quest.

Then, with all those coins and supplies as bonuses, I could buy more goods so I could negotiate more! And so on and so on.

Certainly, holding off on fighting until you have upgraded fighters and bigger troops helps a lot.

Another tip:

Keep your fighters being trained! If you have an upgrade on your archers coming up, then every single archer you currently have will be upgraded when that tech is completed. But the upgraded archers cost more to train. So train as many of the un-upgraded archers as you can while they are cheap! Don't use them. Just keep training those weak little arrow tossers! With one swoop, all of them will be as good as old RobinHood!! ;)

There are ways around the roadblocks Inno sets for you. I find it sad that we have a player vs dev game here, but we do. So the devs throw up barricades, and we clever players find ways around them to keep the game fun. (We shouldn't have to work so hard to keep the game fun, should we? But I digress).

Anyway, I hope any of that will be of use to anyone who is stuck in the game at the moment.

Finally, our fellowship always helps each other. Some of us get ahead and then send goods down to the folks who get stuck. Then they get through the tech faster and make more goods and then they can return the favor. Whoever has extra goods at any time helps those who don't. One for all, and all for one. I am lucky to have such a great fellowship, but if you can all decide to help each other like that it really helps.

(Forgive the book chapter I seem to have just written). :)


Once you're unlocked all of the Squad Size and Unit Promotion capabilities in a chapter then you might as well get on with your fights, and thereby allow yourself a bit more time to accumulate enough sectors to open the next Advanced Scouting chest.

But yeah, you should stay damp down your fighting when you're in the early stages of each chapter OR, equally, favor Catering rather than Fighting.

I wish I knew more when I first started lol, don't we all right. I'm usually like a jet and can't wait to get ahead and I liked fighting from the beginning until I got overwhelmed. I don't like waiting around for upgrades because I wanted space to build my residences, and that meant either buy them with diamonds, or win provinces. There was quite a learning curve too. I didn't do much negotiating until I started getting wiped out. Squad size is helping some but the computer AI compensates for that way ahead of your promotions. At least for me it did. I think I just went too fast. Most people took twice as long to get where I am, so some of it may be my own speedy fault.

Thank you all for your input, it's very enjoyable when people take there time to help others. Time is precious and I respect it allot. ~_~


I started playing in on a second world and when i realized the changes made, i deleted my city-i am not going to pussy foot around for the developers. I do coin, but am really fed up, and may decide to quit d/t this kind of crap. I like the people i play with but this is BS. People will coin and continue to play, but when developers do this kind of "play my way" crap it really takes the fun out of it
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So now I'm doing two things #1 building up my golems and Sorceress (which I just researched) and making a large army so when the upgrade comes there all turned into the upgrade at no extra expense & supplies.
#2 fight the weak ones that I may lose only 10% or less and negotiate the rest. But negotiating does come at a cost though, so stock up on your goods
and when you have 20k of each good then take a couple of provinces. This also means being busy with the trades, and I could go on but that's enough
to get my plans, and how I do it now. I can't wait for the upgraded golems & Sorceress. ~_~
It's not until Granite Golem in Dwarven chapter that the Golem is strong enough and versatile enough to be a go-to troop. You might want to add Treants. With Golem+ Sorcerress you're vulnerable to Orcs, War dogs, Thieves-Treants will cover those but necromancer is a headache without sword.
There really is no all-in-one troop.
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View attachment 613 View attachment 613 View attachment 614 Crushing Canon since Ch.III
I've got a short super basic document with pics of troop types showing who you should use against different types of enemies. I made it for some members who just didn't like the fighting, didn't want to read the battle guide or the wiki so it's a really truncated kind of quick n dirty beginners guide, Ill send you a copy.
Sure would appreicate the copy


Sure would appreicate the copy
Ahhhh, I was speaking in present tense as if it were completed- how naive of me- I was just finishing that when I realized it was worse than useless, it was downright confusing.
I have been finding the project far more difficult than I imagined. I'm trying for simple as possible while still useful for non-fighters and it's tricky. How useful is it to know what troop to use if you don't know how to use it effectively? I have something shaping up from the multiple messes I've made thus far and as soon as I have something moderately useful I will get you a copy- I believe I have a decent framework now but we'll see. It's a difficult subject to illustrate concisely and most of my early attempts have turned into gobblydegook. Not to mention how long it takes me to make a single graphic with my current skill level- this simple pic took longer than I care to admit
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Many of us protested this change on Beta on your behalf during the pre-release. We said it was unfair for Inno to mandate individual game strategy or playing style...and especially to implement retroactively.
Agreed. My game is now stuck: After working hard to complete level V research, I have to clear 30 provinces to open level VI. THIRTY.
Missanthropy deleted confidential information.
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I’ve tidied up your post. This remedial post isn’t “just” about this thread but is intended, rather, to avoid future issues and the consequent warnings that we’re obliged to issue when gentle doesn't get people's attention.

Rather than posting sequential messages, we want you to simply edit your most recent post. The easiest technique is to multi-quote anything that you MIGHT want to respond to, as you're reading the messages one each page and then cull out the bits that are superfluous. The desired outcome is a single, nicely organized, easy to read post that's responsive to the various issues that have been raised during the previous several hours.

OVERLY LARGE graphics chew up a lot of bandwidth and they consequently slow down page loads. Animated gifs are simply irritating.

Our forum rules are available at https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/forum-rules.702/
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  • Embedded graphics may not be larger than 640h x 480v pixels. If it simply has to be larger, please bury it under a spoiler tag.
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Bury your oversized graphics, or Beta treasures, under a spoiler tag.


Agreed. My game is now stuck: After working hard to complete level V research, I have to clear 30 provinces to open level VI. THIRTY.
Missanthropy deleted confidential information.

I'm with you it should be max 10 so if they are going to stick with that (I'm almost there) I may as well quit this is suppose to be a fun game not a
quota that must be reached for the game gods. I'm just going to stay and help some members for a bit and quit. What else is next
hop around on one foot while holding hot coals in my hand?


I'm with you it should be max 10 so if they are going to stick with that (I'm almost there)
The normal pattern, for each chapter, is that the Squad Size techs and New/Upgraded troops are stacked near the end of the chapter.
  • As the game was developing, and even now when you've maxed out your tech tree, you'd arrive at a point where there was nothing left to upgrade or unlock.
  • The Tournament, Magic Academy, Ancient Wonders triple come into it's own during the "end game."
  • The gated chest, or more specifically the need to acquire several more sectors, recreates that "end game" environment at the end of each chapter.
So the game has two distinct phases:
  1. Focus on Building and Upgrading
  2. Focus on Acquiring Sectors, leveling your Ancient Wonders, and accumulating the Spells and Goods that you'll need for the next chapter.


Garth -- Yes, the fun factor is greatly diminished, especially for those of us who chose Elvenar as a city-building game. During the first levels, it was relatively simple to clear provinces without battle, confirming the game's central character as a building game. However, the most recent changes impose immense requirements for negotiating provinces and force the player's hand into mindless troop training. BORING. I don't want to waste time with battle charts or monotonous cycles of goods production.

The new tournament action is a decent development that breathes a bit of life back into the game. Will tournaments be enough to assuage my disappointment with retroactive, game-changing "rules?" Hmmm.