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    Your Elvenar Team

News from Discord - May Contain Info!


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Lol I am of course referring to my Beta city and the Fairy quests, but also to 'improvements' in the chapter quests , 6 to 10. S&D is chapter 10. I am slow on Beta, have right now a narrow window to zip through some necessary city work, think it's 11 more days until next Season.


Oh Wise One
Something which I did not see in the initial announcement was that they were going to actually change the names of chapters 6-10. I just looked back in the research tree (PC version) and there are new chapter names:
Dwarves is now A Portal to the Past
Fairies is now Blossoms of Promise
Orcs and Goblins is now Mud and Mushrooms
Woodelves is now Natives of the Continent
Sorcerers and Dragons is now The Elvarian Sorcerers Society.

I don't see how this will improve the game experience in any way. I can see it as being a potential source of confusion in the future. I can almost guarantee that all the older players will continue to refer to these chapters by the old names if we are asked a question by newer players. And then the new players will wonder what we are talking about! And also, every old forum post or online guide is now going to have the old names.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Dwarves is now A Portal to the Past
Fairies is now Blossoms of Promise
Orcs and Goblins is now Mud and Mushrooms
Woodelves is now Natives of the Continent
Sorcerers and Dragons is now The Elvarian Sorcerers Society.
So, they changed them from the names of the guest race to something about them making them more obscure, but they think are cute. Or maybe the use of the word 'race' is now forbidden.

They should be more honest with the names.
Dwarves becomes Strawberry Beer Forever
Fairies becomes Damn Dwarves are Polluters.
Orcs and Goblins becomes Poo, Lots of Poo and Fairy Stew.
Woodelves becomes Weeping while Cleaning up the Poo.
Sorcerers and Dragons becomes Halloween University.

So, what will they rename the next 5 chapters? You know it's coming down the line.

EDIT: Changed Soup to Stew. Rhymes with Poo.
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Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
So I maybe Inno has some new trainees. So we get changes just for the sake of changes & to give the trainees something to do? :rolleyes:

Edited for clarity.
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Oh Wise One
So I guess they now have newbies at the Dev end who can only make superficial changes. So we get changes just for the sake of changes & to give the trainees something to do? :rolleyes:
Or more likely they have not thought things through and have not realized yet that changes NEED to be made elsewhere such as in the Wiki.

Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
I just looked back in the research tree (PC version) and there are new chapter names:
Dwarves is now A Portal to the Past
Fairies is now Blossoms of Promise
Orcs and Goblins is now Mud and Mushrooms
Woodelves is now Natives of the Continent
Sorcerers and Dragons is now The Elvarian Sorcerers Society.
Chapter names don’t appear in the app and the chapter icons & tech headers all appear to be the same. So yep, Dwarves, Fairies, Orcs & Goblins, Woodelves and of course Sorcerers & Dragon. I mean really who would ever remember those new dippy names anyway.


Well-Known Member
@quin629 , :rolleyes: ..... lol

It took litterally years and years to get meaningfull changes
to the moonestone set and the Scrolls glut. From this the
discussion changed to the T3 glut and the scarcity of T1.....
from that we actually got the Pilgrims Manor set.

I fully understand that later on, when sentient and ascended
goods come into play, earlier goods become less need'd.....
I also understand some bldgs were add'd that specifically
give T1/T2, but the majority of the bldgs in Elvenar were
created in earlier times. ( pre CH chgs ). The minimum CH
to basically play Elvenar is now CH5, not CH3...... and we are
told more changes almost here already.

We were told conflicting statements that have not been
clarified here on the forum.

Deadeye Jerry - "In case you wonder why you have this mix of old and new quests now, and why we couldn't avoid it.
When we made the changes to the questlines of chapters 1-5 a few months ago, you remember that we had to migrate your quests several times, and this caused unfortunate side effects, which have been rightfully criticized. We took your feedback and searched for alternative approaches in the future to avoid the same situation again. Your quest progress has not been touched this time, and we hope you appreciate this change. These couple of quests popping up is the "trade-off" for this new approach."
Deadeye Jerry - "improving the quests to guide you better in building your settlement"
(yet this was listed twice, possibly a typo on 2nd one, shudda been CHs)
Anonglitch - "Adjusted settlement buildings and research tree to eliminate progression blockers."

Pheryll ( not part of staff ), responded to a Q of mine with
It appears to be quests only. Much of this is stated to be a technical limitation of the quest system.

This would lead me to believe that there will NOT be any forced migration
this time, but that is unclear. We remember how it went..... those in CH1-4 got
migrated to CH5, and those in CH5 migrated to CH6. Reading the TeaLeaves,
I went ahead and moved my cities to CH6 after Inno moved them to CH5 from
CH3. Now we have new changes that really should give us Pause......

Before we were told its impossible to have 2 different research trees, therefore
the forced migration was necessary. Pheryll seems to think its just the quests
this time, but is it. Deadeye Jerry said progress wouldn't be touched this time,
but if what was said before applies, they will not allow players to remain in CH6
because that means 2 tech trees active.

If another forced migration happens to CH7, then most of those reasons we talked
about for Years about resource gluts will come true for the simple fact on how
the Devs "adjusted" what and when certain things were given. The migration to CH5
affected T1 production, while migration to CH7 would effect both T1/T2 negatively
and push most things gotten to T3, again increasing that glut.

The following bldg, Frozen Owl Cave, is a great example of the "Standardized"
progression of what a bldg gives.

Because how much ya get, scales with CHs, its not efficient to have
bldgs that are outdated ( not in current CH ), and once in that new
CH, you can't go back and win something making earlier goods.

That CH3 player, migrated to CH5, assuming they upgraded thier
bldgs had to re-org productions of T1/T2. They also no longer
could win these bldgs giving T1. If players now get migrated to
CH7, they will lose the ability to get T2, and almost every bldg
will just give them T3 ( or Orcs, Mana, or seeds later on, but never
again will they get T1/T2. ( increasing the T3 glut )

When the Moonstone set was chg'd, that was 5 bldgs, thats doable
but there's 1000s of bldgs that are simmilar to the above bldg that
aren't doable to change them all to rebalance against the changes
that is occurring in how fast Inno wants us up above the early CHs.

Players cannot even play Events fully if they aren't CH5, therefore
they lost the ability to win most bldgs giving T1 if they go that Far.
Do we really want that to happen to both T1/T2 ??

The entire game is interconnected, including the Wiki. A change
one place, can necessitate game wide rebalancing or rewriting.
We get told the code has become "spagetti code" so some
simple changes can't be made without breaking the game. That
means a complete rewrite/rebalance is necessary and I don't
think whomever bought Inno, or is running it currently..... will
spend the cost to rewrite/rebalance the whole game.

Its one thing to consistently add features/stuff to a game or
to make changes that simplify tedious tasks in the game done
regularly, but when you re-do the game mechanics or core
functions, you run the risk what you create will not be what
many of your current players sign'd up for, thus they quit.


Well-Known Member
The smart Dev would do 1 forced migration, 1 TechTree chg, once !
So the whole TechTree adjusted, then 1 migration when that is roll'd
out to the playerbase, not doing it in 5 CH chunks forcing them to
force migrate players every time. We the playerbase should Not be
OK with such sloppy admin'n of the game.


Oh Wise One
Chapter names don’t appear in the app and the chapter icons & tech headers all appear to be the same. So yep, Dwarves, Fairies, Orcs & Goblins, Woodelves and of course Sorcerers & Dragon. I mean really who would ever remember those new dippy names anyway.
The names do appear in the tech tree of the PC version. That is where I got them from.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
My FS has one person in Poo, Lots of Poo and Fairy Stew who will shortly be moving into Weeping while Cleaning up the Poo and is looking forward becoming a freshman at Halloween University.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
The chapter names changes are fine with me because chapters 6-15 names are just the guest race names, while chapters 1-5 and 16-21 have names that have more to do with the theme of the chapter, so in my opinion, 6-15 should be changed to match the way the others are named.


Tetris Master
Haven't seen this reported, and may have missed it, but in the past month they have for some reason changed the order of Spire Library and Tournament Arena in the Wonder overview. It used to have Spire Library first, then Tournament Arena, now it is the other way around.

To be specific, this is only when you look at someone else's wonder, your own wonders are in the original order, with SL first.


My FS member
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Haven't seen this reported, and may have missed it, but in the past month they have for some reason changed the order of Spire Library and Tournament Arena in the Wonder overview. It used to have Spire Library first, then Tournament Arena, now it is the other way around.

To be specific, this is only when you look at someone else's wonder, your own wonders are in the original order, with SL first.
I thought for the neighbors wonders it was listed by level and/or those with kp vs those still empty. So we'd know which wonders they were actively looking for at that time