~Raven~OP — 11/03/2023 11:40 AM
Hello! With the recent announcement that the forums will be closing, can you please give us any updates or thoughts on whether or not any of our beloved forums will remain open? (There are currently several petitions running on multiple Elvenar forums asking to please keep the forums open) What will happen with each forums once they "close"? Will they still be accessible in a view-only form once closed, or will they be removed entirely? Thanks for any answers!
Lelanya — 11/03/2023 8:31 PM
The Forums represent Community. I know many active participants who feel, that the communities were disrespected when they are tossed aside as they feel they have been, by the company.
Alex — 11/04/2023 12:02 AM
Give me something juicy -- how much were you paying to host maintain and moderate your own private forums?
These were post on discord. Ligario who has a role of Admin replied with this.
Ligario — Yesterday at 7:28 AM
Thx for this question!
First, some context. Looking at how little the forum were used, it was evident we had to try new platforms and community channels. The forums have the goal to be an engagement channel and they were unfortunately not be fulfilling that scope anymore. Only very few people are actively using it. That's why it was necessary to explore something different and why we have now also this official space here on Discord.
When we shared the intention to also be active here on Discord, we wanted to be transparent and clearly say to you that our focus as a community team would shift to this channel.
At the same time, in the short/medium term, we said the forums are still open and this will be the case for now. This is confirmed. For the future, we'll look at how the activity will be there in the coming months, how forums are used, how welcoming that space is for players and move from there. There isn't at the moment any precise date or specific timeline because it will depend on the data we'll get.
We just started here on Discord less than 2 months ago, so far it has been great, and more time is needed.
Keep it positive and we'll share more updates on this when we'll have additional details.