Well-Known Member
Yet it gives us a deeper window into thier soul....A post from Timon which may indicate an upcoming feature:
So we ( playerbase ) can effect the Devs, but only after we
beat them over the head a few thousand times with the same
suggestion, that shouldda been a no brainer to begin with.
Shows you the uphill battle more margainal suggestions are
to get implemented that may not have 99% player support.
"too many clicks" , hmmm ... well just like the confirm box
for trader offers/deletes was deleted, many other confirm
boxes could have the simple "dont show this again" option.
If coins/tools are full and NH gives more, its annoying to
keep saying , yes please continue.
What worries me the most is when its said.... we found a
design flaw, but we won't fix it cause we already gave it to
you.... yet time after time, they do that exact thing in all sorts
of areas of the game. Are they picking winners/losers, or
are they afraid of the backlash on coins badges, if they
decided to cap non FS NH to say 50 cities/day and fix the
design flaw ??
Inno's track record on unintended consequences isn't very
good. Also its par for the course .... to go 1 step fwd, yet
2 steps back. Here is a prime example of how the Forum
could be a much more envite'n place to be. Something this
simple and straight fwd, we shouldn't have to beat Inno
over the head about for 3-4 years.
Personally to some extent, clicking 200 NH, is no different
that getting a bonus for watching an advert. If you're
willing to do those 200 clicks a day, you get the benefit
from them.