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    Your Elvenar Team

Next FA


Perhaps.... Have you changed chapters since the last FA? The prizes are exactly the same, but if you are in a new chapter then technically they got better....:rolleyes:

I would facepalm... buuut that's putting forth more effort than it's worth. I enjoyed the concept of the FA, but it needs more work, and until the prizes are worth the effort, I'm going to hesitate to encourage my pups to make a full run for all three rounds.


We did well in the last fellowship adventure, it was a challenge and brought us closer together as a team planning who was tackling which parts. even the cities that had very little space where able to feel they had done their part and helped achieve the goal of 3 flags.Bring it on play if you want dont if you dont but I' m all in on challenges !!!


the people who act like jerks are to blame not Inno.
Actually it's both, Inno has obviously bought hook line and sinker into the concept of pitting 'friends' against each other to coerce diamonds out of them, rather than the more acceptable method of well designed competition among 'strangers' or the even more acceptable method of offering stuff worth buying! So yes, people that act like jerks are to blame but pushing people into more and more jerk inciting situations is not a blameless act either.


Actually it's both, Inno has obviously bought hook line and sinker into the concept of pitting 'friends' against each other to coerce diamonds out of them, rather than the more acceptable method of well designed competition among 'strangers' or the even more acceptable method of offering stuff worth buying! So yes, people that act like jerks are to blame but pushing people into more and more jerk inciting situations is not a blameless act either.
Uhmmm stating something is obvious doesn't make it a reality. It may be your perception, but it is not obvious. That's like saying someone who owns a bmw is partially responsible because their car was stolen.... The culpable party here is the user. I have yet to see any scenario like you described happen in any fs I am in...then again I play with mature, responsible players who are not into unnecessary drama.


Uhmmm stating something is obvious doesn't make it a reality
You're right but looking at what has actually been done in the game over the past several months does. I started playing this game over a year ago and found one of the main attractions was the feeling of community and peace among everyone. Spenders, purist and everyone in-between helping each other in mixed FS's. It was unlike any of the other games I had played in that regard, no constant push to divide the classes into their little groups where they could push each other harder and harder. All the big spenders standing right beside each other driving the game into broken territory while it became more unplayable to everyone else. The division just wasn't there. Everything they have done since the tournament changes have been going as hard as possible straight in that direction. To me that equals obvious.


You're right but looking at what has actually been done in the game over the past several months does. I started playing this game over a year ago and found one of the main attractions was the feeling of community and peace among everyone. Spenders, purist and everyone in-between helping each other in mixed FS's. It was unlike any of the other games I had played in that regard, no constant push to divide the classes into their little groups where they could push each other harder and harder. All the big spenders standing right beside each other driving the game into broken territory while it became more unplayable to everyone else. The division just wasn't there. Everything they have done since the tournament changes have been going as hard as possible straight in that direction. To me that equals obvious.
Sorry you feel that way. I have been here 10 months and have not seen or felt this division. Maybe its the group of people you interact with. Every FS I am in is nothing but accepting, generous, and helpful.... But like I said... I avoid the dramatic and hyperbolic people as much as possible, and stick with more likeminded players.


I avoid the dramatic and hyperbolic people as much as possible
I consider them to be the canary in the coal mine! Maybe it's not as bad as someone with a martyr complex, or someone with a revolution against the power complex or whatever other complexes get written off as 'dramatic' but the rants of these fringe elements should not be written off because you haven't seen or heard or experienced those things. They should be an ominous warning of where things are going. But what do I know, I have a revolution against the power complex. :D
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The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Hugely disappointed to hear that the prizes haven't changed up at all... I'm only in Dwarfs in my K-world/Ch5 in my E-world cities, so the "rewards" are just pure garbage for me. :(

I'll still play in my K-world city, because we're a team and while I might not get anything out of the rewards, I know that many of my fellows will get some decent stuff out of both the Nest + Mana Hut, and it's not fair if I go pout in a corner & deprive them of shiny stuff.
But my other city, which has I think, maybe only 2 members in WE's, and is now a much smaller FS after casting off the dead weight of inactives, I'll just be telling them is not worth the hassle...

FA's are literally atm, nothing but a lazy, bad joke version of FoE's Guild Expeditions... at least those are fun, and even when the guild "loses the guild championship trophies", every single member who puts in decent effort walks away with kp's/goods/troops/special buildings/etc...


Buddy Fan Club member
I agree, they've given us lemons. However, I insist on making lemonade! Our FS has several newer members who have never seen the FA's as well as several small cities (Ch 1 & 2) with members new to the game as well. The plethora of events lately has taken a toll on even the most positive members of our group. So, we are taking a laid back approach to the FA. Many of us liked the concept and really enjoyed the camaraderie that developed between FS members. Several of us have managed to designate areas of our cities we will use for events/FA's that need lvl 1 buildings to help us along. We're going to do the FA as 'fill up the blue path on all three rounds, get the buildings and be done with it'. This gives us the opportunity to get the newer members up to speed on how this thing works. Also, early chapter players may not be able to participate that much, so we're just encouraging them to put in 1 badge on each round. The more mature cities will do the bulk of the work, so the buildings should be worth a bit to the lower level players even if the culture/supplies they get is small. The mana hut is easy to place, even for them and doesn't require pop or culture to get a few supplies.
For me, I was in dwarves when we did the first one, so I'll get to upgrade my mana hut to fairies (I know, big whoop, lol!). I upgraded and got a second orc nest in the Eldrasil's event after I entered fairies, so now I'll have a thirdo_O. But we'll get to plan, produce and play together as a team. We made a big deal last time out of who got to 'capture the flag' at the end of each round, including temp promotions to ambassador that allowed them to get the flag if necessary. All members kept that rank because they had been so active in that event and continue to be really active in chat, visits, and helping each other with trades. So, we'll do the same this time and just enjoy doing something together. Here's hoping the developers make improvements in the future will make it more enjoyable.
Now to get a jump start on those lvl 1 buildings. Also, wrist exercises to prepare for the click, click, click of quest cycling and collecting beverages might not be a bad idea either...:eek:


FA's are literally atm, nothing but a lazy, bad joke version of FoE's Guild Expeditions... at least those are fun, and even when the guild "loses the guild championship trophies", every single member who puts in decent effort walks away with kp's/goods/troops/special buildings/etc...

And if you happen to have the Temple of Relics in your city, there's an added bonus. :D


Buddy Fan Club member
When will we know if it starts Monday?
The usual pattern is release to beta then release to live servers one week later. The announcement that it was starting on beta gave somewhere between 2-4 hours notice the event was starting. They'll make an official announcement on live, but I wouldn't expect it before Monday morning if they plan to launch Monday afternoon.


...And hopefully your ToR hasn't been murdered back down to Lv1 thanks to the new clusterfeth of a patch/fix that recently got released!o_O

:eek: Thankfully, no! I'd freak...I only have that in my Beta city, and I love that thing.

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
I am terrible at tracking stuff, I mostly just wing it, but wouldn't say I am a terrible AM for not doing it. My FS is pretty laid back, they wouldn't go and fill in a spread sheet anyway, I wish there was an in game spreadsheet, more would do it then I think (for the FA and visits). I visit my FS daily, so I know who is active and who isn't and I screen shot the FS pages every month so I can check score increases.


Well I've read your forum posts, and I've spoken at length with some of the players in question, and based off that I'm far more likely to believe their side.

Cooperative, not competitive. HUGE difference.

Oh, because it's soooo hard to track who has contributed(and will therefore get a prize):rolleyes:

You seem to think we are cracking a whip and force players to make X of Y badges, but it's far far simpler than that. All we do is track who has contributed so that no one misses out on a prize. That and if one player wants to focus on making all dwarven badges the rest of us know to focus on other things. It's actually pretty silly imo for everyone to just make random badges as you might get to a point where no one has made the required 1 day badges and you're out of time. A little communication and a third party tool for that communication goes a long way.
Being an AM and tracking stuff to help the FS run smoothly is quite easy if you aren't a terrible AM.

I am one of those AM who tracks everything from a to z using spreadsheets. I have one ready for the next FA. Not everyone is cut out to do this type of thing. Not everyone has the time or wants to invest the time. Some people are mechanics and some are accountants. I don't want to get my hands greasy and some people hate working with numbers and spreadsheets and, for that matter, computer - beyond playing games. I'm married to one. Everyone is made different and that's okay.


Being an AM and tracking stuff to help the FS run smoothly is quite easy if you aren't a terrible AM.
Foul on the play, 10 yard penalty. :p
There are a hell of a lot of excellent AMs that do not go off the deep end on data collection and there are some excellent data collectors that are terrible AMs... I like math, but I suck at politics and cheerleading and generally presenting a good vibe or even talking to people some days, all qualities one might find more desirable for an AM in most groups than a calculator. It all depends on the group, what one FS would find the worst possible AM would be the best another ever had. It's relative, I'm sure you know that, but the way you phrased that certainly came off to the contrary. :eek:
Perhaps were one to design the perfect AM in theory, they would be full of cheer and numbers with all the time in the world... but good grief that sounds annoying as hell... would still only work if the group was right for it. ;)


Mathematician par Excellence
There are a hell of a lot of excellent AMs that do not go off the deep end on data collection and there are some excellent data collectors that are terrible AMs
Again, that's not what I said.
You don't have to track things to be a good AM. However a good AM could track things if it's what they and their FS needs. Delegation is an option too.

Perhaps were one to design the perfect AM in theory, they would be full of cheer and numbers with all the time in the world
I think the perfect AM is one that provides for their FS needs. If they have members that need and like a little more direction, then that can be provided, if not then not. The terrible AM is the one that berates her FS members if they volunteer to help with communication tools that they feel they could use in the FS just because the AM is too lazy and unwilling to delegate/share "power"

On Beta I'm in a pretty laid back FS, and the AM there rarely says anything, but it works great- there is no visit tracking, or anything like that and it works.
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However a good AM could track things if it's what they and their FS needs.
I'll tentatively agree with that if you will agree that a good AM could also recognize when tracking would do more harm than good. :cool:
And I say tentatively because I think there could conceivably be an excellent AM of some group that can't even count to ten... relative.