It’s not too hard to install and set up a forum, but not sure there is that much value in starting a forum from scratch with no new official game info or communique though. At that point, you might as well just join official discord if you want to start from a clean slate too. We got a taste of that kind of forum for awhile here. It devolved mostly into an echo chamber of complaints and the occasional answering of questions. If there is no way for meaningful feedback to reach the devs to improve or fix the game, then it’s not more useful than hearing someone complain about their mother-in-law all day. Hence, a lot of people didn’t find it productive or enjoyable and called it quits. By the sound of it, it looks like similar conclusions are forming over at the beta community because more bugs are showing up in live releases. So I would agree with @mucksterme that a fan-driven forum would die of attrition. Because what is the added value of an alternative and unofficial discourse? What are they offering to bring in new members that they can’t find on official discord? If the only answer is readability, then it’s not enough. The other place is offering chances to win blue bling and promises to provide feedback. Added value would have to be something like Gems and Elvenstats.I have already looked at a free site that says unlimited posts and supports video links etc. If anyone wants to contact me about doing some trials with a new forum to see what it will and won't do, you know how to reach me. As I have said before I have run forums before but it was mainly for 40 to 100 people. They were active though and not just lurkers. A lot of the work happens before it is opened and then giving permissions etc.
Hopefully, we don’t reach the point where they make everyone befriend Ad like Tom and Elon on MySpace and X.It's a bit of a vicious circle they have created. A lot of us were watching the ads to help Inno make money. Now they are dumping the forum. I'm not going to discord and Im also no longer attempting to watch ads. As soon as the ads become mandatory, I am uninstalling the game.
Hopefully, we don’t reach the point where they make everyone befriend Ad like Tom
Yes, which company who holds the monopoly changes.....If the majority don’t want to use discord, then it is no different than Friendster before MySpace before the next best thing that had its it moment for 15 minutes before sizzling out.
See original post here
Has anyone mentioned that another significant difference with the forum and discord is you can freely come to the forum and read all you want remaining anonymous, but you can't with discord?
Don't do it at work!!And to those of us who are not allowed to join because of employer?
Less participation may have gone into their decision. Even without new changes to the game, there are the announcements and release notes that are helpful. If the forum just becomes a place with no more input from Inno, the questions and answers section may become the most important part until people just stop coming here and it becomes a ghost town.I often wondered if part of the reason participation in forum is down is "there is not much left to say". The game has been around long enough that a lot of mechanics and such have been figured out. Short of high emotional topics (which keep popping up, but nothing new) there isn't much "new" to discuss. Without some new game features there just is a limit to how much can be said on the same topics. Discord won't change that.
So, in other words, we have to use a markdown language to format things nicely, unlike here where there are at least some icons to do things like make headings, tables and lists. Oh and bold, italic, etc. Bold in discord is **this is bold** Gee, discord is sooo much better than what the forum offers.f you want to (and you should) structure your Discord messages a bit, you can, but it seems that you need to insert most of the formatting commands by hand. The complexity level is pretty much the same as the BBCODE that our forum uses.
Discord Markdown includes a nice list of supported commands (tables are defined but are NOT supported by Discord) and clicking on each of the category yields the syntax.
Well, uhh…I don't mean I need help joining a fellowship when I said recruiting is the hardest thing in the game. I've been in enough FS to know they run best when you only play with fellow like-minded players with shared goals. That said, Spire is a priority for me. There currently is no in-game tool to filter applicants by Spire ability and even Elvenstats can't fix that conundrum. AMs have to go by an applicant's words and you wouldn't believe how many strangers claim they can do a full Spire in the application, but can't find their way out of Gateway! Therefore, your Pathfinder project would not be helpful to my recruiting cause. Vetting players based on desire for wonder KPs will probably net you a wild bag of playing types. From experience, those aren't the type of fellowships I want to be in anymore. Old fashioned networking is still the most assured and effective way to find like-minded players with same playing styles. Discord is first and foremost a chat app, which means it’s like putting The Lounge front and center, and then building around it. Like @Mykan said, the flurry of chat might increase, but prob not be of substance. Then it becomes trying to network from The Lounge. I can form an impression based on someone’s counting or word association skills, but it doesn’t help me determine if they like or are good at the Spire or Fellowship Adventures, for example. I am open to them introducing a new FA badge that requires FS to count to 15 in a message thread though. They like to throw curveballs. I am also not disenchanting my Winter Lampions collection yet because it will be valuable one day…Over the next several weeks you'll begin to see more and more promotional information about my current development project: Pathfinders - Swap Plus.
I often wondered if part of the reason participation in forum is down is "there is not much left to say". The game has been around long enough that a lot of mechanics and such have been figured out. Short of high emotional topics (which keep popping up, but nothing new) there isn't much "new" to discuss. Without some new game features there just is a limit to how much can be said on the same topics. Discord won't change that.
Well, there used to be a fun contest forum that had high engagement in between the more serious discussions…So after all the effort to clean out the contest subforum, with the promise of a contest each month, we now have the contest offered on discord only making the removal of many years worth of contest data seem unnecessary.
I have already looked at a free site that says unlimited posts and supports video links etc. If anyone wants to contact me about doing some trials with a new forum to see what it will and won't do, you know how to reach me. As I have said before I have run forums before but it was mainly for 40 to 100 people. They were active though and not just lurkers. A lot of the work happens before it is opened and then giving permissions etc.