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    Your Elvenar Team

Quest Taking more to complete and lost of quest.

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1208
  • Start date


"Changes you don't like( read, stop messing with our quests) are implemented because the majority of players aren't bothered by it. The developers read your feedback, and it is up to them to do something with it."


Maybe not enough are bothered by it. You don't see many people here complaining. Only a small handful.
Dear Elvenar,
I am very disturbed with the fact that u have taken out the quest for acquiring a certain amount of goods, and also gain goods quest.
These 2 quest were very vital quest and we would like them back if u do not mind!

Dear dneely63,
I totally agree with ur statememt, every last word of it, :(
Please bring back to the game our ( gain goods) and ( gain coins) and take out the having to add supplies of 5,000 to collect good and coins in order to finish these quest, :(
Very upset with Elvenar about this change, :(
Zushy, :(

If people only complain in chat, the devs won't hear it. They need to be vocal in the forums.
I agree BobbyKitty with u all should be very vocal about these changes they are very much hurting all of us in the game, :(
Zushy, :(
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I've combined several of the above posts that were both adjacent and contemporary. Please use the follow tools:
  • Multi-Quote
  • Append additional material by editing an existing post, when there's no need to flag it as a "new post."
  • It's often convenient to highlight something and then click on "Reply." The quoted material will appear in the new message box at the bottom of the screen. Only quote the juicy bits. We don't want to read the entire post again.
  • If you quote several things, they'll be serially appended in the editing box.
  • You may then prefer to use Ctrl+X to grab the quotes, EDIT a previous message, and paste the additional material into your previous message.
Our objectives are two fold:
  1. Your ideas, even though they were prompted by various people in various posts, should be nicely organized so that folks will be able to follow your train of thought, and the points that you are making.
  2. Avoid bumping an old thread unless you have some fresh information.
    • If your previous status report has no historical value, you'll probably want to delete it and then create a new post.
    • If the new post is mostly just a cut & paste, with a few adjustments, it's convenient to use the Reply technique as a quick Cut & Paste, and then lop off the BBCode that's part of the quoted material.
    • You'll probably want to wait until you're sure that you're happy with the new post, before you delete the old post.
    • If the material DOES have historical value, see https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/felyndral-neighborhood-watch.1247/ as an example of where the day to day changes ARE what's important, then adjacent posts are fine.
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