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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting Frustrations


Oh Wise One
they need a thumbs down option so i can dislike the snobs in here who are anti-newplayers joining fellowships ;)
That's a bit much. Everyone is entitled to try to build the group they want. While I happen to think having lower level players is good for the group, it does take a different kind of effort, and it changes the possibilities for the group. It brings your score down, which brings your ranking down. If ranking is important to someone, and they don't want to make the effort bring new players up to snuff, it doesn't make them a snob.

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
they need a thumbs down option so i can dislike the snobs in here who are anti-newplayers joining fellowships ;)

Yeah and I need a thumbs down option for insults like this :rolleyes: Since I have played for over 2 years and grown my kingdom to the point that it is, I feel like the untold time and $ I have into the game earned my place in a top FS because it became an asset. Sure there are advantages to being in a top FS. Of course if they loaded up with newbies it wouldn't be a top fellowship for long. I just can't help wondering why the heck somebody would feel entitled to both the benefits from and drain on the FS just for showing up. Frankly, I have seen an untold number of newbies start, play like they mean it and then gone. The ones who stick around grow their kingdom and join higher ranking FS, if they want to, with players more aligned with where their game is.


Well-Known Member
I would prefer ... a brand new player who was interested in learning about the game and was a very active player (multiple logins a day especially) instead of a 200k + score holder who logs in 2 or 3 times a week.

If that active player also had complimentary boosts for some scarce resources in the fellowship, all the better.

Active players will grow over time = it doesn't take too long at all before they can add much more than their score or rank may let on via tourneys, since their costs are so much lower for catering as a general rule of thumb. And if they are logging in several times a day, that likely means they are running a scout all the time, increasing the space available in their city for growth and opening up even more potential tourney provinces.


Buddy Fan Club member
I would prefer ... a brand new player who was interested in learning about the game and was a very active player (multiple logins a day especially) instead of a 200k + score holder who logs in 2 or 3 times a week.
In general, I agree with this. But I do see the downside of even very active newbies. We take new players and will continue to do so. But, I can't tell you how many new, really active, several times a day players we had join and do really well for...a month. Then, didn't even leave the FS when they stopped playing, making us eject them once it became obvious they weren't coming back. We were a tiny new FS a year ago when I joined (12-14 members then, I think; largest city then had not begun guest races). So, many of our members, me included were the newbie needing a home and we don't forget that.
For the larger FS playing for rank in addition to all the other reasons people play, I can see where this could really hamstring their efforts. They have moved on from learning/teaching and are now competitive at a level many seasoned players don't understand (thus, the disparaging remarks about 'playing for rank' and 'buying their ranking'); how could a true newbie understand that as well as understand the level of commitment they are making to that team? I'm not talking about a veteran from another world starting a new city; I'm talking the player who just started playing the game. They may develop into a competitive player or they may not. Top ranked, competitive FS have an obligation to their members to maintain that ranking and competitive edge and brand new players are a crap shoot.
That said, Skyeland II on Elcysandir is still looking to fill 2 slots and we'll give just about anyone a chance. (We really could use silk and dust boosts, too, lol!)