Survey ??? what survey ....
I am gonna hate myself in the morning, but Soggy is gett'n a raw deal here.
Don't kill the messanger, when the problem lies with the message ....
"Those ppl that are anti-event, yet spent diamonds" ..... uhhh, hmmmm.
Very few evolve events have I even been 1 artifact short, let alone 2. I have
effectively the 2x AirTraders set in my main city and I was brand new for that
event yet still completed it and got the wraparound..... Getting 1 artifact
from the FAs is cake, if necessary.....
Having said that, all 3 of my cities in this event failed to get The Forge thru
regular gameplay and complete'n all 75 tasks, I followed the GP only strategy,
The nerf was basically 5x75+50+50, or 475 less currency..... to replace the lost
currency cost 2250 diamonds per world.
Due to the fact Bronze didn't even come close to the "260 need'd" to complete
the set, as has been said aprox 10-12% got there ... we will never know how many
used diamonds, and how many did all 75 tasks and didn't get the set.
Whatever the reason the devs nerf'd currency ( stupidity, revenue, ect, ect ),
It seems it had the desired effect, most ppl (+50%) that did all 75 tasks fell short
and had to spend diamonds if they wanted the last GP.
Certainly older players who remember a hard paywall for prizes aren't as surprised
as newer players are that weren't around then. In the last 12 months I have not
seen this much negativity to an event, so its clear that the general feeling around
here is ............ whaaaaaat ??? seriously .....whateva ...
Perception IS reality, to far too many people ... so even the perception that the devs
conspired to increase revenue, in some draconaian way.... leading to widespread
frustration and distain against this event, is not a good thing long term for Elvenar.
The only other event that came close to this event, was the "fog" event, and I chalk'd
that up to more the fact it was a unseen format, therefore more ppl didn't understand
how to play it correctly........ whereas this event was a regular 3 chest event, that more
ppl shudda known the strategies for different outcomes, like a GP only strategy....
Did I ultimately spend diamonds.... I already have posted that I did .... 1200,1200,500
in my 3 worlds.... 1) the full set was that good 2) an incomplete set = failure to me...
Am I piss'd that I was forced to use diamonds due to a crappy RNG, heck yeah !!!!!!
Am I stunned that currency was nerf'd so much that Bronze didn't end up over the
260+ mark, of course ... that's insane , if ya ask me ....
But .............. lately Inno seems to be trying to cater somewhat to newer players, in a
desperate attempt to retain paying customers, So an event like this is like take'n
3 steps backward, in the PR struggle... that says, Inno listens/cares about thier
I also have to agree that, whats the point of earned dimonds, if players are just
going to Horde/Farm them.... now only once, for 3 hrs, was it possible to buy
directly, event currency with $$$$, so don't tell me Inno only did this only for revenue,
or they wouldda had that deal up alot more, and made sure everyone got the
popup for stash outpost (I didnt), cause thats $$$$ only... diamonds won't work.
The sticking point here is whether or not it should take diamonds to complete
the full set, or are diamonds more for all the "xtras" ppl want...... like getting
into Silver/Gold or more than 1 full set. If 10-12% got the full set, then even the
notion of imbalancing the game comes into play, by the simple fact that .....
that .... when more ppl have something, its better balanced ..... but when only a
select few have "something", and of those most have more than just "something"
thats when its unbalanced .... therefore as good as this set is, by how things played
out.... the event itself, did add to the imbalances in the game.
When true multi-accounting and farming is allowed, then its only a matter of time
before some pencil pushing geek, that doesn't play Elvenar, pulls some lame
report on diamonds and concludes :
Way too many ppl have , way too many diamonds, we better use events to ferret
out diamonds from our players hands... cause we're not actually offering things
our players will spend thier diamonds on.... or the saturation of those items into
players hands, is causing ppl not to spend thier diamonds.....
I feel this event was a fail for 1 reason : Anyone complete'n all 75 tasks, should
be relatively secure that they can get the Full Set..... not any xtras, not even get into
Silver, just get the complete Manor set.... without subjected/held hostage by a RNG.