I've been playing this game for almost a year now, so I'm relatively a new player. And I have to say that this event is the most disappointing one that I have encounter so far.
At first, I was really exited about the new league system. But then after I learned how it works and what kind of system it is, I quickly realized that as a free to play player, I will never be able to reach the Gold Rank of the league. So I said, well, let's just focus on getting the daily prize buildings and completing the set building.
I proceeded the event by choosing the most expensive beacons (80, 83 and 89) because they have the highest chance of granting me the daily prize building of that day. But after a few days, I realized that if I continue down this road, I won't be able to complete the set building of the event. So, I changed my strategy. I started to choose the most valuable beacon out of the three options that I'm presented with. For example, if the options are 18, 45 and 80? I will choose 18. And if the options are 27, 45 and 80? I will choose 45. Basically, I will take the cost of the beacon and divide it by the amount of SK that it gives and then choose the least costly one. I continued using this strategy for the rest of the event, and only participate when the daily prize of the day is an event building.
I logged in each day for multiple times a day, and I finished all the 75 quests of the event. At the end of the event, I managed to complete the set building and I was placed in Silver Rank with only 5 or 6 SK above the Bronze rank (I wasn't event close to Gold Ranks lol).
The things that disappointed me about this event are:
First, for the duration that I spent playing this game, this is the first time that I felt that no matter how active of a player I'm and how much work I put in, I will never be able to reach the top of the event due to pay to win element.
Second, the additional prizes that you get after finishing in a certain rank of the league is a joke. I mean, if we put the extra buildings aside and only look at the other rewards, it's actually hilarious. For your top 20% they get 20 KP and 5 RR? And for your top 5% they receive additional 15 KP and 3 RR? It just seemed to me like these rewards are very low compared to the work that you'll have to put in.