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The Gathering of the Phoenix Cults


Oh Wise One
I'd say yay, but being completely honest, I'm not very excited about this one. I feel let down by the Coldfire Phoenix. It's the third evolving building in a row that is okay, but not exciting, and with art that doesn't get my motor running. I appreciate the inclusion of converting Coldfire artifacts to the other artifact type for players who don't have one, but I don't feel like this event offers me anything to get excited about.

Short link for sharing to your FS: bit.ly/eph2020
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Deleted User - 4366037

So if I understand all of the details for the 2019 artifacts correctly, then, assuming we ignore this phoenix building completely and wish to focus on one of the good 2019 options, we can directly receive 3 of the 2019 artifacts from the quest line, plus we can receive additional 2019 artifacts by subsequently exchanging every 2 of the 2020 artifacts earned for 1 of the 2019 artifacts. Do I have that right?

Deleted User - 3932582

...but I don't feel like this event offers me anything to get excited about.
I'd go one step further and say that this event actually takes out some of the things that were more useful for me (if not exactly exciting). Just like Ashrem said, there are several events in the row where I am not going after the evolving building at all. That in isolation is fine - being in the end game means there are not that many things that can be truly that exciting, and be good for the rest of the playerbase and the game itself.

But look at the things that were lost:

- Other "grand" prizes: it's not that filler items in GP rotation were overpowered before. But the new ones are really a joke. You can't farm them, so I really don't get that nerf.
- No wishing wells (so far): OK, I am trying to be reasonable and can even see that WWs in dailies with infinite quests can be excessive; perhaps even with limited quest line. But not even a part of GP rotation?
- No time instants: again, not necessarily a breaker in itself given the Spire, but yet another piece that was lost. And no, barracks unit instants are not a good replacement.
- No unlimited quests: even with poor value bonus quests, active players were able to push just a little bit farther - perhaps to round up 9 artifacts, or push for a few more dailies etc. Sure, could have been abused back in a day, but now we don't get infinite quests nor do we get time instants. Overkill much?

Dailies so far have not been amazing either; this may or may not change still. While this is nothing new really, but so far I haven't seen even relatively vanilla things that were useful even if no buildings tickle your fancy: AWKPs, PPs, expiring buildings such as WWs, Monuments, Trading Outposts, CLs etc. So far, there are no dailies that I can even use as a decent sink for event currency. I may want to get a few Phoenix Cults, but these are very early so unlikely to absorb a lot. Burning Pools would be good if you want mana, but mana is something I overproduce by a lot. I wouldn't be able to use any of the other dailies in my city.

Obviously, this may still change, but give us at least something like AWKP day to sink the currency!

Deleted User - 3799863

So if I understand all of the details for the 2019 artifacts correctly, then, assuming we ignore this phoenix building completely and wish to focus on one of the good 2019 options, we can directly receive 3 of the 2019 artifacts from the quest line, plus we can receive additional 2019 artifacts by subsequently exchanging every 2 of the 2020 artifacts earned for 1 of the 2019 artifacts. Do I have that right?

That is how I read it too. Also, the conversion recipes will only be in the MA for a limited period of time after the event ends.

I wonder if there will be 2020 Artifacts in the following FA and whether there will be the opportunity to convert those as well.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
So if I understand all of the details for the 2019 artifacts correctly, then, assuming we ignore this phoenix building completely and wish to focus on one of the good 2019 options, we can directly receive 3 of the 2019 artifacts from the quest line, plus we can receive additional 2019 artifacts by subsequently exchanging every 2 of the 2020 artifacts earned for 1 of the 2019 artifacts. Do I have that right?

Yes, you get one of last year's artifacts just from completing three different quests: quests 61, 96, and 121. Quest 121 is the final quest, so if you get slowed down and do not get to the end, you will not get all three. And yes, someone posted the recipes and it is 2 new artifacts and a few CCs to make one old artifact. They are also worth a ton of VV when you make them. And for the crazy people who do not want to upgrade an old Phoenix, you can make one new artifact from three old artifacts and a few CCs.


Seems like WW are getting phased out of game. Barely in any of the previous events and now not this one at all. Guess they're tired of the diamond farms.

In general the effort-reward ratio from the never-ending events has declined steadily over the past year. And can we just move on from this evolving concept already.


Oh Wise One
can we just move on from this evolving concept already
I think the issue is that the power is too straight instead of a curve. A level 10 building should not be 10 times better than a level one building, it should be about 20% better. Then people can vie for the fractional improvements, without people who only got 4 or 6 or 8 artifacts feeling like they've wasted the entire month and might as well trash it.

Edit: Example: If the level one fire phoenix was more expensive to craft, but gave a 30% bonus, then each artifact/level only added 2% plus made it more attractive, players would be pleased to have either, while still longing for the fully levelled building. The extra bonus from levelling would be welcome and so would the art, but people who could only get a level one wouldn't look at it as a white-elephant.
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Well-Known Member
I hven't been thrilled on the themes lately so the artwork has been losing it's Wow factor for me as well. It's good but doesn't seem to fit the rest of game.
I will have to play 'wait and see' how hard I push in this one. My time has been spoken for recently so I probably won't push hard if at all.
No WW and time boosts may quench it.
But i have such a hard time not trying!

Deleted User - 3932582

A level 10 building should not be 10 times better than a level one building, it should be about 20% better.
20% is way to low though. Considering you get the base building basically with no effort whatsoever, then getting through the whole event + potentially 3 stage FA for an extra 20%? Thanks but no thanks.

Interestingly enough, what you're describing already exists in the game. Polar Bears (feeding) work similar to that - base building gets you -10% reduction, and every extra evolution level gets you an extra 1%, up to -20% total. So L10 Polar Bear is only 2x times as good as L1 Polar Bear. So if I'd consider L10 PB valuable, L1 PB would still be pretty decent IMO.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
"The transition comes at a cost, however, meaning that you need to invest 3 Phoenix Artifacts to gain 1 Coldfire Phoenix Artifact or 2 Coldfire Phoenix Artifacts for 1 Phoenix Artifact. Choose wisely as the Crafting option will only stay a limited time after the event ends!"

I hope the crafting option last long enough to craft the 2 Coldfire artifacts that will probably be coming from the following FA into the old Phoenix artifact.


Platinum Leaf -FB
The Gathering of the Phoenix Event starts on Monday.

Read more here:


Here is the official Video:

Event summary in the Wiki:



Well-Known Member
You want diamonds. Play the spire. You want portal instants. Play the spire. You want to finish chapter 15 and 16 you need portal instants. Play the spire. You want a gold trophy. Play the spire. INNO isn't going to spell it out for you. You can buck the system and whine and complain or play the spire. Hint: get the seed buildings this event. So far it is the Golden Palace. Free seed-producing buildings.

Deleted User - 3932582

Hint: get the seed buildings this event. So far it is the Golden Palace. Free seed-producing buildings.
I wouldn't go for Golden Palaces unless I had to have these extra seeds right about now. Craftable Festival Merchants are better (at least in later chapters) in just about every way. As someone who used to run multiple Golden Palaces back in a day, I can say that no early collection was very annoying. You would be losing some time everyday unless you literally pick these up on alarm. Most other seed producers have an early collect, so you're not missing any production time.

Having said that, there are not that many great options for the dailies so far, so if seeds is your highest priority might as well hit Golden Palaces.


Platinum Leaf -FB

Comments and Suggestions

Feel free to submit comments under our Event Note here: https://tinyurl.com/t3w7p9l
  1. As usual the artwork and technical production is excellent. Well done!

  2. The quest set looks very do-able. Better than the last one they tried in Beta which was full of game-breakers for some players!

  3. Daily Quests #4 and #14 are a problem for those players who for various reasons are unable to Complete a Map Encounter. It is true that the number of people affected by this is small - but for them that means as early as Day Four they will only have one questline not two - and that is REALLY not fair. One of my Orc-locked small cities had to spend Diamonds to get past this one. 4. Solve 2 World Map Encounters - 35 Sky Essence 14. Solve 1 Encounter - 35 Sky Essence

  4. Quest 117. Complete 1 Province - 58 Sky Essence This needs an Alternative. There are many players who have completed all their provinces.

  5. There are sometimes Daily Quests that prove impossible like the ones above - even if only for a tiny minority of players. There is a simple fix - let the Daily Quests expire after three days. Then those players only lose three days, not the entire questline! Three days should be enough for almost everyone to do the quest, except those on holiday for a week - and most players these days have a Mobile App...

  6. Artifacts: There seems to be some muddled thinking here! We were told last year that for our old Phoenix Evolving Buildings (there are three different ones) we would have more Artifacts to Evolve them in this year’s event. All this Event offers is three; it needs nine to fully evolve each building - so at this rate newcomers to the game will have to wait three years to get their up to full production! In the meantime, all the evolving buildings have been added to the list of Crafting Recipes - so newcomers to the game get a chance to own these buildings. But what use is this of it takes three years to get them to production? We have asked the designers often to explain how they envisage this working; so far there is a deafening silence...

  7. We welcome the Announcement that Artifacts can be swapped by Crafting!!
    It is a step in the right direction - but the exchange rate is a bit unrealistic - and players will still struggle to evolve the Phoenixes they craft - one needs 9 Artifacts for that...

  8. Now we have seen all 121 Quests - this looks like the Best Quest set ever! Excellent! There is room for improvement though - a few new, different ones would be nice. If the designers want to slow down the rate that players advance - why not Collect x number of Sky Essence? They drop one per hour so there is no way to cheat that - except by buying the Outpost building! Which would make the designers very happy!!

  9. A lot of players are going to be upset! It appears that there is not a single Wishing Well in this Event.
    It is also a pity that there appear to be no Filler Items as Daily Exclusives - Knowledge Points, Portal Profits and Boosters. Many players, myself included, play the Events only for Fillers.

  10. Watch this space for more comments!


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