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    Your Elvenar Team

Valentines Event Auto Finish ?


Oh Wise One
Based on the number of times other quests have completed at the end of the tournament, it doesn't look (to me) like the issue is really connected to the event at all. I think they have a more random issue with the tournament finishing quest lines, and the event just happened to be the one that got picked. They may not have found a way to replicate the bug, and any sort of announcement before replication is higher risk than if they can actually tell us something useful.


They may not have found a way to replicate the bug, and any sort of announcement before replication is higher risk than if they can actually tell us something useful.
That has never stopped them in the past from at least acknowledging that there is an issue and its being looked at
A simple thanks for bug report and we have forwarded this to devs for correction
They didn't have a problem doing that for the Snow flurry bug


Oh Wise One
That has never stopped them in the past from at least acknowledging that there is an issue and its being looked at
A simple thanks for bug report and we have forwarded this to devs for correction
They didn't have a problem doing that for the Snow flurry bug
Confirming that placing a building which shouldn't give ranking points is actually giving ranking points is trivial to reproduce. Your statement is untrue. The post in question was not a "thanks for bug report and we have forwarded this to devs for correction" it was an acknowledgement that they had confirmed the bug. Aiden, a community manager, was probably able to confirm the bug simply by placing a building that didn't say it had ranking points. As I was saying, this seems like it might be a difficult bug to confirm. They'd first have to set up a tournament and have it complete, or else scour through logs from the last one, hoping to find something in common between people who reported it that is not the same for someone who they know didn't experience it. Since they probably aren't getting lots of bug reports from people saying "Hey! None of my quests completed on the weekend when the tournament ended." it's possible they are having trouble.
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The Elvenar team regrets to inform you they were on a Valantine's Day vacation at the beach...


No, no I wouldn't.
Just because he got over on the system does not mean the system cheated me.
I got exactly what I paid for and exactly what I expected.

Please do not presumptuously tell me how I would think. Just because you see the world a certain way does not mean everyone has that same self centered view.

R-E-L-A-X, and learn some syntax - it's the royal "you" - no one's purporting to tell you how to think, and certainly no one is attempting to convert you to a different world view.

Your post posed the question "Why would I care?" and despite it's rhetorical nature I thought it deserved an answer. You also said you "never understood that thinking" - which also implied (albeit that statement - true to your subsequent response - unfortunately usually does betray that precise implication) that possibly you might have wanted to understand it - this double-whammy is the only reason I responded, which is something I rarely would otherwise. And it is terribly disappointing that your choice of response has nothing to do with the actual content of my reply, in favor of a misguided personal attack. Obviously I was mistaken that you are writing on a forum to engage in a discussion. Even so, you might consider a little more courtesy, and consideration in what you are reading if you want any forum you are participating in to be part of a welcoming atmosphere, where discussion is encouraged, rather than lashing out at someone as self-centered, officious, and imposing some kind of fictional will against you. I could share some suggestions that might prevent this from happening again, but I'm afraid you would take them as a personal affront again.

Again, NOT telling you what do you dude - just a viewpoint that happens to use your post - and therefore the word "you" - as an example.


Thank you for joining the forum in time to instruct me on proper decorum.

so good of you to self-reflect like that. Nice touch with the bla bla bla part - point well taken besides, I should be taking rhetoric lessons from you - those blas - just a particularly great point there - just can't argue against it - that's what makes it so effective - touché, and my hat off to you - but don't forget the reading comprehension lesson too - I think that takes a slight precedence over decorum - as it would prevent the source of the decorum issue


So, it seems whomever got the Valentine Event prizes without completing the event got to keep them. Happy Belated Valentines Day!


Ruffe, the complete tagline in your signature is actually: "I see," said the blind carpenter to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw."


Ruffe, the complete tagline in your signature is actually: "I see," said the blind carpenter to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw."

I guess it was just a rough quote