Lady Dastardly
Well-Known Member
I was not playing during the original event, but I was able to craft bases for it in both live cities when the artifacts went into the spire. It definitely was in there at some point. However, I disenchanted one of the bases last year (once I spent blueprints/diamonds to craft the artifacts I was missing to fully evolve it), and haven't seen it since. My Beta city begun in Jan of this year has pulled every base that is supposed to be available from the MA EXCEPT for the Gingerbread Mansion.Have you seen the Gingerbread Mansion? I've not seen it in years, even though I've seen the artifacts.
I have disenchanted and recrafted other bases many times, and the longest I have ever had to wait to get the base to reappear was 3 months. I disenchanted an Ashen Phoenix base 2 weeks ago and it reappeared in the MA in 2 days.