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    Your Elvenar Team

Version 1.23 and Sorcerers & Dragons


Not loving the idea of having a major combat change come during the middle of a tournament. I'd strongly recommend pushing further updates which impact the combat system before the week's tournament starts.
Updates have always been on Wednesdays, been that way since before there were tournaments, so they will probably always come in the middle of tournament.


Oh Wise One
I couldn't imagine doing this and trying to be in the Goldilocks zone!!!
10x10 portal plus the other buildings needed and only a couple more expansions.

Remember that in the goldilocks zone you are gaining more like 5-7 more expansions in this era not 2. You have to count the world map provinces that are expected to be earned. The pain is much greater for those past that point as they are more likely to need to delete buildings. In the zone you can just negotiate/conquer a bit of extra room.

We have also being told guest races are balanced as a % of town space. This is the best race to help figure it out due to no roads so a fixed amount of buildings. I haven't calculated it but it would be possible to determine what space a person in the goldilocks zone should have and what % of space this race will occupy.


Remember that in the goldilocks zone you are gaining more like 5-7 more expansions in this era not 2. You have to count the world map provinces that are expected to be earned. The pain is much greater for those past that point as they are more likely to need to delete buildings. In the zone you can just negotiate/conquer a bit of extra room.

We have also being told guest races are balanced as a % of town space. This is the best race to help figure it out due to no roads so a fixed amount of buildings. I haven't calculated it but it would be possible to determine what space a person in the goldilocks zone should have and what % of space this race will occupy.

That may be true, but for someone about to start the next chapter I have at least 10 more expansions to being to far out. In theory I have more flexibility to delete buildings than someone who is in the goldilocks zone. The person in the GZ would have to spend an insane amount of $ to get the same number of expansions as I have - and most just won't do that anymore or ever. I would say I have the advantage, but just like they punished players who scouted too far ahead by making the battles impossible it now sounds like the catering costs are going thru the roof.

This is truly turning into a paint by numbers game. Play just like the devs want you to or you'll get punished!!! I continue to wonder what the end game is, but I seriously doubt it includes any of the original players.


That may be true, but for someone about to start the next chapter I have at least 10 more expansions to being to far out. In theory I have more flexibility to delete buildings than someone who is in the goldilocks zone.
No you don't have more flexibility to delete buildings, you need those buildings to negotiate and cater at the higher prices you are facing. Someone in the gz needs less production space than you do because the prices they face are lower. You have more space and they need fewer buildings its actually pretty even.


You try to fit in a 22 to 24 square into your city, then you can say that.
And if your in the GZ good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Gotta say, I came to look at the update notes after completing a few provinces in this week's tournament and didn't really notice any negative impact from the supposed AI change. 9 provinces completed on auto battle. Perhaps those complaining that it's going to/does make battling harder could elaborate on how it's doing so? Because again, I didn't notice any negative change.


Its going to be challenging, that is the whole point. Its not going to be easier on people who are past the gz, they need the space they have for increased production...Its not like people past the gz have all this extra unused space in their cities.

This thing takes up 374 squares. Someone with the exact province count required to exit wood elves will have 69 expansions, this thing will take up 21.5% of their city. For someone 10 expansions beyond that point, this thing will take up a mere 18.84%... leaving someone 10 expansions past that point with less than 3% more room than someone in the GZ.

I would argue that someone outside the GZ is going to have a harder time fitting this in than someone in the GZ, that miserable little 3% is not enough room for them to keep up with the increasing costs of negotiating and catering.

@qaccy, the update has not happened yet...as far as I can tell. They are talking about what they are seeing in beta
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To be honest, I haven't felt excited about expansions in quite some time. 1 expansion that is. What can I fit in 1 expansion that will help my production? 2 Dwarven Marble factories but actually not because I will need population and culture to be able to build those and, even if could, I will probably have to sell them in Orcs which I will hit soon, too little time for me to make back the construction cost. Of course, I could choose not to sell them and just progress through Orcs more slowly, that's always an option.

But the biggest consideration of all is that my catering and negotiation costs increase whenever I do get an expansion, actually with each province I scout. I've maxed out my boosts so there's no way I can increase my production except by building more factories (no space/pop/culture) or upgrading my Mountain Halls (too long for a measly +7% at Lv2 and I prefer to progress in the tech tree). The devs keep talking about balancing changes but don't give us the ability to fight with the same number of squads as the enemy and put a cap on boosts but not on catering/negotiating/fighting costs and difficulty. Boll_cks, I say.

I'm normally an aggressive expansionist and I was until the new battle system. I could still be so I'm not saying the devs have forced me into anything but boy it sure feels that way and I resent them for "forcing" me into what I consider a boring playing style in an increasingly claustrophobic city at a slower pace than I would like.

It has been said the space issues are a challenge. Well, that's been a challenge from the start and I'm tired of it. Give me a new challenge...or can't you think of anything new? Oh, I forgot, the new battle units are essentially slightly distorted reflections of one another.

Am I the only one who feels this way? :(
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Oh Wise One
the update has not happened yet...as far as I can tell. They are talking about what they are seeing in beta
This part is unclear to me. they haven't turned on the larger-but-fewer encounters, yet, but it seems unlikely to me that they would deploy multiple versions of the combat code. I think that if you are using auto-fight, the change shouldn't have a visible impact on combats, because both sides with benefit/suffer about equally. The large difference will be people who fight manually, who will now find themselves up against smarter enemies.


the update has not happened yet...as far as I can tell.

It has happened. I was in the middle of a fight when it occurred. Like qaccy, I haven't noticed anything different about the AI and I was looking for it but I didn't really expect a smarter AI to have that much effect on this tourney due to the enemy composition. Steel is an easy province for me because it's mostly melee and the flimsy fragile flowery thornrose mage. I fought 5 provinces with no casualties even with the update. Okay, fine, I lost 2 golems because I got careless.


Thank you for the correction
No problem. Just remembered that the best way to check if an update has happened without having to wait for someone's confirmation is to right click anywhere in the game and the first line says the version #. I just did and, yep, version 1.23 all right.


Its going to be challenging, that is the whole point. Its not going to be easier on people who are past the gz, they need the space they have for increased production...Its not like people past the gz have all this extra unused space in their cities.

This thing takes up 372 tiles. Someone with the exact province count required to exit wood elves will have 69 expansions, this thing will take up 21.5% of their city. For someone 10 expansions beyond that point, this thing will take up a mere 18.84%... leaving someone 10 expansions past that point with less than 3% more room than someone in the GZ.

I would argue that someone outside the GZ is going to have a harder time fitting this in than someone in the GZ, that miserable little 3% is not enough room for them to keep up with the increasing costs of negotiating and catering.

@qaccy, the update has not happened yet...as far as I can tell. They are talking about what they are seeing in beta
If I'm 100 provinces ahead of where I should be for the Sorcs I think that's about 11 expansions. If you are saying I need 372 tiles I'm not sure how I'm at a disadvantage? I have 275 tiles more than someone exactly on pace with the GZ, meaning I need only about 4 more expansions of space to meet the 372 tiles.
To me that's easy to dump an armory, and some extra culture. These are things I can build back in a week. Plus I already have a ton of space not filled in since finishing the woodelves. I currently only have 4/4/3 factories so I doubt I have to do any dumping there and have roughly 1million of each resource. I also have way too many troops than I know what to do with too.

The only problem I see is that as my buildings get more efficient I need to not keep all of them and in fact these new chapters make me purge some to make room. We shall see how this next chapter unfolds. I'm just annoyed I need 130k mana or something like that to open it, while I've been using all my mana to get new streets :(


The actual amount of tiles required is between 576- 600.
I am only 66 over the required 220 provinces at this time.

Figure 24 x 24 or 576 tiles min.
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