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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship-based Tournaments


Top player in Felyndral world already has 6k plus points. Top player in Winyandor world has 600 plus points. Can't speak for other worlds.

Wait what? 6k plus? While every other world has someone around 1000? I got 252 points for completing 7 provinces.... To get 6k plus at that stage he/she had to do 168 provinces...

Who is that monster!!?

Edit: totally forgot that there's an option to reset timers for diamonds. Meh, not impressed then, that option does not add additional checkpoints, just make you get them faster.... what a waste of diamonds :rolleyes:


tomz9 number 8 player on the server in the number one fs

Well I wasn't going to say the name in case there's a name/ shame punishment in the forums. I did look at their city and it screams Diamonds!!!

@Reiq - that would be the only way to score that high is with diamonds. I myself have most of ring 10 completed and parts of ring 11 scouted, did 11 scroll provinces for just under 400 points.


Participation has been gradually increasing each week. There certainly has not been a jump in participation in my fs, only 20% so far...
Don't know if there has been a jump in my FS's participation but whoa I'm now ranked 500+. That's a major jump in tourney participation which I think is a good thing. More active players.


To the beta-players: did you ask why the points reset at every checkpoint? I find it very discouraging to start at 0 points every time. Is there a reason for that? Thank you.


Sorry, name shame punishment?

Don't know the specific rules regarding naming and or shaming with this forums, however several other game forums I have been a part of are highly against forum users naming players in the forums about anything, even if it's not cheating. Moderators of those forums have handed down punishments for naming/ shaming.


Oh, well, sorry @MODs if naming the player was against rules
The rules of the forum are posted on top of first page of forum for everyone to read
There is nothing in there about posting the truth about player and including their name
What you cant do is post something offensive or derogatory about that player
I wouldn't worry about getting in trouble about it
From the amount of double posts ,players insulting others , threads being constantly taken off topic,repeat threads that aren't locked
It would seem to anyone who spends time on forum that our forum Mods aren't yet back from the holiday break


Seems the only way to access the Fellowship Progress window is by actually entering a tournament province. Then when you return to the world map the icon for it in the corner remains. Weird, seems like a bug.

Obviously it would be nice to be able to access that window more easily to keep track of how you're doing. If possible it should available in the world map screen. And ideally it would be accessible from the city screen, perhaps through the same menu that has the individual tournament stats.


Oh, excellent! It was just in a different menu than I expected! Many thanks.


Now that some top scores have been reported after the first day, I don't see any fellowship getting a blue print out of this at all, not with the scores resetting to 0 after each checkpoint.

Highest score was at 6k+ in the first 16 hours, obviously a crap ton of diamonds spent on resetting provinces early. I cannot see that player doing that over the course of 4 days yet alone numerous players in the same fellowship just to clear check points.

In my baby city I did 22 provinces in 2 days, not even 1.3k score with no diamonds, that's about 20% of the player who got 6k+ on the first day. Approximately 22 x 5 (since 20% is a fifth of 100) = 110 provinces that player did. At 320+ diamonds per reset if they reset nearly right away, close to 4k diamonds spent, 16k for 4 days. Inno must be on some really good drugs if they think numerous players are going to spend that kind of money on a weekly basis just to get a blue print.

The checkpoint rewards, are they per fellowship or does each member get the same reward? If it's per fellowship, how will the check point rewards be distributed?

I think they need to go back to the drawing board and restructure this fellowship tourney accumulation of points.
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I'm betting on the rewards being per FS player/member. I would also say they are awarded to all members regardless if they scored.

I'd be interested to know if those players who didn't participate still get rewards or if you need to register the min 2pts first??