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    Your Elvenar Team

Next FA


It was hilarious when first spoken in "Animal House."

That's as may be...but there are things that lose their humor when spoken out of context, or after the passage of time. And to folks who have never seen Animal House, and won't get the reference, it may seem inappropriate especially since INNO is a German company. Additionally, what is funny to one person isn't necessarily funny to everyone else. We're all different, and have different sensibilities.


Buddy Fan Club member
Can anyone from beta tell me if AM's, Mages and Ambassadors can 'capture the flag' for each round? Someone in my FS said they thought it changed and Ambassadors can no longer do that.


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Happy discussing, happy gaming, and have a good day.


Sorry if this has already been posted. I've seen on Gems of Knowledge the requirements for stages 1-3, but was wondering if anyone knows or could direct me to what the badge requirements are for the bottomless pit? Thanks!


In my opinion, after going through the last fellowship adventure (woo hoo) all i ended up with were the same crappy prizes, that are exactly the same in this adventure, the same prizes i deleted, I personally wouldn't waste my time clicking through the tasks for this adventure for these prizes, the prizes are an insult to the gamers, if you ask me, as far as i'm concerned , keep your crappy prizes, i won't be participating , yes this is a crappy opinion, but better than your crappy prizes !!


Genuine question, since I know nothing about game development. Assuming Inno is re-working the quest interface so that you don't need to decline 10 quests every time you complete a badge. Is it better to run this FA while working on the project in the background, and then another FA in December with the improved quest interface? Or never run November's FA and just wait for the good interface? Again, assuming that Inno is working on this, and that its not an easy "done in 1 day" fix?
I guess I am a bit confused on this....I thought the time since the last FA was the time that they have been working on it; and a bit surprised it is out already. BUT what you say makes sense, too, that (if I understand you correctly) why not let the game be tried w/what has so far been done; get new feedback and go from there --- instead of just working on the event in the background...? or am I close....? The only thing I can think of besides it makes sense but only to the point of ... isn't that what Beta is for? So many things going on at once, just want to understand! TY for listening! k4k but feel like the full on Krazee today....LOL...keep smilin! :)


I agree this thing has nothing in common with adventure, it's more like "week from a life of a drone" event...but...I want mana hut! I'm like a puppy jumping waging drooling and falling over my own little paws for a little treat dangling in front of me :rolleyes:
Except if we aren't as far as needing and being able to get mana; the building is just more of what I already have w/supplies instead of mana.... as a FS event, it would be nice if the buildings would grow w/all the research done! :)


I can't believe they didn't change a thing. Very disappointed, :(. I would have thought they would at least change some of the prizes or quests... So freaking boring.
Wasn't sure if I missed something but after all this time...NO Change? Measlyy boost prizes unless others are awarded at certain checkpoints(I looked at FS list; and groups .. some w/no points/ have stuff like time boosts, it was only 1 hour into the event at the time> AM I really this confused or have they really not done what they said they were going to; our small FS did finish last time, but worn out afterwards...our group is great and we made it fun, but where are the it's going to be different every time; and another weekly thing..... love the game still but may have to skip stuff, tho some badges are easy since I am collecting my WS supplies anyway! I just don't know! Excellent thread by the way!!! :)


*sigh* I should've seen this coming. -_- Are the prizes any better?
Nope! some boosts, buildings, not worth the work, but I guess I see this 2 ways; Do one more time...see what's wrong...again....and get the company to put the dev team to REALLY fixing it; it's a great idea, just needs much tweeking! OR skip it til they drop it or listen to us and fix it right!