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    Your Elvenar Team

new members

  1. Hello Not New player but HELLOOOOOO!

    Hiya. I just formed The Growing Place and of course looking for people who LOVE the game. I play daily sometimes several times a day. I am homebound, dont type well either I am just as excited about the game today as when I started. Hope everyone is well. Today is a rainy day mystic1930
  2. Fun active fellowship seeking several players

    Still looking for one more new member..... Apply to: Fellowship of the Rings, US5, Elcysandir We are currently rated #9. We have been achieving 10 tournament chests per week for over a year and a half except for 2 weeks ago, we lost two good players over the last month. Most of us work the...
  3. Darielle

    Advice to New Members: Things I wish I'd done differently when I was you.

    After speaking to a new member, I thought back to all the things I did that I still kick myself over. I thought perhaps others might want to impart their biggest "don'ts" here in this thread as well, for the sake of those still in chapters one or two. There are some things I wish I could do...
  4. Irish City Fellowship seeking new members

    Want to play but don't want the drama? Check us out
  5. Rosewood FS looking for members

    Rosewood has recently come under new management and we are clearing out the players who have quit the game, which is opening a number of spots. We are a more relaxed fellowship with no rules and no minimums and we plan to continue that tradition. Having a good time and enjoying the game matters...
  6. FS Groups Participation in Events and City Developments

    Some of the newer players who join our FS's are being left out of the events that come along. Maybe the Devs could initiate Group Events wherein the FS's have a chance to have all their players participate in an event rather than just individually as it is now. I think this would go along way in...
  7. New Horizons fellowship seeking active players!

    New Horizons is a fellowship just getting our feet on the ground. Seeking active players with a score of 5,000 or more. Not many rules, just the usual. Visit and post/accept trades 3-4 times a week, more is appreciated. Participate in chat and helping other players that might have questions...
  8. Group Messages in Fellowships

    When a new member is added to a fellowship it would be nice if they could automatically see group messages that have been sent out. Maybe limit it to like the last month / week. Reason is I have several group messages that I just continue to add to for the fellowship. When new members are...
  9. DiMuTech Fellowship

    24 spots open......... I have started a city in this world and thought of having a fellowship for totally new players. I have cities in other worlds which are growing nicely but I have made mistakes and will probably continue to do so. Anyhow thought this fellowship could be a chance for...
  10. Rosestar Marauders

    We began as a training ground for the Rosestar Elite Fellowship. But we like it here. And we would like you to be here as well. We are looking for active players (visiting other members 4-5 times per week) and active traders. Please offer 2 star trades at the minimum. If you can offer 3 star...
  11. Elvhenan: Come join a great Fellowship!

    Elvhenan, meaning "place of our people" in the elven language, was the civilization of the elves, or elvhen, in the time when elves were still immortal and the dominant race. Elves and Humans co-exhist in our Fellowship and we welcome all new players..... We do as a Fellowship, require that you...
  12. Arendyll's Illyrian Empire Seeking New Members

    Hello I am Soorya the Archmage of the Illyrian Empire. We are ranked 341. We are currently seeking several members for our fellowship of daily players. We are a fun group that is interested in growing, helping one another, posting fair trades and in general being active. Please fill free to apply.
  13. Keepers of Avalon Has Openings

    Keepers of Avalon is looking to fill a few slots by those who want to play - to replace some who didn't. Seeking Advanced player for a Fellowship that is more like Family. Boosts in Marble and or Crystal a plus. We were ranked 22 before having to let inactive players go. Many of us have...
  14. Keepers of Avalon Has an Opening!

    Keepers of Avalon is accepting applications for active players. We are ranked #40 in Winyandor. We are a friendly, active, team oriented fellowship that requires neighborly help a minimum of 4 days out of seven (preferably 5 out of 7). We of course make allowances for "real life" situations and...
  15. Vendible Bards seeking active players

    All spots currently filled! Welcome to our new members! Will post again if new spots become open. For now, have fun and enjoy your game! :)
  16. New fellowship seeking laid back members

    I formed a new fellowship "Mothertruckers USA" to make a home for myself and other players who feel pressured to meet the demands when in a traditional fellowship. Rules: 1: While I am obviously a truck driver and no stranger to vulgarity, please keep it to a dull roar to accommodate younger...
  17. The Vikings looking for active members

    Looking for a Fellowship that is big on neighborly help and fair trading? Our Fellowship, the Vikings, is looking for active members to strengthen our ranks since we are weeding out our inactive players. We are looking for players with an activated planks boost since we seem to be short on that...
  18. The Daily Grinders is seeking new members

    The Daily Grinders is seeking ACTIVE members to fill five slots. We currently need members who have Planks, Marble, Silk and/or Gems boosts. We would like to add members who have a score of at least 8k, but we will consider any who apply. Please read our fellowship overview before applying. If...
  19. New Light Haven fellowship is now recruiting

    New Light Haven fellowship is now recruiting new members! Do you want to play with friendly people and have the help you need for trading and visiting? Then, New Light Haven is the place to be! We play and visit daily. All we require is that you do the same. We are here to help each other to...