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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Provinces

    Need to change the color of locked provinces to red, as it would be easier to tell scoutable provinces from locked ones.
  2. ionelle

    Flying Scouts

    I think it would be fantastic if our scouts could saddle up giant birds or dragons and fly over our maps and therefore scout a province in an 1/8 of the time it takes them to walk there. Who's with me? :):D
  3. Provinces

    All the provinces that I can scout are in VERY HARD status
  4. Trader link

    A trader link in the World Map (& Research Tree) would be advantageous so you could make needed trades while in World view instead of returning to your home city, then trader, then back to the World for completion, then to have to find the province you were working on again. It should allow the...
  5. Locate Scouted Provinces

    We need an easier way than just scrolling around the world map to locate provinces that have been scouted but not cleared. The bigger my map is getting the harder it is for me to locate the provinces I've scouted.
  6. Amount of provinces needed not in line with progress through the game

    People have been going on for a while about the orc-requirement at ring 11 and hitting that ring too soon. I've been looking at it from a different perspective, and that is the amount of provinces that is suggested (and needed as a minimum requirement) to move on to the next chapter. And then...
  7. ventranolfdarho

    Orcs in Provinces, but Player isn't in Orc Chapter?

    I don't understand this. I've been searching around here for some sort of explanation, but haven't found one that makes sense? I'm the Archamage of my fellowship and we've never really had problems before with anything. Since the release of the orcs, however, suddenly all the provinces have orcs...
  8. List of available Relics negotiation according to the current status of possible resources available

    List of available Relics negotiation according to the current status of possible resources available. Hello! Firstly, I would like to apologize in bad English and impossibility to find the right word for some names and terms, I am Croatian. It would be good to have some buttons where we can...
  9. Show province distance from city

    I'd like it if when I hover on an unconquered province, the game would show how many hexes it is away from my city. The map only shows a limited amount of area and while the arrow helps, it's still time-consuming to figure out which provinces are in which ring. I'd like have the information...
  10. Several ideads of improvement

    it would be nice if there was a counter on the world map that showed how many provences one needed to get an expansion. is just about impossible to keep track ------------- want the world map back to the way it was. cant see as much of it now and is easy to overlook important things...