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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. TimeMachine

    Change in the Winds ( General discussion of changes )

    As I experienced in the past the majority of humans and elves on all the live servers did not even read the forums and that hasn't changed since Inno decided to move it's official forum to Discord. Like for example I just had to explain how to get CCs out of summonable buildings just a few days...
  2. SimplyNoble

    Other Excess artifacts for evolving buildings

    Please give us a way to use them. While it is great that they are prizes in the spire which some do really need others simply don't. Getting 7 artifacts in spire chests for a building I already have fully evolved does me no good and makes a pretty disappointing trip to the top. I don;t have any...

    We would like you to join one of the most prolific, fun, and entertaining fellowships in the game. Zestlandia! In Zestlandia, we participate in every weekly tournament (10 + chests) and spire (silver) as well a place highly in all Fellowship Adventures. We do all of this in an environment of...
  4. Spire - Let players choose between regular prize or spell fragments.

    I did read the instructions, and I hope I am doing this correctly. The suggestion: Instead of the top bosses having spell fragments as one of the prizes, put the prizes back to the way they were, but offer an option to convert your prize to spell fragments if you'd rather have those. So, for...
  5. Mirai

    I would love to really be able to see who in FS is playing the Spire

    I know on the laptop, I can theoretically get a pop-up and see who is playing each tiny icon shown in the Spire view; I would adore some such clues over here on iOS Mobile where I play. Pros? More info is good Cons? Can't tink of any Costs? Some programming time. Even a pop-up window with a...
  6. Starfleet Fellowships have openings in Winyandor 10+Chests

    Starfleet family of fellowships has Starships in Winyandor obtaining 10+ chest tourneys for spire players. All our ships do at least silver in spire and have periodic pushes for spire gold. In Winyandor we are actively recruiting for Starship Destiny Starship Discovery Starship Denebula All...
  7. Replacing 3 inactive players, any level

    Hello, are you happy where you are, do you want to do more, get more help in neighborly visits, win more chest in tournaments and climb higher in the spire? We are looking for active players now that enjoy playing the game. We currently have 4 players that have gone inactive so have openings...
  8. ionelle

    Spire - Multiple choice for Final Chest

    I would like to suggest that when we reach the top of the Spire we have a multiple choice option for the prize. I feel if we've made it that far we've had heavy losses in troops and goods. A choice of a magic building, or troops replenished or goods or an enchantment or even an artifact. My...
  9. Starfleet has Openings on 2 Starships! 10 chest tourneys! Silver - Gold Spire!

    Are you interested in a Fellowship that gets 10 chests weekly in Tourney? What about earning Diamonds, with weekly Silver Spire rewards, and push weeks for Gold Spire? Then come join one of our Starfleet Starships! We are part of the Starfleet family of fellowships. All our fellowships require...
  10. cindywillow

    Spire Question

    I have a member of my FS who is leaving. If she goes before the Spire ends, does anyone know what happens to the points she's accrued?
  11. Spire individual performance

    ISSUE: Today the only way to get to individual fs members spire performance for the week is to manually track them in last hour of the spire. Individual Tournament performance for the week is available after the tourney ends until the next tournament begins. As an AM it is important to know if...
  12. Starship Relentless seeking ambitious players for US6

    Currently number 16 ranked fellowship in Sinya Arda, US6, we do 10+ chests in every tournament for a couple years now. We currently earn at least a silver in the spire and do push spire weeks for gold periodically. We participate in FAs for stage rewards and do our best for fa ranking without...
  13. Bagel Band - Seeking new members

    We are a semi-casual group. We get 10+ chests and silver in spire, aiming for gold. If you want to grow with a good group and no drama and enthusiastic about tourney and spire please come give us a try. nucklehead
  14. Starship Relentless seeking ambitious players in US6

    Currently number 21 ranked fellowship in Sinya Arda, US6, we do 10+ chests in every tournament for a couple years now. We currently earn at least a silver in the spire and do push spire weeks. We participate in FAs to the extent that we earn all the stage rewards. Our requirements are 1200...
  15. OIM20

    Query re Spire points

    Yes, I know there are several threads about spire points. Unfortunately, I didn't find the answer I'm seeking in them. I did find a forum black hole and a thread Xelenia closed out eons ago due to personal attacks, but my specific question, sadly, I did not find an answer for. Scenario: after...
  16. Cayesavegan

    Traveling together in the TARDIS

    TARDIS Travelers is still looking for marble, crystal, and gems players if anyone needs a fellowship. We're pretty chill. KP exchange threads, decent tournament (6 chests) and spire participation (1st high halls), fair trades, chatty, daily neighbor help. We currently have 12 active players; so...
  17. Spire of Eternity Sqaud size test

    Iv been doing a few tests lately in my two cities to compare a higher squad size vs lower squad size in combat. - Of course my ultimate first objective is to be able to do my 2500~ points tourney and all spire fighting.. and be able to fully retrain my army by the next weeks new spire/tourney...
  18. Caribbean Kat

    Highly Ranked FS Seeking Active Adventurers

    Get here soon and get settled in for a fun ride for the upcoming FS Adventure. We are very competitive and successful in Spire(Silver every week), Tourny (11+Chest Average}, Adventures(Top 5) and KP Swaps(6 VERY active chains+ bonus scouting), so only fun, well rounded players need apply...
  19. Jaykane

    The Underground is looking for you!

    Still looking for 1 possibly 2 Spire players... tourney score is irrelevant at this point we get 12 chests every week....4 spire golds last4 weeks......would like to keep that going....soooo we would like a couple Spire players to join in on the fun...message me in game if you are interested and...
  20. Looking for Active Players

    Looking for active players for Nobel Dragon Kingdom. Must have a score of 100K or higher able to score 1500 a week in tournament and participate in the Spire of Eternity. We are building a 10 chest a week fellowship. Serious players only please mail MadMax99X