I would recommend reading the
Ideas & Suggestions guidelines, so you can re-format your post accordingly.
If I remember correctly, they won't consider any new suggestions anyway, so why bother?
As for the ads, nobody sees any. What you see is an advertisement to get paid for watching an ad. If there were ads that popped up, yeah, that would be annoying. But an ad about getting paid in some kind of game resources? That's, technically, not a pop ad. So it probably can't be blocked even if you wished for it to be so.
In addition, we live in a world full of advertising. And in most cases it's not something you can choose to watch or not. I avoid social media for that reason...way too much unavoidable advertising for my taste. But advertising is a way to pay for things. Inno has to pay for things and the only way to do it is to find "revenue" streams. They could have, of course, started actually popping up ads on us. But they didn't. And that's a positive.
In any case, the reason they did, I believe, is basic business economics. They have stock holders and those stock holders can withdraw their money (sell their stock), at any time. Many will when the return on investment of the company drops below either a certain level, or a level below that of the competition. Nothing hurts a large company more than the loss of capital. Capital is the blood of business. So, to avoid losing the capital they must keep profits at a level at least near that of their competition. As time goes on in the gaming world this is harder to do. So, I get the sense that, given the age of the game, they have reached a point of flat revenue growth. That means you either begin to lose your capital or you find ways to increase revenues/profits. The fact that Inno is not popping ads up, makes me have more confidence in the company. They are giving us a choice to contribute to their revenue stream in a way that trades time for resources rather than forcing us to deal with real pop-up advertising.