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    Your Elvenar Team

[Archived 02/2020] News from Beta

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Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
Without even looking at the actual numbers themselves, I already knew the military one would win out for me. Sure a further buffed MM spell would be great, but I'm not running MM spells as often now that I'm making catalysts as well. I really have to pick a day when I can maximize the spell to consider using it now. And if it's true that you only get 3.5 hrs from the buff, that's such a short period of time.


Mathematician par Excellence
Level 5 MA making CC 24/7 makes 28 CC.
The max petfood I'd use is 3 on the Firechicken , but realistically I just need 1 and a modestly leveled Timewarp so I can squeeze 3 tournament rounds into 1 buff.
Still plenty of MA time to cook more PF, and more MM, so maybe if future events give me more Evolutions and I've maxed out the Flamingpoultry I'll ad the other ones in.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
This won't even get to us til the 14th or 15th, so plenty of time for Inno to "adjust" them for the regular servers. Because of that possibility, I am not even looking at what they do til I can get them in my city.


Mathematician par Excellence
This won't even get to us til the 14th or 15th
Could be sooner. I think the EN server got the challenges today which would mean we get it Thursday, and Beta got the event right after the Challenge, so maybe Monday the 8th?

It seems like inno stretched Beta:Live gap to 2 weeks for the last 3 guest races but shortly thereafter shrank the gap back to 7 days each time.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Could be sooner. I think the EN server got the challenges today which would mean we get it Thursday, and Beta got the event right after the Challenge, so maybe Monday the 8th?

It seems like inno stretched Beta:Live gap to 2 weeks for the last 3 guest races but shortly thereafter shrank the gap back to 7 days each time.

Actually, the last two or three events all started two weeks after beta, so that is what I am expecting with this one too.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
since they started fiddling with RR, no? Just before Christmas?

Winter Magic started on Nov 19th on Beta and 2 weeks later on US servers on Dec 3rd.

Valentines 2019 started on Jan 24th on Beta and 2 weeks later on US servers on Feb 7th.

Carnival started on Feb 6th on Beta and 16 days later on US servers on Feb 22nd. Why this was 16 days and not 14, I do not think they ever told us.

Anyway, prior to these, the events did start on US a week after they started on Beta, but this is enough in a row for me to expect the same 2 week gap.


Mathematician par Excellence
expect the same 2 week gap.
What I was trying to say is that when they released elementals we had a 2-week gap for a while, but then back to 1. Repeat for Amuni. They have changed from 1 week to 2 weeks at least a half-dozen times since I started playing.

I've said for years that 1 week isn't enough time for meaningful feedback, so if it stays at 2 weeks this time, that'd be fine with me.
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Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
What I was trying to say is that when they released elementals we had a 2-week gap for a while, but then back to 1. Repeat for Amuni. They have changed from 1 week to 2 weeks at least a half-dozen times since I started playing.

I've said for years that 1 week isn't enough time for meaningful feedback, so if it stays at 2 weeks this time, that'd be fine with me.

Well, I have not paid any attention at all to the delay between Beta and regular servers for new chapters. I am only talking about the delay for the mini-events and the month-long events. I looked back at all the ones I could, back to March of the Herds in 2017, and all of them started on regular servers one week after they started on Beta, except Woodelvenstock, which started three weeks after. Other than that one, and until the last three I listed, all of our events started on the regular servers one week after Beta. This just feels like a new cycle they will use going forward of having a two week delay instead of the old one week delay. I have no idea how the event start delays tie into any of the new chapter delays.


This won't even get to us til the 14th or 15th, so plenty of time for Inno to "adjust" them for the regular servers. Because of that possibility, I am not even looking at what they do til I can get them in my city.

tbh, apart from missing out a bit on excitement/anticipation of the new item, you're not missing much at all with this approach. I myself don't really care too much for the details; to know that there is a military boost, a prod boost and a MM spell boost is sufficient info for me.

as for preparing for the event, there were events where I didn't build ahead of the event launch but still finished the event ahead of time so yeah. some consistency with completing quests and access to the quest reference lists are enough for one to do that.


the first 3 quests will give you one of each Phoenix. then to level them up you gotta get "grand prizes" (in " " because they're not really grand prizes in the conventional event sense), which works the same as Carnival i.e. opening chests fills a progress bar, when you reach the end, you get a prize and bar resets with the next prize. The item you need to level up the Phoenix appears every other prize

going F2P, you are estimated to get 6 - 7 of the leveling item.

But if u have moolah u can get as many as you want

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
Wow! That kind of sucks :( I really want all 3. So it sound like they are looking for a large influx of $$. This makes no sense in the normal realm of things with so many not willing to spend. It seems to me that even with spending cash you could probably only hope to get 2 leveled up.

They seem to have decided to keep my 1 blueprint & 5 RR instants & whatever else because the tournament prizes popped up at the same time as FA prizes resulting in none of the tournament prizes going into my inventory. The cost of insulting me, acting like I'm trying to get something that is free to them anyway, has resulted in my selling off 10 magic houses and a magic workshop with much more to go as I build non magic buildings. Dropped 100K and 7 places in ranking. That is going to cost them at least $100 in revenue when it comes time to upgrade. So a company with this new scheme to boost revenue for the event wants to treat a long term pay to play customer like this and loose more revenue than they will gain? Smooth move!


Mathematician par Excellence
Wow! That kind of sucks :( I really want all 3.
I think it's brilliant and the exact shift in direction inno should take.

Players are constantly saying that they want more space, but as I have pointed out many times, the other option is to use existing space more efficiently.
So instead of getting 16 new buildings in every event plus a new set of 6 buildings, we get a few that can be grown without taking up more space.

Best of all, we get meaningful choices! This feature lets you choose a path you want to take and has a lot of room for growth.

Sure players can spend a couple hundred bucks and have all 3 at max level so that they don't have to make a choice, but that's basically the F2P business model and makes sense. Also, (not to discourage anyone reading from paying for this game) if you did get all 3 to max level, then what would you have to look forward to? Taken to the extreme, if the first time you logged into Elvenar ever you were given the full map grid with every building already placed at level 30 and a million diamonds, what would you do? How long would that be entertaining?


Wow! That kind of sucks :( I really want all 3.

I don't understand what you mean here. You do get all 3. what you don't get, is to level all of them up to max level for free.

For free, you either get to level one to a decent level (put all your leveling items into one) or level all 3 to a "meh" level (spread out the leveling items evenly among three). It's like in an RPG where you can choose to be very good in one attribute and lousy in the others, or be average in all attributes.

If you want to level ALL three to max in this event (using RPG analogy, that means you want a super strong character), that's where u need to spend money. Which I think is a fair deal.

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
I would have no objection at all if it wasn't for what I take as a warning that it will be very rare to be able to level them up after this event is over. My thought is that so many will be stuck with a 4x4 item that they have no apparent way to level up. If they sell them off then when the rare opportunity to level them up comes along it will be a no go. It just sounds to me like a lot of players will not have room to keep them until something comes along. I don't have that problem but it just sounds very discouraging for free play players with no room.
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