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    Your Elvenar Team

Chapter 18 "Team Spirit" discussion


Well-Known Member
Hah! My Senior Orc Strategist II laughs at your Poison Dryads! Now I love to see them. It is usually 5 Stat-IIs and an easy win.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
All of the following are from Ring 17. I don't have a marble prov open, so don't know about it.

Marble: ???
Steel: Swamp Monster and Thief
Planks: Bandit and Orc General
Crystal: Hellhound and Orc Deserter, but not Enchantress
Scrolls: Mist walker and Abbot, not Orc Deserter
Silk: Hellhound and Enchantress, but not Steinling
Elixir: Thief and Bandit
Dust: Abbot and Steinling
Gems: Mist Walker and Cannoneer

It's interesting that in a few of the provs, a 3rd troop is 3-star, but is 4-star in another prov.

Only the enemy can produce these troops, although some look like ours. That means they could appear in the spire and tourneys. I haven't seen them in there, but haven't been looking. If you see them there, please let us know.

[Edit] Ring 17 shows in the world map's province overview, but I get 18 ranking points, so that's ring 18, right? Good ol' Inno with their different ways of showing the same info.
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Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
All of the following are from Ring 17. I don't have a marble prov open, so don't know about it.

Only the enemy can produce these troops, although some look like ours. That means they could appear in the spire and tourneys. I haven't seen them in there, but haven't been looking. If you see them there, please let us know.

I don't think they will be added to the Spire, as that would be highly unfair to the lower chapters who can fight there. As for the tournament, there has been no mention from anyone on Beta about 4-star troops, not even from players who do 30 or 40+ provinces. Them showing up in the higher Rings on the world map, 17+, makes sense, because if you are that far out, you have completed more than enough provinces to open chapter 18 and have some 4-star troops of your own.

Also, I do not think I remember having any encounters yet in Ring 18 that have been all 4-star enemies. Even just two squads have been one 3-star and one 4-star. Of course, those rare single-squad enemy fights could be either.


Just dropping in to say that I really dig the design of the element hubs the developers went with. I really like their idea of using more "animal" designs rather than the humanoid elementals we had in Chapter 12. Personally, I have a real soft spot for creature designs, so it's great to see some good ones showing up in Elvenar.

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
Any feedback on whether the Shrine of the Champions AW is worth building? I currently have 5 Grounds of the Orc Strategist so I'm thinking even adding more might be more beneficial considering how long it will take to level the AW up far enough to be worth locking in the space forever. I have recently sold off 6 AW for space so adding another one will probably result in me needing to sell off another non-military AW when the next chapter starts. On the other hand, I have all of the other military AW leveled up to level 30 so I am tempted to build this one. Is anybody really happy about the Shrine of Champions?

Adding: Maybe sell off a couple of Grounds of the Orc Strategist for the space?
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Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Any feedback on whether the Shrine of the Champions AW is worth building?
The Shrine of the Champions is a small AW, 15 sq., so doesn't take much space. You get free orcs based on how well you do in tourneys and your req. culture. So, if your orc production isn't great, but you do well in tourneys, it can be helpful. However, the key to me is the AW produces Orc Warriors which is my least used unit. Even less than the Drone Rider. They are good against dogs, but frogs are better. On the other hand, I love the Orc Strategist and use it a lot and I mean a lot. I built the AW to see what it does. It will be deleted at some point since I don't use the Orc Warriors and I have almost 6 million orcs.

PS: I got rid of all my grounds of the orc strategist since SimSap at level 31 gives a 42% troop collection bonus of 11k. Also 2 brown bears which I use maybe once a month or so give another 100% for a half day. The number of Orc Strats I was getting from the grounds was too small to justify the space they took. At one point I had 33 of them (and over 20 lizard hot tubs - the Vallorian Valor). Just something else to think about.

Deleted User - 849458436

Hello @Yogi Dave !! , what is your main source of orcs? Because maintaining constant orc training is very expensive, I only have 3 armories. I also love strategists but I can't train them, much less en masse with brown bear

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Hello @Yogi Dave !! , what is your main source of orcs?
Armories is where I get them. I have 11 at level 40. Also, my Workshops are magic, so don't require orcs to upgrade them. BTW, I deleted the Shrine of the Champions this morning and this past tourney, Planks, wanted orc strategist again and again .... and again.


Armories are also my main source but Heros Forge AW also breeds orcs. As for Orc Strats, there are buildings you can craft in the Magic Academy to make them even if you cant train them yet. Its called Grounds of the Orc Strategist

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Also the Orc Nest buildings give orcs. An advantage of them compared to armories is they don't require population or culture support nor supplies to produce them. They too are in the MA. Disadvantage is they don't increase your training size or ranking.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I deleted the Shrine of the Champions this morning and this past tourney, Planks, wanted orc strategist again and again .... and again
Ugh. I'm so on the fence with this AW. I've placed it at level 1, and can't bring myself to level it, though math tells me it'll be a very, VERY good orc producer for a strong tourney player. I don't have near as many armories as you do, but I'm not hurting for orcs... but maybe I should make more orc strats? Blah. I want to like this AW so much, and wish it didn't affect my tourney difficulty.

The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Comments like this seep in almost every thread now. It's a shame Inno created that situation.
Well, regardless of AW's negative effects now, the Vallorian themed AW in Ch.19 *IS* going to be an auto-include due to it's better Unarium production + decay rate reduction.
Might also encourage players to shift back towards using Magic Res vs. pop/culture hybrids as their main source of population.


Well-Known Member
Well, regardless of AW's negative effects now, the Vallorian themed AW in Ch.19 *IS* going to be an auto-include due to it's better Unarium production + decay rate reduction.
Might also encourage players to shift back towards using Magic Res vs. pop/culture hybrids as their main source of population.

I suspect that is part of the motivation -- to make residences more useful and a competitive alternative to hybrids.