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    Your Elvenar Team

Cities looking like slums now


I have been looking at the buildings for orcs and can't for the life of me figure out why they are taking the magnificent looking cities we had with human/elf, dwarf/fairy and are now changing it to slums from a severly inferior race to all of the others. The buildings don't look magnificent or even powerful. They are ugly and remind me of a place no one would want to live. Please give us an option to continue leveling up our buildings without losing the magnificent looks we have had in the past. I personally preferred the dwarf look to everything else, but can live with the fairy look. My problem is I don't want to upgrade my buildings now which really doesn't leave me with a reason to stay and play since I will hate to log in and see my city each day.


I have not looked at the ORCs builds except in announcements here, but I will say, The come on advertisements for Elvenar and 0pening screens show a glorious city on a hill with tall buildings, so you think you will build your little village into that, but No now it is a squat for Orcs and Goblins partying with schroons and dung. I think the content of this release reflects the direction this game has gone and that is down the ......


I just can't imagine the thought process behind choosing a race like orcs to compete in splendor with elves, dwarves, humans, and even fairies. They could have done them and made some powerful buildings that looked warlike, but my nice elixir building is turning into a witches pot. How in the world is that a higher level production building.


If you look at the highest scoring Beta cities, it's even more depressing.


I suppose this is to please the folks who took the survey and said they wanted their cities to go through a dystopian phase. o_O (Note: I was not one of those people.)

Si. And this survey was sent to every player, before the enormous purges. I'd be willing to bet that, if they polled players with L15 manufactories and above, dystopian architecture would have been significantly less popular. We have orc slums because they listened to the non-players.

Once our cities are in the full throes of Orcdom, we should go on a messaging campaign - so all the beginning players know how their cities will look after a year of diligent play. I'm sure all those skulls and dung colors and rough lumber will really motivate them.


I am just totally upset about all of this. Bad enough that we now need ORCS to negotiate, but finding out my city is going to look like crap in the end is really making me start to think if this is really worth continuing. I love the game... but they are destroying it. :(


architect of Desires said:
I believe the Mods wanted feedback to The release. well if they look they are getting it.

How do you respond to eyes rolled, oops, confused? I guess I could post a 5 point summery that may help, hopefully, solve the confusing part.
  1. The reaction to this release is I believe much more negative then the 2 prior "guest race releases".
  2. Is this a city building game? If it is as advertised (see your welcome screen, the shiny City on the hill, it has lost its focus, the Orc release buildings are not creating a more desirable advancing city for many players. They feel they did not sign on for this major regression. Note the Orc Human Main hall goes from a tower to a childish looking fort.
  3. You have pissed of the whales, the top 10% that present your highest source of revenue to Inno, by placing a road block of requiring orc to negotiate, thus making their snail full cities appear impossible to upgrade. Those below the top 100 by score are even worse effected. Kat says you have re-balanced the game to punish this class of player. I may get that wrong but he is defending the developers with at least that tone, and does appear to represent Innogames.
  4. The theme of Orcs as slaves is clear, you organize them and trade/sell , negotiate with them like property. In addition did you know mushrooms. aka, shroons are a controlled substance, so in addition to slaves you have also added dung and narcotics. This theme is so off base it will only create controversy and ridicule. One can only hope this does not hit the gaming press then CNN.
  5. The Mods in ref to these issues have been unresponsive at best and have censored comments, alienating customers further, Aider did ask for feedback. Plus last but not least Kat's appearance as of a company shill has inflamed some.


you dont have to respond on everything..
thats the feedback I got...some confused, some worried , some mad as hell. Its a game, diversity is welcomed by players of the game just as variety is welcomed in a game by the majority.


Our friends are quitting this game and leaving Muffin. Not getting a response to any of these concerns has been terrible. We are being totally ignored and that is very hurtful.

We don't want our friends to quit. We would all like some kind of official response to the pain that everyone is feeling....or confusion....or anxiety. Please fix this. The orcs show up too early. On facebook their responses imply that they think people are upset because they just encountered this limitation when they entered the orc chapter and have to get through a few tech to hit unlock the armories, even though hundreds and hundreds of responses are telling them that the limitation happens two CHAPTERS earlier. How can that make sense? We need some reply about it. Silence is infuriating and infuriated people quit never to return.
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My FS just lost our 2 top players. Both in the top 100 in Winyandor. We thought other stuff made people leave - this is awful! At this point, I'm questioning how much longer I want to stick around. I'm finishing fairies, not having fun anymore, my friends are all leaving, and I don't have anything to look forward to in the next chapter. I've been playing for 10 months... I hoped to make a year, but maybe it's just time to throw in the towel.


"eye roll" ?? seriously?? Are we being moderated by teenagers?
The moderators here expect us the users to act appropriately, and so we expect the same in return.

There was nothing inappropriate about what I said....its in the interpretation. The rolling eyes was of how some of the players felt to me ...like oh here we go again
I understand you guys are upset, Im not the enemy. Im a player as well. Dont you think it bothers us to have to continually say the same thing..when the players are upset.
Our hands are tied. We get to know when you get to know. Cuz if I knew something Id sure be telling you
Im sorry bobby, I had 5 fellowships myself...now I have one
BUT Im in it for the long haul.
I dont want to see anyone leave...I seriously dont.
I have a ton of patience, and Im anxiously waiting to see whats next.
Dont get me wrong, I sympathize with you, I just look for the positive in things.
Im sorry for all of your frustrations, there isnt one person in this game that isnt frustrated



@Muffin, do you guys ever talk to the devs? Any chance of telling them just how bad things are? It is SO bad when something like happens. Suddenly, top players disappear and the rest of the top players really suffer. See, once a huge player leaves, there is no one to take their place. It takes more than a year to get cities that big and suddenly poof! Replaced with a one day player with a house and a workshop.

I know you feel the pain too. The last time this happened back in the dwarf era, we had to fight hard just to keep the game going. We are so delicately balanced here. Suddenly the big trades got really out of whack. And it happens like dominoes. If players can't get trades, they quit too. Maybe they don't know all this? You are our only link to getting a message up the ladder.

And while you are at it. Could someone please just get them to tweak the language of the orc text? If we aren't slave traders and the orcs are guarding things, then can't they just add a word of text and call them "orc guards" in the provinces? I read the wiki and the breeding grounds aren't us breeding orcs, they are orcs breeding orcs. So maybe Orc's breeding grounds? Just adding a noun and a possessive changes the whole meaning. Instead of us "assembling them" in the rally point...well...that one I still don't get. I haven't gotten to that and I don't know what we are doing there. But if we aren't gods, then we can't "assemble" an orc. That language appears in the tech tree.

Regarding the illicit drug references. I don't know any way to avoid referencing drugs if they are going to call the psychoshrooms and the other ones that do something to your mind. Is that truly appropriate content for a game that kids play? Can they please work on that?

Thanks for the reply!! It is great to hear from someone!!! :) Hugs!!


Fair enough, and I apologize if I misinterpreted your eye roll. just seems of late, that with the new additions to the game, we're asked our opinion, then get hand slapped for voicing it. I'm not throwing in the towel yet. I've a long way to go before I give up. Just getting tired of the somewhat police state the forums have become.

And thank you for the explanations.


Ozzy, Muffin may not know. It has gotten nuts around here. We have gotten warnings for using the word c**p when referring to orc dung when those two words are complete synonyms. We have even gotten warnings for posting forum rules. Posts have disappeared. Threads locked. Discussing the themes in the game itself has resulted in warnings of being banned. When players are treated that heavy handed it taints all of the mods. Suddenly, it is us against them. Instead of respect, we revolt against the harsh treatment. I fear I may have reacted to you, Muffin, with the same broad brush. I do apologize for that.


Yes...in my "mud pile" or whatever it was... respect is earned, not given. There are a couple not-to-be-mentioned that I will never have respect for after what's transpired.