While reading all the posts on this, I think it underscores the underlying dissatisfaction that exists with the pillars of Elvenar (city building, production, tournament, spire, events, FA): The rewards are rarely balanced with the effort.
Many people above mentioned how fun it was to finally push to get 10 chests to get that coveted blue print.
Similar posts about finally reaching Gold in the spire to get a little premium currency... and to those who say it is not a little, it is compared to the prices of everything. If a blueprint is valued at 300 diamonds (which it is in the crafter), then getting 275 diamonds as the gold spire reward is balanced.
So what can be done to make the rewards commensurate with the effort given that there is a huge difference in the effort required or even the ability to achieve depending on chapter, wonders, map exploration?
The FA is a classic example... why bother for a top 100 finish if the reward is a 2 hour time skip?
The Fellowship perk points were a nice addition, but not really enough to be worth the effort.
The same sort of thing is going on with the extended tourney chests... The royal restoration is a great addition, but not really enough for the increasing difficulty. Given the rate of increasing difficulty for each tourney province, the difficulty for the "next chest" is exponential.
Chest | Points | Provinces | Provinces / 24 |
10 | 40000 | 149 | 7 |
11 | 50000 | 186 | 8 |
12 | 61000 | 226 | 10 |
13 | 73000 | 271 | 12 |
14 | 86000 | 319 | 14 |
15 | 100000 | 371 | 16 |
16 | 115000 | 426 | 18 |
17 | 131000 | 486 | 21 |
18 | 148000 | 549 | 23 |
19 | 166000 | 615 | 26 |
It should be noted that an individual needs to have scouted 9x the number of provinces per person to be able to complete that many. The table above assumes a 24 person fellowship. Dwarves chapter entry requires 100 provinces (enough to reach 11 per person). As a "fighter" who usually has to auto-fight because of playing time constraints, the difficulty going from 15 to 20 to 25 to 30 is significant even with a typical 50% unit health bonus from either an armorer or 2 of the unleashed unit buildings, and 50% attack bonus from a fire phoenix. If I had to do 30 per week, I would probably have to "recharge" at least 1 week in 3 if not 1 in 2.
Given that the incentive is 1 more royal restoration and 1 more AW instant, and given that without the 50% health bonus, I can usually do 12 provinces easily, then there really isn't much excitement generated to "push" for 19 chests.
While you can argue that a dwarven armorer or other building is "too much" or "too little" or only favors a subset of players, I think the underlying point that the reward is not worth the effort is what needs to be addressed.
I love that Elvenar has added "selectable prizes" in the form of the tomes. That has made events much more fun and worthwhile even if the grand prize is completely useless for my style of play. I would suggest that this new reward mechanic be used to revamp the tourney chest rewards. For instance, the coin/supply/goods/kp reward could be added to the 7th or 8th chest as an incentive for those fellowships who don't push for 10 because the "rewards are out of reach". One of the events had a selectable military boost building that I LOVED. Being able to boost heavy range, melee, or light melee attach is a huge increase in which tournaments I could push. Could make degrees of those tomes to help combat the randomness of the crafter. 12 chest reward of a selectable supply (including mana, seeds, orcs, sentient goods), 14 chest of selectable military (archer, mage, unleashed unit), 16 expanded supply, 18 expanded military (all possible military boost), and 19 the grand prize of 1 selectable supply, 1 selectable military, 1 dwarven armorer.