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Elvarian Carnival discussion


Well-Known Member
I'm personally glad to see the return to the fixed finite quest list and the rotating chests. Thank you for allowing us to be able to use stragegy in how we complete and earn rewards again. To me this is a huge improvement over the past winter event that we just had. I like being able to plan ahead for the quests and finish the event quickly. I'm also done with chapter 15. Between tourney and the spire I have enough to keep me busy. I understand that some people like the endless quests. I wouldn't be opposed to a bonus section being added that is random or even a fixed list that repeats itself for those that enjoy the endless quests and want to do more. I personally think that Inno needs to limit the number of "grand prize evolving buildings" anyway and that if someone wants a second one and is willing to spend diamonds for it than by all means go right ahead. There has to be some sort of comprimise out there between the endless random quest events and the fixed format type.
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Active Member
The designers were quite definite about this in a Live Q&A session a few months ago - they are not at all keen on the idea; they want Artifacts to bee rare, and special.
my issue with that is they cant be rare or special if they don't exist . Once the event and following FA are over there gone, if they don't offer artifacts in events then there not even rare, and the buildings are not very special when they can not be fully upgraded, or least half,
there are a lot of new players who could not get all artifacts in the events and are not or were not in a FS that could get all the way in the FA,
last I heard they was giving the option of crafting these buildings in the crafter, I have them all so I dont see them. why offer them if they dont offer artifacts?
or can you craft them on a 10 level? if so please let me know so I can delete a couple lol,

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Especially when you consider that just a few quests prior to this one, we are asked to have 2 buildings leveled up to 12...so a tear down and rebuild? Lucky for me I am able to choose the alternative quest for each of these so they won't stop me in my tracks. But finishing 2 techs for a lot of players isn't a simple, or timely, option. As with any event, there is no requirement to play or finish, so I'll go as far as I can, pick up whatever little bonuses I can, enjoy the new buildings, and that will be that :)

I was talking about a level 10 evolving building, not a normal building at level 10. And leveling buildings for the quests is easy, as long as you have a little extra space. A residence or an armory both have fairly short upgrade times up to at least the levels required for these quests.

Also, for everyone who has not realized this yet, but when it says "upgrade 2 (or more) buildings to level X", you can just level the same building to that level and then beyond and have it count, and not have to actually level up two+ different buildings. As an example, when you get to the quest that asks for upgrading 2 buildings to level 16, you can use the same building and level it to 16 and then 17 to complete the quests.


Well-Known Member
In looking for buildings to quickly fulfill the upgrade quests, especially the lower level ones, it seems that Plank factories are quicker than either residences or armories.
I could actually upgrade a plank factory to level 13 from scratch to fulfill that quest before I could complete one of my residences to do so.
BTW Planks is not my boost at all.

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
I just had what I think is a great idea! It seems that the designers are struggling to come up with a wide variety of new quests - so why not have a Competition with a Diamond Prize for the people who suggest the best new quests?
Who knows - there might be some brilliant suggestions
Heck, I'd design an entire event if they'd let me, including branching questlines (and storylines) based on which tasks are chosen for certain quests. I can't be sure, but I think it's doable based on how some quests are only triggered after a certain prerequisite has been met.
Still looking for the introduction of the "WildCard" Artifact....One that can level up ANY previous Evolving Building. (Fingers crossed)...Just my idea, but wouldn't it be great?
This would be a great reward! They could even include just ONE in every major event somewhere in the grand prizes and I'd be happy.


I am assuming that that eye numbing intro screen between my play area and the 'world' is just for the event and mercifully will disappear when it does?
Anyone affected by vertigo or depth perception problems, be forewarned, it's dizzying. (make it go away, please...)


Active Member
Took me 5 minutes to find this thread.
BEST THING: Thanks for returning to the 3 chests. (The 41 chest is horrible - 1 kp, really?)
WORST THING: Literally the carnivale loading screen is disorienting, nauseating and head spinning. PLEASE DO NOT EVER DO AN ACID TRIP SCREEN AGAIN.


Oh Wise One
It's really annoying that on one of the few times a year I would happily drop $50 or $100, the largest package offered to me "Epic" is for 870Candies, at $19.99, while other people are being offered epic packages of 5000 candies for $99.99. If I spend the same amount of money, I'll get 700 fewer candies than those people.

Apparently a 30% bonus is not the same, depending on how much they want your money.

Way to put he screws to occasional spenders, yet again, Inno.
