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    Your Elvenar Team

Famous people A to Z


David Hasselhoff

@Azkaban, I remember punch cards, too. I also remember floppy disks that were 8 inches across. Looked just like the 5.25" ones I used through all of high school and the first couple of years of college, but ginormous. Computers that didn't have mouses. Mice? I never like a plural for that kind of mouse. They both seem wrong. No mouse, no hard drive, and memory measured in kilobytes because megabytes were a thing of the future.


Famke Janssen

I have such fond memories of the Apple computer I was assigned to in my computer class in High School. As I recall, she looked quite a lot like this:





Actually, right now we're doing 'take the last letter of the last name and find someone whose first name starts with that letter.' More of a challenge that way. :p

Nick Nolte


sorry i was only reading names on page 1...

Yoko Ono