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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship Adventures 2022

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Lady Dastardly

Well-Known Member
Isn't Sack of Coins one of those badges for the little guys in your fellowship to excel at, like Bracelets?
It doesn't seem to be working out that way this time. My data may be skewed because our bigger players are probably dropping some coin rains, but comparatively, our smaller cities aren't rolling in the coins like I would have expected. It would be interesting to see some data from earlier chapter players about what their coin requirement is for the badge, since:
my percentage of MH capacity required is quite a bit higher than what others in higher chapters are reporting
I do wonder if this badge received a tweak as well, because it has never ever been a stumbling block for my FS before.


Oh Wise One
It doesn't seem to be working out that way this time. My data may be skewed because our bigger players are probably dropping some coin rains, but comparatively, our smaller cities aren't rolling in the coins like I would have expected. It would be interesting to see some data from earlier chapter players about what their coin requirement is for the badge, since:

I do wonder if this badge received a tweak as well, because it has never ever been a stumbling block for my FS before.
I am seeing the lack of sacks of coins here too. It has turned into the stupid residue this FA. Edited to add that my baby city is spitting them out left and right. chapter 3 that is .


Thinker of Ideas
coins and kp have been small bottle necks for us this fa. Granted, we are down a few members that retired.
residue on the other hand.. so much easier to make with the badge adjsutment of the extra vapors still counting.


In my fs they change everyone's status to fellow temporarily just for the fa except for only whoever is allowed to pull the flag. Just a suggestion to mention to your group.

I suspect all the FS's do that to some extent, but as @Darielle said, I know in my FS we would tell people if you even looked at the flag you could go blind, and now everyone has to play with it if they want to know what's going on. :O And there's always a mage with itchy flag fingers. lol!


Buddy Fan Club member
I do wonder if this badge received a tweak as well, because it has never ever been a stumbling block for my FS before.
I don't know if the badge requirements were tweaked. I do know that the increase for total coin badges required to complete all waypoints on all paths for all 3 stages increased by 195.
Since my city has zero houses, this badge doesn't just come from natural play for me and hasn't for a long time. I'm also one of those large cities that teleports everything (within reason, lol, I don't teleport sets) and fills up with lvl 1 farms. Now that we can teleport evolving bldgs, some of those that gave incidental coin are also gone. I have plenty of coin rains, so can generate coin badges that way as well. I notice I need to generate more this time, but I'm not sure its an 'each badge' thing; could be the almost 200 more badges required thing.

Lady Dastardly

Well-Known Member
I notice I need to generate more this time, but I'm not sure its an 'each badge' thing; could be the almost 200 more badges required thing.
No doubt it's a contributing factor. I don't place coins (or marbles) unless we're stuck because I like others to have the fun of getting badges in, and they're the thing pretty much everyone has. I usually have at least 200 in my inventory by the end of the FA, but it could just be that the maps front loaded it this time, and now that we're in the pit it won't be a sticking point.


I suspect all the FS's do that to some extent, but as @Darielle said, I know in my FS we would tell people if you even looked at the flag you could go blind, and now everyone has to play with it if they want to know what's going on. :O And there's always a mage with itchy flag fingers. lol!
I am a mage with itchy fingers. I need to pull the flag but don't know how. Could someone tell me?


I am a mage with itchy fingers. I need to pull the flag but don't know how. Could someone tell me?

Pulling the flag is the easy part. The main thing is all the prep work before hand. Make sure you use chat and messages to let your team know that the leaders of the FA are ready to pull the flag. Make sure that everyone that wants the prizes for the current stage have placed at least 1 badge somewhere on the map. When the flag is pulled, the stage is over and those that did not get a chance to place a badge will loose out on the prizes (and more points for the fellowship) for that stage. There is NO going back.

Please make sure to account for the time zones of all your teammates. My fellowship is scattered all over the planet. As I write this, some of my teammates are going to or they are in bed. I also like to give last call warnings at least an hour before the actual pull after everyone has had a chance to place badges.

With the new changes to the FA, when you click on the flag at the top of the stage, there is a there is now a banner that you can click under the reward chest that will show who all has placed or not placed badges (in my example 21 of 25 have placed badges). Please click on that to see who has not placed a badge, and try and find out if they are interested or not.

As with anything, the flag can't wait forever, so when you are sure you are done, you can press accept to end the stage and hand out the prizes!


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Active Member
when you click on the flag at the top of the stage, there is a there is now a banner that you can click under the reward chest that will show who all has placed or not placed badges (in my example 21 of 25 have placed badges). Please click on that to see who has not placed a badge, and try and find out if they are interested or not.

What an amazing change indeed! How many times i had to run all the waypoints and take notes to see who is missing before pulling the flag.


Active Member
I don't know if the badge requirements were tweaked.

Badge TypeNew Version (current)Version F (previous)Δ
Dwarven Brewery1871870
Carpenters Guild139156(17)
Farmers Delight141162(21)
Blacksmith Guild321336(15)
Golden Bracelet137159(22)
Diamond Necklace21216151
Elegant Statue161182(21)
Witch Hat20515748
Wonder Society278330(52)
Elvarian Guard302154148
Sack of Coins361166195
Ghost in a Bottle23218250
Druid Staff23515877
Arcane Residue21417044
Elemental Marbles320166154
Enchanted Tiara154184(30)
Total Badges35993010589

Hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
I can live with higher requirements for row 3 badges. I had coins and guards coming out of my ears.

I used to hate having to build Wonder Society badges. There were over a dozen clicks per badge.
Now I can get BINGO with multiple WS badges.
Screen Shot 2022-03-28 at 2.59.01 PM.png


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
No doubt it's a contributing factor. I don't place coins (or marbles) unless we're stuck because I like others to have the fun of getting badges in, and they're the thing pretty much everyone has. I usually have at least 200 in my inventory by the end of the FA, but it could just be that the maps front loaded it this time, and now that we're in the pit it won't be a sticking point.

It's the kind of thing I used to have in abundance, but now everyone, including me, seems to be hurting for coin badges. They used to be the "throwaway" badge. Now, everyone is visiting neighbors like crazy in order to eke out every coin badge they can get. Brand new people can still make them pretty easily. The ones in late chapters are having a heck of a time.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
It's the kind of thing I used to have in abundance, but now everyone, including me, seems to be hurting for coin badges. They used to be the "throwaway" badge. Now, everyone is visiting neighbors like crazy in order to eke out every coin badge they can get. Brand new people can still make them pretty easily. The ones in late chapters are having a heck of a time.

For a reference on the coin badge, my level 21 Abyss, in chapter 19 with maxed main hall, makes 6 million coins every three hours. I have to collect it twice to make one badge, plus a little left over. That is one whole coin badge every 6 hours.


Active Member
@BrinDarby and @samidodamage

- Necklaces now require 4 of any tier 1 goods, not 3.
- Ghost in a Bottle also requires 4 items, not the previous 3.
- Wonder Society now requires 20 not 10.
- Druid Staff now requires 2 not 1.
- Elvarian Guards require more troops than previously, 4 x your squad size per badge.
- The number of Coins required for Sack of Coins has also increased to 7.1% of main hall capacity (1/14).

Is that what you are looking for? :)
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