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    Your Elvenar Team

How to prepare for Halloween event (spoilers)


Hey, at what point do you consider yourself officially into the new chapter? I just finished the last technology in Fairies and got the chest in the next chapter. I haven't collected or completed the last quest for Halloween because I wanted to collect it when I reached orcs. Believe me.. I put in so much time and effort to advance for a better reward.. and now it feels like i'm walked through the gate but there is no one to greet me..

Imagine being an olypmian, you just won the gold.. everyone cheered, sang the national anthem and you head home. Your airplane pulled an taxi'd onto the runway.. you get off the plane and look around.. and.. you're like... where's the fanfare...where are the people.. what did I do wrong? Ya, that's kind'a what it feels like. So now.. i'm just wondering, what do I have to do for everyone to come out and for people to know I'm here? Do I need to go to the bathroom and use a urinal, do I need to take my phone off of Airplane mode? Do I need to walk outside and smoke a cigarette?

Please help me.. I would really be super bummed if it stays the same and doesn't advance into the new chapter values... I worked too hard and put in way too much effort for it to go to waste.. and I'm a regular player, among several others... I hope it's an easy answer..



that's another 100kps... i used up everything just to make the last 100kps....

::scratches head:: at least you gave me a direct answer.... Now I have to figure out how I'm going to complete that before the short time I have left... specially since I have to work..lol to pay for the game...

thanks !