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    Your Elvenar Team

Mystery of the Misty Forest Event discussion thread


Mathematician par Excellence
So neither of you have even spent $5 on this game in the years you have been playing?
Not unless you count donating to Elven Architect, Elven Stats, or paying monthly for our FS forums.

As I said, in games like Elvenar I personally find that buying premium currency cheapens the game and feels like cheating.*
For example every week I look forward to the spire because a magic workshop would really improve my city. The same goes for crafting in the MA- I check it often and craft almost non-stop so I can possibly win diamonds to buy some workshops.
If I just bought a diamond package I would have my WS and no real reason to play the spire, no reason to check the MA etc.
I did this with Settlers online. They had a 200% bonus sale so I finally dropped $100 and 3 weeks later I stopped playing.

I've made several suggestions for INNO to allow players like me to financially support the game like allowing us to buy diamond gift packs or skins-- anything non-P2W would be great. I even suggested adding a competitive server where no diamond purchases were possible, but your account costs $XXX to play.

*Note: I try not to bring this up because I can't find a way to express it without sounding like I'm judging others. I totally get why someone would buy a few things with RL$, and it absolutely isn't cheating to do so. Not everyone likes games to be as hard as possible, most probably play to relax and have fun more than to "challenge" themselves, but for me, this kind of game is a puzzle I'm quite familiar with, and am happy to spend a lot of time on so I can't reduce the difficulty even a notch or else I lose interest.
Do you give way your services at your real world jobs for free too? That would be only fair.
In fact, I do volunteer, and at my job I often provide services that I don't charge for...but that's actually irrelevant.
The point is that non-paying players can add value in other ways (that's why they are allowed to play).

I feel pretty confident that by playing as I do, and interacting with others as I have, I've contributed more to Inno's bottom line than a measly $5.
I think that at least a few of the changes in the game that I suggested should count for something as well like
  • Changing the tournament from 8 to 4 encounters, and then again from 4 to 1.
  • Changing wonder rewards to KP packs
  • Showing wonder rewards before contributions
  • Changing the cross-tier 2-star ratio from 16:1
  • Showing the production type in tooltips before you collect from a factory or workshop
  • Changing quests to allow any T1 production to make events fairer for steel boosted players
I feel I can claim partial credit for every player who has enjoyed the game a little bit more (and therefore spent a little bit more) because of me.
And all of that comes from the fun I've had playing with others, many of whom are F2P as well. Without them, none of my contributions would have happened either, so they get partial credit for all of the above too. It's almost like we're a community of players... something you seem to be determined to not be a part of.
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Well-Known Member
I have no suggestions for the scouting but can you gain spell fragments from the Spire? I'm new so the rewards may be different but early on in the Spire it offers me fragments in chests.
I have said more than once in different threads over the last few months that "the Spire and I don't get along" as I have put it. I had always taken too much loss from my resources and I'd try again someday if I had more resources than I needed (not anytime soon).

Well, I don't have tons to spare but I tried again. It's going much better. Better luck this time. The chest puzzles have an element of logic (which I like) but there is also an element of luck. There easily came a point when there were too many equal choices and you put whatever and hold your breath. I don't like games of chance or gambling like that. I was losing so much at blind choices that it made me resentful and just wanted to stay away. I couldn't understand how so many got so much when I never made it past the second chest. It made me feel stupid (and I know I'm not) to struggle with something that others treated as so easy and an obvious resource I was missing out on.

I tried again. There were some definite shots in the dark but I've made it far beyond any previous attempt. I'm currently waiting at my second gateway and absolutely swimming in fragments.

Since there is an element of chance, I know it won't always be like this, but finally having a payday is encouraging and I'm willing to go back. Diamonds would be nice, but I need some CCs to go with those fragments, lol.
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Well-Known Member
@Enevhar Aldarion
It is none of your business whether I have spent money on this game or not. Just for your sell satisfaction, I have and still do occasionaly.
I count it as my night out since I'm a 24/7 care giver for my husband. Also none of your business
You do not know people's situations and have no right to call anyone ugly names.

You and your wife have always had my up most respect. You have always strived to improve this game for others and instead of bragging about how quickly you finish an event you help others to do so. Thank you both for your support over the years and motivating the newer players.
Cake for you!

I'm happy that your back to the Spire and doing better!

AND... I.m still not crazy about this event. Too much repetition and repetition is boring.
The End


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I have said more than once in different threads over the last few months that "the Spire and I don't get along" as I have put it. I had always taken too much loss from my resources and I'd try again someday if I had more resources than I needed (not anytime soon).

Well, I don't have tons to spare but I tried again. It's going much better. Better luck this time. The chest puzzles have an element of logic (which I like) but there is also an element of luck. There easily came a point when there were too many equal choices and you put whatever and hold your breath. I don't like games of chance or gambling like that. I was losing so much at blind choices that it made me resentful and just wanted to stay away. I couldn't understand how so many got so much when I never made it past the second chest. It made me feel stupid (and I know I'm not) to struggle with something that others treated as so easy and an obvious resource I was missing out on.

I tried again. There were some definite shots in the dark but I've made it far beyond any previous attempt. I'm currently waiting at my second gateway and absolutely swimming in fragments.

Since there is an element of chance, I know it won't always be like this, but finally having a payday is encouraging and I'm willing to go back. Diamonds would be nice, but I need some CCs to go with those fragments, or at least the relics I need to craft, lol.
Aritra, I thought I hated the spire for just the same reasons you give. I don't like fighting, so catering was my option in the spire, and I felt like I was losing so many resources for so little gain. But eventually, you get a feel for the spire. I learned to love it, but it wasn't easy. There's a strategy that I have built up for catering though, and it seems to work for me to limit resource loss (others will no doubt have different ideas). On the first floor (before you get to the 50 diamond point), try to get at least two "doesn't need it" on the first try. If I don't, I often withdraw and try again, at least a few tries. (If the spire spirits are in a bad mood, as they are some weeks, I may just change strategies, but normally that works). It's far better, in my opinion, to get "doesn't need it" on the first try than it is to get green check marks and eliminate spirits. I usually know by the second try which ones I'll have to do to win on the third. On the first floor, at least, the third try is not usually a guess. I know what to pick.

You'll find that you may have to withdraw three or four or even five times. But withdrawing three times on the first try and then going on to win is better than losing three tries twice, wasting resources on all tries, and it sure is easier on the nerves. I hope that makes sense. Also, always try a coin and a supply on the first try, along with anything else that you have the most of. (A different item for each spirit). A spirit will usually want coins or supplies. On the first floor, they often ask for lower value goods plus some higher. (the highest floor does the opposite ... mostly higher value but some lower). Anyway, those things help me.

I love the strategy of the game. And you can eliminate items even in the higher levels pretty easily. For example, on the first try, you have an inventory of seven items (up higher in the spire) to choose from, and wind up eliminating one spirit and the other four all say "wrong item" on each different item. Well, you've just eliminated three items. You know that only those four items are the ones you'll be working with.

The spire is an investment, to me. You are trading goods (a lot of them, yes) for diamonds (provided you have a team that always gets at least to bronze.) Bronze is something that I make without thinking much about it now ... and silver is harder, but it's doable each week. Last week I hit the top of the spire for gold, a rarity for me, but possible, and I was thrilled that the team made gold so that was a total of 275 diamonds (I spent 50 diamonds for the last boss, so a net gain for the week of 225). Ironically, it's harder for me to do gold now than it was a few chapters ago, before the spire started asking for mana and orcs. I need so much mana for research that I'm finding it hard to cater those ... hence I've started to fight some fights in spire. But don't worry about that now ... if you can just get to bronze level each week and get that 50 diamonds, I'm sure you'll start loving it too. Good luck.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
You and your wife have always had my up most respect. You have always strived to improve this game for others and instead of bragging about how quickly you finish an event you help others to do so. Thank you both for your support over the years and motivating the newer players.
Cake for you!

AND... I.m still not crazy about this event. Too much repetition and repetition is boring.
The End
I agree wholeheartedly. I don't understand why people think that finishing an event early, due to diamonds, time instants, etc, etc, is some special accomplishment. When they say they finished all quests in a few hours, it's like they think it's a noteworthy act. All it is is an abundance of time instants built up over the months. (And even if it seems like a small amount because they have tons, it may not seem so to those who have none or just a couple.) If the rest of us choose to go through the event more slowly and save those instants (assuming we have them at all), then as long as we reach the finish line before the end of the event, what's the difference? Where's the accomplishment? I'm not picking on them, and hope I don't come across as doing so. If they have plenty of time instants, there is no harm in using them. I would. But I would be grateful I have them and not consider those who don't as somehow lagging behind me in some kind of race. We all get to the same place in the end, so it's all cool.

As far as diamond purchases go, the only thing I've ever gotten was a 19.99 package one time from my son for my birthday last year. I may or may not get more in the future. But I believe that just doing my very best in my fellowship adds value to their own enjoyment of the game. If I do my best to get to the top of the spire, that's helping them to gain more goodies, too. If I faithfully give gifts to every team member plus many neighbors each night, then I am adding value to their game and making it a little bit better for them. When we get 10 chests in the tourney and I've contributed a few thousand points to it, then I have done something to make 24 other players a bit happier and gain more stash. FAs too. Doesn't that add some value to the player experience? Doesn't that mean that some of them may continue to play longer, maybe even spending money?

There are lots of ways to add value to this game, I think.


Active Member
I've made several suggestions for INNO to allow players like me to financially support the game like allowing us to buy diamond gift packs or skins-- anything non-P2W would be great.

That skins idea is excellent and something I'd love to see. The artwork is (in my opinion -- and from what I gather from my brief time on these forums, it's widely held) really what sets this game apart from so many others. I'd be happy to spend money on them if they added skin/artwork packs.


Mathematician par Excellence
That skins idea is excellent and something I'd love to see. The artwork is (in my opinion -- and from what I gather from my brief time on these forums, it's widely held) really what sets this game apart from so many others. I'd be happy to spend money on them if they added skin/artwork packs.
What kills me is when you unlock 3 upgrades for a building. Of course you are going to upgrade it to max, and if you have the resources you'll do them back-to-back. This means you see the artwork on the first upgrade for what, 3 seconds?
It doesn't even have to be custom skins(at first) just provide a (premium) way for me to make my 5x8 level 33 barracks look like a 5x8 level 32 barracks.
I've played and spent loads of money on Path of Exile (another free game) where the only microtransactions are cosmetic. Last year they made 100m, half of which was profit. I have to believe that a handful of custom skins would have a very high return on investment for Elvenar.

As you said, people love the art here, but some have certainly complained about seasonal stuff. Sure, teleport spells can help with that, but what if you could pay to change the look of your 4x3 Daunting Pumpkins to a 4x3 Snowy Charming Tree?


Well-Known Member
Aritra, I thought I hated the spire for just the same reasons you give. I don't like fighting, so catering was my option in the spire, and I felt like I was losing so many resources for so little gain. But eventually, you get a feel for the spire. I learned to love it, but it wasn't easy. There's a strategy that I have built up for catering though, and it seems to work for me to limit resource loss (others will no doubt have different ideas). On the first floor (before you get to the 50 diamond point), try to get at least two "doesn't need it" on the first try. If I don't, I often withdraw and try again, at least a few tries. (If the spire spirits are in a bad mood, as they are some weeks, I may just change strategies, but normally that works). It's far better, in my opinion, to get "doesn't need it" on the first try than it is to get green check marks and eliminate spirits. I usually know by the second try which ones I'll have to do to win on the third. On the first floor, at least, the third try is not usually a guess. I know what to pick.

You'll find that you may have to withdraw three or four or even five times. But withdrawing three times on the first try and then going on to win is better than losing three tries twice, wasting resources on all tries, and it sure is easier on the nerves. I hope that makes sense. Also, always try a coin and a supply on the first try, along with anything else that you have the most of. (A different item for each spirit). A spirit will usually want coins or supplies. On the first floor, they often ask for lower value goods plus some higher. (the highest floor does the opposite ... mostly higher value but some lower). Anyway, those things help me.

I love the strategy of the game. And you can eliminate items even in the higher levels pretty easily. For example, on the first try, you have an inventory of seven items (up higher in the spire) to choose from, and wind up eliminating one spirit and the other four all say "wrong item" on each different item. Well, you've just eliminated three items. You know that only those four items are the ones you'll be working with.

The spire is an investment, to me. You are trading goods (a lot of them, yes) for diamonds (provided you have a team that always gets at least to bronze.) Bronze is something that I make without thinking much about it now ... and silver is harder, but it's doable each week. Last week I hit the top of the spire for gold, a rarity for me, but possible, and I was thrilled that the team made gold so that was a total of 275 diamonds (I spent 50 diamonds for the last boss, so a net gain for the week of 225). Ironically, it's harder for me to do gold now than it was a few chapters ago, before the spire started asking for mana and orcs. I need so much mana for research that I'm finding it hard to cater those ... hence I've started to fight some fights in spire. But don't worry about that now ... if you can just get to bronze level each week and get that 50 diamonds, I'm sure you'll start loving it too. Good luck.
Thanks. I figured a few things out. One major key was feeling I had the resources to risk/invest, to afford catering. I figured out the backing out thing when too few options are immediately eliminated. You still lose that first cater but worth it when the probability of victory is so remote. I can't recall if it was here or the other thread (I dont feel like searching at the moment), but i found that similar technique when the cater goods are things that I'd prefer not to use from inventory (one reason or another). And that is a judgment i can make before making the first offering. ;) Also, especially the first offering, I offer what I'm most willing to spend (usually coins or supplies) more often than goods and see if i can get to not use as many goods, lol.


So here is yet another example of large areas of map with zero drops...I have honestly had more drops with magical items in my kingdom, than I have in the event map utilizing multiple 420 packages..

Not to mention being locked out for 19.5 hours, and then only allowed to do 2 more quests before being locked out again for 20 more hours, repeated quests etc.. Pffft..

This event is a bust imho, and am at this point done with the discussion thread for it and moving on to happier pastures in the forum kingdom lol..

Happy eventing to the rest of you, I hope you all fare well :)

Misty Forest.JPG


Active Member
Well, I don't have tons to spare but I tried again. It's going much better.

I'm happy to hear it's going better for you! I'm a fighter so, it's a bit easier on me. Darielle has a great point about backing out. It's a good strategy.

When I negotiate some of the rounds this is the trick I use: gold, supplies, gold, supplies... That's round one. Round two: I alternate supplies and gold if I get "wrong person" and if it's "no one needs it", then I use my goods.

I produce a lot of gold and I keep up my supplies because I fight. I don't touch the resources I have least of unless I know it's the right answer. This works for me because I have gold to spare. However, everyone is different. But if you do have a good supply of one resource use it first rather than relying on chance. I'm just not a gambler by nature so again, everything is based on how you build your city and how you play. =^._.^=

Deleted User - 4684565

Honestly I don't like the Misty Forest either especially the the quest wants more resources for instance some the quest asks you to solve 6 encounters or solve 6 tournaments it's frustrating especially if you are low level you are constantly having to either using coins or supplies and doing just not one event but 2 at the same time it gets very hectic at times Come on Elvenar split up the events
I was really looking forward to playing the misty forest but it's a Big let down and I can see why some players aren't even playing misty forest


Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't like the Misty Forest either especially the the quest wants more resources for instance some the quest asks you to solve 6 encounters or solve 6 tournaments it's frustrating especially if you are low level you are constantly having to either using coins or supplies and doing just not one event but 2 at the same time it gets very hectic at times Come on Elvenar split up the events
I was really looking forward to playing the misty forest but it's a Big let down and I can see why some players aren't even playing misty forest
I'm finding the tourney to be a very helpful resource to get through event quests.


Well-Known Member
Every other event, @ max 5-7 tries per daily prize ......
now 47 chests in a row , 0 dailies .... I mean really , is this supposed to be fun ????


WAIT, before I am done with this thread I had to update one more time...The game just finally unlocked and let me play (1) whole round before locking me out again for the 3rd time, this time for 22.5 hours UGH...I have never been locked out this many times back to back before, this is insane.. Especially as I am getting locked out for 20+ hours with no clue as to what the event will throw at me next for requirements..

At this point only getting between 60-70 reward, 420 is so far away, that a lvl 10 just isn't going to happen with the clock running down, if even a lvl 9..

Okay I am done whining lol :p:p:p


Well-Known Member
I have never been locked out this many times back to back before, this is insane.. Especially as I am getting locked out for 20+ hours with no clue as to what the event will throw at me next for requirements..
These are scheduled daily quests, so one unlocks daily until you reach the last one on the last day. If you want to know what's coming, elvengems has a list, and Soggy posted one somewhere, I think in the beta thread.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Every other event, @ max 5-7 tries per daily prize ......
now 47 chests in a row , 0 dailies .... I mean really , is this supposed to be fun ????

Yeah, the luck in this game can really suck sometimes. I completed this event with my chapter 7 Beta city and got a daily prize maybe 6 times in 20 days? And a couple of those were repeats, so not even 6 different prizes.

I have been saving up for later prizes for my US city, but I am just waiting for the bad luck to continue there too.