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    Your Elvenar Team

News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

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Platinum Leaf -FB
'The Buried City' questline event runs between February 22nd and March 15th.

Read all about it here: You are welcome to share the link with friends and fellowship!



'The Buried City' questline event runs between February 22nd and March 15th.
I was wondering... Besides the main event building, I can also see a variety of other buildings as daily prizes. Do people especially recommend any of these buildings? I always want to get the best buildings for my city during events. :)


Well-Known Member
The whole point of Vacuum Vials is not to clear masses of sand/fog, but rather, they're there to avoid using 3-4+ candles/lanterns to navigate out of narrow alleys and/or to cut around corners...

The most efficient way to play is to keep the screen scrolling to the right vs. trying to uncover everything.

Is it? That's something I've been debating myself, and I can see it either way. I feel that the hidden corners usually have a high likelihood of having stuff in them.


Platinum Leaf -FB
The new browser Map Visits (just arrived in Beta) are great!
They give all the same functionality as what one has right now with fellowship visits. And ancient wonder donation functionality too!
I really love this new feature - one can now easily visit everyone once in a while to restore old, lost visiting relationships.
The 'Ancient Wonder KP pirates' are going to love it too!

Dear Humans and Elves,
Today we have implemented a much requested feature for our browser players: an easier way to perform Neighbourly Help to your neighbours!
Through a new tab in the Province Overview screen you will now be able to open a list and perform Neighbourly Help from there!
We hope you like this improvement and are looking forward to hearing your feedback about it in our discussion thread.
Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team



Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
So to balance the scales, between awesome and terrible, I guess, we have another new feature.
At the end of any battle, instead of just bringing up the summary, our remaining troops don't display quickly and evenly. There is this irritating little teaser where the troops remaining sort of spin their way up. It's a complete waste of user time (and development resources).


Well-Known Member
So to balance the scales, between awesome and terrible, I guess, we have another new feature.
At the end of any battle, instead of just bringing up the summary, our remaining troops don't display quickly and evenly. There is this irritating little teaser where the troops remaining sort of spin their way up. It's a complete waste of user time (and development resources).
I thought it was a display glitch at first. I agree; a completely pointless addition and waste of resources.


Platinum Leaf -FB
A new Fellowship Adventures starts in Beta on Thursday, 3rd March at ±11:00 German CEST (5:00 EST).
I will post full details, once we have seen exactly which changes they have made.

Forum Announcement:

Dear Humans and Elves,
Brace yourselves! On Thursday, March 3rd we will start a new round of Fellowship Adventures on Beta, so get your Fellowships together and grab some nice rewards!
This time we'll introduce a set of much requested improvements:

  • Progress towards Fellowship Adventure Badges is no longer capped. That means that any progress that surpasses a badge's requirements will not be lost anymore and instead count towards the following badge of the same type.
  • We have added a section with participation information to the Stage Rewards window in Fellowship Adventures. This will make it easier to assess which players have yet to contribute to a stage to receive its rewards.
  • Fellowship Adventures will also have a start countdown, similar to other Events (already visible in the game).
  • From now on, a significant amount of Fellowship Experience will be added to the FA Ranking Rewards.
Of course we'd love to hear all your feedback in our Feedback Thread and the bugs you'd find, in our Bugs Report section!
Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team



Buddy Fan Club member
The beta FA announcement was a post added to the official announcement thread started for FA's in 2017. This creates confusion whenever there is a change to the FA structure since there are almost 5yrs of posts in that thread with various pics introducing 'new' windows/requirements/etc.
Data miners have said the badges have the same requirements as the last FA with the caveat that there's still time for changes to be made before launch. The primary structure change as I see it is in the number and type of badges required for the waypoints. I know Inno has been making changes to that recently since the current posting shows a few changes from the one I started working off of on Feb 15th. At first glance those look minor (like changing the number of carpenters required from 9 to 7); the caveat to that is: it was a quick glance, lol!
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