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    Your Elvenar Team

Player Movement is coming to US!!


Mathematician par Excellence
Soggy that's a horrible south.
Pretty brutal, eh?
And I'm still scouting ring 9. Am I supposed to keep scouting evenly? How much is lost if I scout 2-4 more even rings and 25% are guaranteed goldmines which give half as many coins?
The worst part is I was put here during the first player move! I don't know if the world shrank and everyone except me moved north, or what happened, but I used to have players in all directions. There was no change during the second move.


Oh Wise One
@SoggyShorts When I first joined Arendyl I was in a canyon that looked a lot like that. If you went far enough left and right there were people but north and south for some distance was a wasteland. Thankfully my 2 neighbours and I were shifted during the previous move to the far corners of the active map.

The thing with a spot like that is you will be higher on the list for an inwards move. Currently newer members would be filling in the gaps appearing on the inside but with a weekly move you should get lucky and move further in. You could keep scouting in a circle based on that assumption, its a risk but not doing it also has a risk.


Would you like to be moved south of me on Khelonaar? I could use a couple players in that direction :D


After reading all of this I am so honored to be where I am and have the wonderful neighbors and Fellowships I have. I play in Felyndral and Arendyll as Ambassador and Archmage and both of my cities received daily visits from 97% of FS and 85% of my greenspace neighbors. I am truly Blessed and appreciate everyone's visits.

SoggyShorts, I am so sad for your situation.


Oh Wise One
I have seen some people afraid to be moved because they like their fellowship.
fs People please assure your newer ( i hope ) players realize that location does not affect their fs contact.


Sooooooo it's been 8 days since they announced weekly movement, did it happen?
I'll be another broken record - I didn't move and nobody around me seems to have changed in ages. I still have several cities where their MH is still upgrading :(
I also have zero gold mines and never really see them - I'd love it if you could have the option of just skimming the city for 1/2 gold vs. having to enter and click for full gold. I'd actually tour my map daily if that were the case.


Oh Wise One
I've got one new neighbor this week. It happened a few days ago. I think one issue is people who don't have a solid grasp of how lucky they are. I ahve come to the conclusion that some people's idea of "inactive" would leave a couple of hundred of us clustered together on each world, and everyone else gone.


I've got one new neighbor this week. It happened a few days ago. I think one issue is people who don't have a solid grasp of how lucky they are. I ahve come to the conclusion that some people's idea of "inactive" would leave a couple of hundred of us clustered together on each world, and everyone else gone.
Out of 39.7k players only 4.1k have pts in this tournament.

You could infer that only about 90% of the game is active. That's a lot of inactive accounts they could move, but to move all the inactives would make for very very bad optics for Inno.
I'll say it once again, all they had to do is make the option to move cities a manual choice vs. being the pre-set option. That way only those active accounts are getting moved, while the inactives can remain in the game and be moved elsewhere or just stay where they are.


Oh Wise One
That way only those active accounts are getting moved, while the inactives can remain in the game and be moved elsewhere or just stay where they are.
Part of my original suggestion for movement in both directions is that they simply expand the continent by a full band of province types in an "X" at the center. Nobody moves unless they are active, and they get to move in one band closer to center each week they are active. It has the indirect effect of moving inactive players "out" along with every other inactive player in their area. When each spot in the new "X" is filled, movement in continues, in order to fill any spots they abandoned. At the end of the cycle, every active player has moved at least one band closer to center (and possibly several if they were way outside) Inactive players will continue to have any neighbors that were inactive before, but will have lost their current active neighbors, but those will have been replaced by other active neighbors. Until someone has been inactive for a long time, they won't really lose any activity around them, but eventually they'll end up in the boonies.


Lol, no worries, in theory I should get first dibs on a better spot (they said that priority goes to those furthest from the middle)

Thanks for liking and quoting me. I don't get quoted very often and am honored. lol I do hope you get moved soon and wish you all the best.

I can't figure out how to quote more than one person in the same message, and I know everyone hates double posts. lol

My Greenspace Neighbors that are inactive went to Gold Mines then they put new players in their spot. Why can't we get active players that want to move in those spaces instead of new people that just leave the game? It's one of those hmmmmmmmmmmmm questions. lol Makes ya think


Oh Wise One
I can't figure out how to quote more than one person in the same message
Theoretically, you can hit the [+quote] on each message you want to quote, then when you are replying there will be an [Insert Quotes] button that pastes them all into your existing reply box. personally, I hit reply on one post, type my reply, then cut the whole message box and hit reply to a different post then paste in the original. Rinse and repeat.


Theoretically, you can hit the [+quote] on each message you want to quote, then when you are replying there will be an [Insert Quotes] button that pastes them all into your existing reply box. personally, I hit reply on one post, type my reply, then cut the whole message box and hit reply to a different post then paste in the original. Rinse and repeat.


Thank you so much for your answer. I hope I understand it correctly. lol

Since this is the discussion thread about the latest update I'd like to ask if anyone has used the Banshee in Battle yet? I just got it activated tonight and my experience with the Banshee is good up against Heavy Ranked Units. I used two Banshee, two Cerberus II, and a Mage. This was against a Two Heavy Ranked Units, two Mage, and one Heavy Melee.

I just want to say, Best of Luck to all players and thank you for accepting me here
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