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    Your Elvenar Team

Release notes version 1.7


I'm not sure if there is a thread for that, but will those advanced players receive some kind of recompensation in the form of rune shards for province that we had scouted before AW were introduced?

HAAA...HA.............HA...hee.....hee............whew....almost busted a gut on that...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, how naive. I've asked this exact same question on something so much easier to fix...., the tournaments. The first two, which I ranked 10th, then 7th, payed 91 & 94....then the developers decided to increased the payoffs in global ranking to a thousand for first place, etc....do you think they would compensate a couple of hundred players? I made almost 200 while now folks are getting 1500 for the same!! When I submitted a request for some compensation [really anything]....they really just brushed me off with lame excuses offering nothing - really telling me to "go away"........oh, we can't...etc, etc, etc. [I can't quot them because they will delete this topic again].

They have to realize this is just spinning our wheels. A game is only a game if there is a winner!!!!

Hmm....I have a bad feeling about this game...it's starting to feel a bit desperate by adding all these features without thoroughly vetting the details...?
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So far i can see, wonders from research tech 2 i only get their rune shards from tournament provinces. What i wanna know can you gain em rune shards from normal provinces for this 2 new wonders??? please someone answer so i know,,,,


What i wanna know can you gain em rune shards from normal provinces for this 2 new wonders???
You'e looking at the wrong end of the horse. Helping level Ancient Wonders will, increasingly, be the primary means of obtaining the Rune Shards that you'll need in the sort term, but in the long term you'll have Rune Shards coming out of your ears, mostly from Tournaments.

The Forge of Empires blueprints are an entirely relevant example. They're even harder to obtain, a blueprint only fits in ONE of the nine slots, and the 2:1 exchange isn't capped.



What i wanna know can you gain em rune shards from normal provinces for this 2 new wonders?

Sure. All normal provinces give you a random rune shard. However, as they are random, it may be many many provinces before you get the rune shard you want.


The first two Wonders will yield Runes comparatively easily for early players- since there are only 2 available, and provinces are completed fairly quickly.

Personally, I can't see the Tome of Secrets as a benefit, but The Abyss could be a good choice for an early player, if:

A player builds it, then doesn't put any more personal KP into it. Hopefully, it will be sniped a lot (by advanced players who can't get the Runes elsewhere), resulting in population that's higher/per/grid than a residence.

Since it's still too difficult for an early player to gain significant KP from Tournament play (I tried it from my test city)... if a player has to add his own KP to the Abyss, the resulting slow down in Research would be pretty significant. Who can sustain interest in the game when getting to new Expansions is even more difficult than it is now?

Basically, with some luck, the Abyss can be upgraded by others, yield score, and give higher population. But it does take some luck, because there's only 1 Rune shard the first upgrade, so unless some players start competing, it'll just sit there with half KP...

The Tome, for its size, doesn't yield any result that justifies replacing a Workshop or other building. Nor is it as likely to receive random KP input, since it's not a desirable building for advanced players.

These two new Wonders leave me shaking my head in confusion. The Abyss is evidence that they do know how to design a beneficial Wonder...but how do we explain the Tome? After the debacle over the wimpy Spells, you'd think we wouldn't see an even worse Wonder release.


and still no mention of the merc camp...soooo frustrated that I've had it built to lvl 4 since APRIL,.,,,,what a HUGE WAISTE of time & resources it was to build, specially since they are not even mentioning it in all the game release notes...maybe they are forgetting about it & just not bothering to mention that to us...??? the word 'soon' obviously has been used erroneously in this circumstance...sheesh, just give us info INNO or tell us to delete the merc camp & remove it & drone riders from the tech tree...we should have been able to use those kps in other ways instead of useless tech that cannot be utilized.


90+ days is an awfully long time in between introducing it into the tech-tree and actually being able to do anything with it.
Lot's of research points that I now had to wait on it because I couldn't progress otherwise. Points that could have been spent on something that actually was useful.
If you don't want to activate it yet (or aren't yet ready to) then don't introduce it into the game


soooo frustrated that I've had it built to lvl 4 since APRIL,.,,,,what a HUGE WAISTE of time & resources
Would you RATHER that they delay the ENTIRE package until everything has been completed? That's actually what you're asking for.


Would you RATHER that they delay the ENTIRE package until everything has been completed? That's actually what you're asking for.
no, I would rather they complete the package they started in April before they start introducing new ancient wonders that were mentioned after the mention of the merc camp & new fairy troops & tournaments...
Inno going back to ages 2,3 & 5 to add the magic academy, tournaments, & AWs proves they could easily enough have omitted the merc camp & drone riders from the fairy research & added them when they are actually COMPLETE ..at some later////or soon as they wrote it...date.......
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Red letter day here - or black, depending on perspective: Katwijk and I are in general agreement on a topic.

The Fairy Merc unit needed to be included in the Tree. (given that they were going to insist we build it anyway). We needed to make space for it and upgrade while we're waiting...The alternative - introducing it AFTER our grids were already planned and even filled would have been just infuriating. What would we be doing? Deleting a manufactory to make room for it?

Besides - the building will be 100% useless even when the new units are released.!!! When you realize that the Building isn't necessary at all - it accomplishes exactly ZERO in your city - you can just shrug your shoulders and move on. If we're going to get upset about it, we should be upset about a 4x4 space that yields nothing - permanently. We could put a Wonder in that space, but no...well, death and taxes, right?

And my guess as to the release delay is that it's proven more complicated to program than they thought. Also likely, whomever is working on the fighting is not the person/team working on Wonders introductions. Different types of programming.

We already have glitches in fighting - really, the last thing we need is to see the Fairy units introduced before they're 99% bugproof.

There are soooo many valid reasons to be frustrated, so I get it. But I hope that Inno doesn't push out the Merc units too early in response to our pushing. (Is that me talking? LOL)

This interim can be useful, even. I know we're using units like water in the Tournaments - keep in mind that, once the new units are introduced we'll be building inventory of those two, so we'll want to have sufficient of our existing units already in barracks. There will only be one queue for units. (i.e. the barracks and the merc won't run simultaneously - only one at a time).


the word 'soon' obviously has been used erroneously in this circumstance

No matter what happens in the future, I know I too am frustrated with having been told something and then it not being followed through on. We did not get the building or the troops "soon".

Perhaps they can learn from this and not tell us erroneous information in the future about other things? Because, it makes people angry when you say you will do something and then not do it.


no, I would rather they complete the package they started in April before they start introducing new ancient wonders that were mentioned after the mention of the merc camp & new fairy troops & tournaments...
Inno going back to ages 2,3 & 5 to add the magic academy, tournaments, & AWs proves they could easily enough have omitted the merc camp & drone riders from the fairy research & added them when they are actually COMPLETE ..at some later////or soon as they wrote it...date.......

I completely agree with this. And of course this was actually my point.
Not to mention that I am not in the least impressed with the bug they introduced to the tournaments with the last update, but that's another matter entirely.
When you add something, it is supposed to be functional and complete. If it's not, then don't add it yet, but introduce that part in a later update, it really is as simple as that.

I mean, I don't know about other people, but in the business I'm in, the clients would go through the roof when told something was 'coming soon' or 'be ready soon' and after 3 months still not only wouldn't have gotten it, but wouldn't even have gotten any updates on it, but would in fact be paying for it (as players are forced to invest knowledge points here in order to be able to go ahead in the game).

This is exactly another example of the saying: if builders built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilisation
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ol, soon as most on the US server know it is as in the next few moments.. aka NOW NOW NOW.. you know instant gratification millennials and all... lol.
you guys crack me up... it's a game.. and it takes time to get it at least playable.. sure we have some things in game now that are playable.. but goodness do they still have bugs to be worked out.. patience is a virtue, perhaps lost on this generation.

Wow Frostwyrm. What on earth? You post only to insult people? Wth?

You think honoring your word is NOT a virtue? You think it is OK to lie? You think it is wrong to expect someone to live up to their obligations? How is expecting someone to do what they said they were going to do demanding instant gratification? Millenials? No. Not even close. I come from a generation where businesses honored their word and it wasn't unusual to expect them to. I come from a generation where there weren't a bunch of contrary white nighters defending every poor business decision a company made. I come from a generation where you keep your agreements or at the very least you UPDATE people if there have been problems.

Either you don't understand what people are saying or you need a mimosa on this fine Sunday afternoon.


You think it is wrong to expect someone to live up to their obligations?
That's a bit overstated. The developers undoubtedly gave us the best information that was available AT THAT TIME.

I trust that we're all wise enough, and experienced enough, to understand that sometimes folks bite off more than they can chew.


How would an outsider view the history of Elvenar's release?

Major misjudgments from the outset - without subsequent apologies nor correction. They misjudged player retention and based everything around neighborhoods. Then they started reacting - introducing Fellowships, trying to "correct" one thing after another, belatedly inserting elements into early game play that should have been there from the beginning. Feeling it necessary to add the Magic Academy - a "major game element" that somehow they couldn't envision in their initial strategy?

I know would-be game designers whose ramblings-over-beer-after-class had a more cohesive structure than we've seen here. I'm being general - but I'm sure we could make an extensive list of features that feel haphazard. This doesn't feel like a game that someone loved and laboured into existence; it feels like a concept that's being manipulated to see if it will be productive enough to maintain.

Not to mention the regularity of glitches. I've only played HayDay, but it's a much more complicated game and we seldom have programming glitches. And when we do, we can depend on receiving a "care package" of diamonds.

It hasn't been well-managed, well-executed, nor well-designed.

Are we impatient? Often. But - if content were good, players were shown courtesy and respect, releases weren't massively buggy...we'd be less impatient. We'd just be happily speculating like a kid before Christmas.


courtesy and respect

Two concepts that seem to be lost.

I trust that we're all wise enough, and experienced enough, to understand that sometimes folks bite off more than they can chew.

Of course. But a courteous person who respected you would apologize and update you on the new expected release date. Not being updated or being given anything as an apology equals no courtesy or respect. This is simple stuff really. It has nothing to do with programming or how long things take or that snafu's happen. Of course they do. So WHEN they do, you apologize and update. Simple.


I second this as well.
On this world it's not an issue yet, but on another one I've discovered and freed something like 230 provinces, and I already had something like 170-180 before those wonders were dropped. That's rather a lot of shards one misses out on.
What's more, that far along in the game it takes ages to scout a province. I'm now at something like 2.5 days. Which means that it's getting extremely hard to get shards, apart from the tournaments. And THEN you need to get the right shards too. I have tons of shards that I can't use.

yet another vote for the option to make runes transferable or un-typed. Even if they cost 2 for 1 to change type I would be happier. At the higher level it becomes almost impossible to go back and get these runes. Also the more there are, the LESS likely you get the type you need. This means when we get to 12 types you would have to complete 192 more provinces (math I saw in the forums say you have to complete 16 on average to get the 9 you need given breakage from shards). But if you only get the correct type 1/12th of the time that means 192 (16*12). Also keep in mind that if you have runes in the other types (I currently have 25+ runes in 2 that I already built) but I still get those just as often. At least they could make it so after you build it, if another type is still being unlocked (placing runes in the wheel) you don't get runes of the type you already unlocked until the existing wheels are finished. That way you have a chance. Because right now it takes me 27 hours to scout 1 prov. 27 hours per, I have 4 AW unlocked, 16 runes on avg. That means I have to wait about 72 days (16*4*27 hours) to completely unlock a new one and that assumes the time will not go up, which is wrong because it goes up 1 hour per prov. Also I understand I could get them as a bonus from tourneys but to do that other players would have to be active in them. I completed 12 zones last tourney, and at the 12th one I finally had 1 player active in my 12th one. My neighbors are all inactive. It is pointless. I did play until level 6 in 2 sites, and wow I got 2 more runes for the types I already had 25+ in.

If things like this stay impossible I am going to reach the rage quit point much faster in this game.


I'm going to be blunt. The sky is NOT falling.


I've only played HayDay, but it's a much more complicated game and we seldom have programming glitches.
Please take a closer look at the Hay Day bugs forum. It's at
Disappearing diamonds..... Over 70 gone overnight!!!!
I went to bed last night with 80 diamonds and woke up to find I only have 6 left!! I've heard of sleepwalking but this is ridiculous! I've been looking for a link to contact Supercell to report a problem but I can't find 1 anywhere anybody have any ideas of what this problem is and how I can help get it sorted? Obviously this is quite a large amount of diamonds to just disappear and equates to quite a bit of money.
I know would-be game designers whose ramblings-over-beer-after-class had a more cohesive structure than we've seen here.
By your own admission you don't have a programming background,
and you therefore have no clue whether the development of Elvenar is ahead of schedule, on-schedule, or behind schedule

You likewise don't have any basis for judging the quality nor appropriateness
of the programming effort AS compared to the rest of the gaming industry.
Here's an interesting article written by one of InnoGames lead developers.

Trusting advice from "would be game designers" is simply laughable, and it's beneath you.
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