Since as I understand it, Seasons will replace the event
tasks structure for future events. --If-- this is the case,
then I'll post here, rather than the Alchemy or Cauldron
threads, yet my comment is about all 3.......
Looking @ big recent changes here in Elvenar.....
New tech tree, cauldron, and seasons..
My brain remembers, "be carefull on what Inno
give'th and what they then take away'th". I do see
in these 3 changes, a shift in how Inno wants the
playerbase to play Elvenar, and a "scrubber" of
all those things the "horders" , horde.... heh heh.
I love new stuff, and keep'n Elvenar fresh is awesome,
but not @ the expense of basic playstyles. Someone
who sets thier city up for 1day collections, doesn't then
want to have to do 75 of a short timer collection. They
also might not have the space to make that time effective.
The announcement, I thought, said Seasons will be the
future interface/game/thingy-ma-bobber to replace the
sequential tasks. I thought we got it now, as a dry run, so
we're rdy to do it when it counts.....
Had Inno wanted players to do every research in every
chapter, they wouldn't have included optional researches.
Now, not doing those cripples your Cauldron spell choices.
Before I joined Elvenar was too much P2P, so I've read, then
it swung to the F2P side, now its swinging back the other way,
or so it seems if ya wanna actually get anything/anywhere....
Thats not good or bad I guess, just the impression I get.