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    Your Elvenar Team

Spire Master Interviews with Maximum Effort (Combined Thread)


Buddy Fan Club member
...And I won this from Readers' Favorite this morning! I can start using it on all my advertising moving forward. I have several other editor reviews, bloggers reviews, etc. I am waiting on...but it was nice to win this seal before the launch.

View attachment 16717

An excerpt: Wood weaves a story filled with compelling conflict that shapes the characters' evolution. Kelso and Ava are wounded and disillusioned with their war-torn reality, a trait that makes them relatable and multi-dimensional. The interplay between their distinct personalities, their dark pasts, and the intricacies of the new threat presents an engaging and well-crafted plot that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The intricate worldbuilding further immerses readers into this fantasy world, where a virus indiscriminately changes its victims into malevolent and chaotic beings. With elements of quirky humor and thrilling action, James Wood showcases unexpected plot twists and a cast of morally nuanced characters. The book will resonate with readers who enjoy surprising turns and compelling characters dealing with a solid conflict, a touch of dark humor, and an alluring blend of danger and forbidden attraction. Fans of urban fantasy looking for a fresh and compelling story will find themselves at home in The Ebon Knight. Wood's storytelling invites readers into an exciting world where heroes aren't always what they seem, and villains have more complexity than meets the eye.
Thank you! There seems to be a lot of interest in the book, actually. I have 889 people who tagged it on good reads as a "want to read" and over 700 of them also put the book on their shelf. Here's a picture I took earlier when it was at 824 "want to read"s. I have no clue how many will actually buy it tomorrow once it launches (or over the following weeks), but I never would have thought it would be so many!

Hope I can sleep tonight! =)


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    Good Reads 1.jpg
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Oh Wise One
Thank you! There seems to be a lot of interest in the book, actually. I have 889 people who tagged it on good reads as a "want to read" and over 700 of them also put the book on their shelf. Here's a picture I took earlier when it was at 824 "want to read"s. I have no clue how many will actually buy it tomorrow once it launches (or over the following weeks), but I never would have thought it would be so many!

Hope I can sleep tonight! =)
I hope ALL of them do!
Book one is Live! Thank you to all who commented both privately and in public, I appreciate you all!

Search "The Ebon Knight" on Amazon to find the book!

If you liked it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review it on Amazon and/or Good Reads. And if you REALLY liked it, Book two in the series (called "The Dark Witch") is up for Pre-order now! ;)

Lady Dastardly

Well-Known Member
How exciting and congratulations to you! I always enjoyed your interviews and was saddened when they disappeared. Glad you are well and I wish you and your book(s) much success!


Day and Night Trader
I need advice on how best to handle the Fat Frog. I have been climbing the spire for many years and that stingy amphibian remains the bane of my Elvenar experience. In theory after 2 1/2 plus years of climbing to the top, the webbed sociopath should have granted me 6 or 7 magic workshops. Instead the bastard shorts me almost every time. I have been stuck on 3 for over a year. His preference seems to be portal power. Having completed all chapters, his gifts are of no use at all. After feeding or the defeat of his minions, he disappears in a puff of smoke and leave just his sinister laugh. I’ve tried bribes with gourmet food as well as the most severe measures in troops buffed to extreme levels to cow and decimate his forces, but nothing seem convincing and his maniacal laugh has been getting more menacing over time.

Any and all advice on how best to handle the Frog is appreciated. Help me Ebonknight01, you are my only hope!


Oh Wise One
I need advice on how best to handle the Fat Frog. I have been climbing the spire for many years and that stingy amphibian remains the bane of my Elvenar experience. In theory after 2 1/2 plus years of climbing to the top, the webbed sociopath should have granted me 6 or 7 magic workshops. Instead the bastard shorts me almost every time. I have been stuck on 3 for over a year. His preference seems to be portal power. Having completed all chapters, his gifts are of no use at all. After feeding or the defeat of his minions, he disappears in a puff of smoke and leave just his sinister laugh. I’ve tried bribes with gourmet food as well as the most severe measures in troops buffed to extreme levels to cow and decimate his forces, but nothing seem convincing and his maniacal laugh has been getting more menacing over time.

Any and all advice on how best to handle the Frog is appreciated. Help me Ebonknight01, you are my only hope!
Help me Ebonknight01, you are my only hope!

Yeah, I get that a lot. ;)

One of the more famous pleas for help I ever got was back when I was going by the name Obi-wan Kenobi, it was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

So, Maximum Effort has a couple of petable alligators called "Fred" and "Loki", take them with you next time you go see Frog Boy and he will 100% cough up some magic shops or your money back!
Anyone that is reading the book, I hope you are enjoying it! If you like it, please review it on Amazon (and/or Good Reads). Thank you!


@Ebonknight01 Congratulations!!!!! I'm so excited for you! Once the child's school trip expenses are paid and christmas ends I plan on ordering a paperback copy. (Maybe earlier if my fiance will grab it for Christmas for me lol.) I'm looking forward to reading it!
@Myne yes, please do leave me a review on amazon (and good reads if you are a member) I would really appreciate it.
@Silver Lady, I assume you are the reviewer who mentioned she read 158 books this year!? If that's you and "The Ebon Knight" was one of the best books you read of those 158 I am extremely honored by that! Particularly if dark/urban fantasy is not your jam AND it's my very first. By the way, and I sincerely believe this, I think you will LOVE "The Dark Witch"!
@Yavimaya The paperback is 6x9 and it's actually gorgeous, it was a surreal experience to hold my own copy, honestly. And if you hate it, the book is pretty hefty so it will make a great door stop or paper weight! ;)