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    Your Elvenar Team

Spire Master Interviews with Maximum Effort (Combined Thread)

The Dark Witch is LIVE on 12/22!

Hi all, subject line says it all. I hope everyone who already purchased the EBOOK enjoys it!

PLEASE, at this time ONLY buy the EBOOK! I am almost certain that the PAPERBACK accidentally had an OLDER VERSION uploaded. I can't confirm until launch. The good news is that I can fix it easily, and within minutes, the bad news is that it will take Amazon up to seven days for those changes to go live. So, for you paperback readers, please be patient, you will get a MUCH better story if you just wait a few more days (the same one as the EBOOK). My apologies! =(


So, for you paperback readers, please be patient, you will get a MUCH better story if you just wait a few more days (the same one as the EBOOK). My apologies! =(
No worries! We appreciate you telling us! I can't order until after this month anyways so it worked out good for me lol. Do not panic. It will be alright and get fixed soon!
The Ebon Knight Audiobook is OUT!

Hi all, for those of you waiting for it, the wait is over! You can find "The Ebon Knight" on Amazon/Audible right now (either go to my Amazon listing or go straight to audible and search for it). For those of you with iTunes, Spotify, etc. the audiobook will be available on those platforms (and a LOT more) shortly. A few days for iTunes, a few weeks for Spotify and several others.

If you liked my book, you will LOVE the narration! My narrator CRUSHED it, I'm so blown away by how well it turned out. Please feel free to leave comments on this thread for those of you who check it out! =)
Hi all - Quick update for those of you who followed me over from this thread and into my books. For those few of you who might not know, I have a dark/urban fantasy out collectively called "The Ebon Knight Chronicles"... and THIS thread on THIS forum was my first attempt ever at writing for other people (AKA "the public"). The praise I received here (and in game, and through private messages) was the catalyst that launched my author career, and I love it! I now expect to write until they put me in the ground... and hopefully that's not any time soon!

Book 1: "The Ebon Knight" has done well and a few months ago it got up to #64 in the world for contemporary fantasy fiction for a few hours (right next to Anne Rice!) before slipping back down. I took a picture of that ranking placement, of course! :cool: There are 12 MILLION eBooks available on the Amazon platform, and The Ebon Knight tends to range from 200,000 to 500,000 most days. I am pleased with it staying power so far, but I am only six months into it, so who knows? The audiobook is available on Audible, Spotify, Nook, Chirp, etc... and if you like audiobooks I highly recommend it because my narrator absolutely crushed it!

Book 2: "The Dark Witch" has also been well received, and I don't think it will shock anyone if I say that I think it is a smidge better than my first because practice makes perfect, yes? The second book has more dialogue and more fight scenes in it - and I love writing both! The world basics was built in book one, so - whew! - more sword play and sorcery INC! ;) The Dark Witch audiobook is INCREDIBLE, and I am almost finished with the last listen through before narrator fixes and launch. Expect that to be available on all platforms by mid-June.

Book 3: "The Arch Mage" eBook is uploaded and ready for delivery on June 1st (and for readers of the series it will blow you away)! The Arch Mage Paperback MIGHT have a small delay because my cover artist has not resized the cover to the spec I now need. If she does get back to me within the next 3 or 4 days then it will launch on 6/3, if not then by 6/15. :eek:

I know this post may not reach a bunch of people, as this forum is dying, but I have noticed that there are over 7000 views on this thread alone, so I assume that there are still a couple of us lurking around like ghosts here. Anyways, cheers! And for those of you that do read my books, I truly hope you like them!

James Wood
AKA Ebonknight01
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Well-Known Member
and THIS thread on THIS forum was my first attempt ever at writing for other people (AKA "the public"). The praise I received here (and in game, and through private messages) was the catalyst that launched my author career, and I love it! I now expect to write until they put me in the ground
The Ebon Knight tends to range from 200,000 to 500,000 most days
Very nice to read! :) Congrats!!! @Ebonknight01
I know this post may not reach a bunch of people, as this forum is dying, but I have noticed that there are over 7000 views of it and so I assume that there are still a couple of us lurking around like ghosts here. Anyways, cheers!
Cheers! ;)

Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
James, I have read The Dark Witch and loved it. I WILL get around to posting my review on Amazon as soon as I finish the last 5 SOPs my son needs for his business. BTW on one of the worlds I play on I have a neighbor called DarkWitch1, any relation?

Regards, Silver
@TimeMachine thank you!

@Silver Lady No, but maybe they read the Dark Witch though? That would be cool if they had. :cool: Yes, I would love to see your review, appreciate it! Honestly, I would be totally floored if someone named their characters after someone from one of my books. If you find out let me know. Like, if I saw an "Ava Pentran" or "Ava the Dark Witch"... then, yeah, ok I KNOW you read my book! Just "Dark Witch" (or in this case "DarkWitch1") would be a little iffy though - as there are a lot of Dark Witchy type of characters in lots of different books. If I saw a "Jesslyn Pentran" or maybe even "The Spider" then I would be, OK, this person read my book AND has some problems! :eek: ;)

Let me know what you think of The Arch Mage, too! I obviously lurk around here with the other Ghosts.
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