@Tehya1 ,
if a player's playstyle is to spend too many frags each week, yes they will always run out.
1/2 the players complained they had too many, 1/2 said they had too few .... The Devs
add'd some things for players to spend frags on, along with older stuff that newer players
certainly want, that doen't change the fact that if you want everything right now, and you're
spending every last frag ya got doing so, I say pull out a CC and just buy diamonds and pay
that way and get it over with..... or you're gonna keep running out.
I went outta my way as to not make a subjective judgement on whether or not any action
such as this is good or bad..... The game wasn't meant for players to just craft all 5 tiles
in every cue(all4) in thier MA, every day....
I use more than my fair share of frags in all 3 of my cities, none ever run out, and during
FAs, I drain every last CC that I can for the residues.....