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    Your Elvenar Team

Warning regarding new battle system


Ok....more points I didn't bring up yet:

If you want a fighting unit that can win battles you will need:
a martial monastery
a dwarven bulwark
a needles of the tempest
both new orc wonders and
6 or 7 full sized armories if you have a fully upgraded barracks

Did I mention they sell expansions?


so to win a battle if your not in Orc Chapter and you don't have all the above - your not gonna win many battles is my take on that info - geesh BobbyKitty you sure KNow how to brighten a fellows day - lol - Have a Great Day la'

Maz Mellor

Well-Known Member
Here is what your fellow Elvenar players on beta have said about this system. Forewarned is fore armed.

I am afraid it is even worse than we thought. They have deliberately done this. Read for yourself. The quote by Muf.

Just spent quite a long time reading all those threads on the beta forum. Now dreading the roll-out of the new and "improved" system even more.

For what it's worth, mods/devs: I have spent $$$ on diamonds for builders, expansions, premium culture buildings, even a rune shard or two. But it would make the game a whole lot less fun for me—and thus a whole lot less worth spending future $$$ on—if you were to drive away all the non-paying players. Many of us stick around in large part because of the social aspect of the game, the communities that form in fellowships, tournaments, even these forums. Please understand that driving away players who are not lucrative to you, will also drive away players who are.


Don't you need armories to negotiate?

not until you are at the orc stage. in chapter 8 (orcs) your armories turn into orc nurseries... and in earlier levels if you are an active player, you need orcs to negotiate to clear provinces. But if you are not in chapter 8, you cannot breed orcs so will not be able to acquire orcs yet and so cannot negotiate. you are forced to fight and die. It is like the movie exterminator except you do not have swartzinagor (sp?) to help you. you are a mere human fighting cyber robots. there is no hope of beating them.

dikke ikke

Well-Known Member
instead of scouting all the time, you can also spend your coins on buying KP, this KP you can the use to help upgrade the AW of someone else (fellowship, neighborhood), of course an AW for which you need runes. It will take more time as battling in the old system, but even there I am waiting a long time to get the right runes, even with getting most of my runes via the tournaments.


They are both quite right. I have not purchased any diamonds. For many reasons.

However, I will not stop scouting until they force me to. That is the only way to get expansions and I need space in order to build a city. The longer my scout sits idle, the longer it will take to get more room. You can't "catch up" your scout. That time is time gone forever. You might as well put the game away and not play at all. Even if you don't want an expansion right that second, at least you have it.

From what I understand about buying expansions, they are like buying crack. The more you buy the more expensive they get. If you get addicted to them that can be a huge hit to your wallet.

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
What gets me the most is that they are saying we have gone farther on the map then we should have and have more expansions than we should , but they add 33 more premium expansions that they don't mind if you buy and get ahead, that's just fine. I have spent money here, close to 100 bucks into this free game and didn't mind putting some in to help pay for it, but this is such a cash grab and I feel they are trying to force me into buying. It won't work it will just piss me off.
Edit: Also saying that we got to far when they already had the means in place to stop us with the scouting cost and main hall coin limit is pure BS.
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This will be one sure way to weed out those that will or can not pay for diamonds to play the game.

If I find I can not win battles without diamonds in a reasonable time. I will be gone.. I have enough stress in my real life.. I will NOT tolerate it in a game I came to get away from it.

What this looks like is those that have the time and MONEY to throw away will enjoy your game..
Thank you for the year I was able to play..

Will see how it goes after the updates, if I stay..
Being real, honest and to the point.


The more I'm hearing, the less I'm liking these upcoming changes... :mad:

If this reaches a point where I have to spend real money or not be able to expand the way I want, I will be gone too. I'd prefer to spend money on a mmorpg that I enjoy and which has so much more to offer than to spend it on what is an essentially a free basic sort of game like this.
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What gets me the most is that they are saying we have gone farther on the map then we should have and have more expansions than we should , but they add 33 more premium expansions that they don't mind if you buy and get ahead, that's just fine. I have spent money here, close to 100 bucks into this free game and didn't mind putting some in to help pay for it, but this is such a cash grab and I feel they are trying to force me into buying. It won't work it will just piss me off.
Edit: Also saying that we got to far when they already had the means in place to stop us with the scouting cost and main hall coin limit is pure BS.

I have spent around a thousand give or take a few hundred. And then I realized that I was doing some asinine things with my money and stopped. As others have said, buying expansions with diamonds gets to be an addiction. oh how right they were. I ran out of space.. I needed space. I bought it .. over and over and over. I catered as I could not win battles. I built up my golden abyss with diamonds. I decided I am through spending money. I have 55 diamonds left. lol. not sure what I am saving them for really... just nothing to use them on. everything costs a heck of a lot more than 55 diamonds lol. I am contemplating leaving the game. The fun is gone. and why should I spend time doing something that frustrates and stresses me. that is stupid and I am not a stupid person. so I need to do some serious thinking and make a decision.


Respectfully, If you have never spent any money on a game that you've been playing for over a year, inno should not want you as a customer. I certainly wouldn't.

I think there are a lot of strong arguments against the direction the game is heading... I am pretty displeased...
- They have terrible communication.
- They shouldn't be removing choices.
- They should be making battles more fun and engaging... not "dumbing" them down.
- They need to offer us something else to occupy our time if they're removing something...
- Their is no skill involved... If you want to be in the top 10, all it takes is a larger wallet and more snails... Find a way to reward players who have brains and have mastered the game.
- (plenty others)

It's disgusting that they would turn their backs on the most loyal customers (ie the ones that have been playing for over a year)... My point is simply... I think when the argument stating that it should be free to get province expansions is going to be immediately dismissed by Inno and valid concerns are getting muddied by it.


Respectfully, If you have never spent any money on a game that you've been playing for over a year, inno should not want you as a customer. I certainly wouldn't.

The game is advertised as a "free to play" game. That means there should not be a cost involved to play. It they advertised the game as "free basic play" with purchasable upgrades, it would be a different story. smiles.... While I do pay money, and always have, there are a lot of people that are on fixed income and have a choice of eat or play a game. They play on the computer for entertainment and something they can afford.


Shrug, the semantics of "free to play" is fairly subjective. I'm not sure how it isn't free to play. Even if their was an argument surrounding the semantics... My point above stands... it's not a constructive argument and doesn't get us closer to an end goal we're all interested in.