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    Your Elvenar Team

What's On Your Playlist?


Markiplier is HOT! so so cute >.<
BTW if my ten year old son heard me say that, he'd die of embarassment (he's a huge Markiplier fan)

My kids are mad that I turned them onto Mark's vids, as well as PewDiePie and jacksepticeye. Dad is not supposed to be "kewl" apparently. Lol!If I have a need to laugh, de-stress and just relax, I turn to my favorite Tubers. Though, tbh PewDiePie is getting too smug in his latest videos. I miss his Let's Plays where he played with a friend or friends, and just had fun. Dying over and over and laughing about it. Mark and jse have not lost their humbleness, and their love of laighing at themselves while they game. So... those 2 top my list.

And, my wife is a "Markimoo" fangirl, my daughter is a jse fangirl. And they argue incessantly over which one is cuter and funnier. Lol! I watch their vids to laugh and pick up new games to try. And to see what the animators have come up with. I do sometimes wish I had gotten into digital art and animations. Usually while I am sitting here working on Legacy projects in FORTRAN. Like today. :rolleyes:


ugh I can't stand PewDiePie... he is banned from my house. Much too vulgar.
I have yet to see JackSepticEye.. I do need to check him out though as my son does love him.


Well my top 1000 starts with in the mood but I should not discount boxcar willie, elvis, led z, 2pac, santana,......


Well my top 1000 starts with in the mood but I should not discount boxcar willie, elvis, led z, 2pac, santana,......
Post the embedded vids mate, so we (I) can listen to them! I enjoy music of all gemres and love to see what moves other people, while they game or just all the time. :)


I'm usually watching some Korean Dramas and collecting/restarting after every hour-long episode. But for music, I'm usually listening to Michael Learns to Rock: Any of their singles.

And I love Animusic, too! Discovered a couple years ago....


Just for you Rezagard ^.^

and yes, this is VERY sarcastic >.<


ROFL! ^^
I see your beiber and up you one RickRoll'd

And I LOVE the Michael Learns to Rock... totally new music for me, and I bet my wife and daughter will already have it on their playlists.

Loving all the great, and even the "quirky" music vids here folks... my playlist grows day by day! Thank you! :)


Not sure if they will know them yet or not - MLTR is a Danish band that's really popular in Asia, but little known in the US (unless you've lived in Denmark or Asia, or watch Asian TV, like me ;)) They've been around for over 25 years, though. I just discovered them last November.


RezaGard- I know a guy who's legal given name is Rick Roll! He was the drummer for a while in the band I worked for!


RezaGard- I know a guy who's legal given name is Rick Roll! He was the drummer for a while in the band I worked for!
Lolol! I was going to be "cute" and send you a PM with a cleverly labeled link and truly Rickroll you. But I decided to just ruin my "hardcore gamer" rep publicly here. :D


hahaha ya know, I never really understood the whole Rickroll thing... what's it supposed to mean when you rickroll someone?


but... what do you get out of sending someone the misleading link? and why THAT song? why not MMMMBop by Hanson or a spice girls song?


Scroll down a few entries and look for the one that mentions 4chan... best short explanation I can find. Lol! I don't understand how it became "a thing" myself, but it did, and well... it is as dank as the memes I find and post. And I do like dank, the danker the better. :D


Well! If we're doing coffee now, you'll enjoy the Folger's Jingle 2013 contest winner.