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    Your Elvenar Team

Winter Magic Event Feedback

  • Thread starter DeletedUser4194
  • Start date


Platinum Leaf -FB
Read more about the event here: https://tinyurl.com/uhe96xa
You are welcome to share the link with friends and fellowship.


Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
And all my wishing wells will expire just before this and give me room for the level 1 production buildings we can use with the regular quests! Then those go away when I hit the bonus quests and the leveled up buildings come back out of storage where they were teleported. I like this compromise between little factories and leveled ones.

Deleted User - 3932582

and give me room for the level 1 production buildings we can use with the regular quests!
You may want to tone down your enthusiasm ;) There are literally 5 WS quests that can be done with non-leveled WS. The rest (until the bonus quests which need leveled buildings) is amount-of-production which does not benefit from L1s. There are some number-of-production for goods quests, but I think even fewer than for WS.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
You may want to tone down your enthusiasm ;) There are literally 5 WS quests that can be done with non-leveled WS. The rest (until the bonus quests which need leveled buildings) is amount-of-production which does not benefit from L1s. There are some number-of-production for goods quests, but I think even fewer than for WS.

Eh, not a big deal. This still has a lot of improvements to it, even if they did change the format some. The average player will probably not reach the bonus tasks and not have to deal with having leveled up workshops and factories this time around.

The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
You begin the event at basically the half-way point of the weekly tournament, (ie: screwing us out of options for 'gain relics' + 'solve tourny encounter' quests), AND, with barely over a day left in the Spire, (ie: screwing us out of most/any chance of 'do spire encounter' option tasks)?!

Thanks for basically gimping us right from the start - NOT!

Oh, and good job taking the single most HATED FoE event and finding a way to make it 100x worse!
That's a special level of fail right there. :p

Overall, a nice quite month to just focus on my city while ignoring this stink-fest excuse of an event...
Grand Prize is beyond garbage and the dailies have been nerfed into the ground, while also becoming nearly impossible to win outside of sheer dumb luck.

Honestly, if you really want to adapt an FoE event, next time, just give us an Elvenar version of the Archeology/Halloween event - those were stupid-good fun!
Casino style slot machines that inevitably result in endless frustration & rage (*cough*shuffletile*cough*) is NOT how you win over your players. >.<


Well-Known Member
@The Unbeliever I don't really see how it's much worse, if at all. In fact, I rather like that the 2x bonus actually works with the 'reveal two' bonus to show 4 instead, something that's been requested/complained about in FoE for years and has never happened. To me that's an improvement, and otherwise the format seems basically identical, not '100x worse'. Let's not be negative just for the sake of being negative, alright?


Set Designer
Let's look at this analytically. Compared to previous events with the 9 chest selection:

1. You get roughly half the number of daily prizes for the same amount of currency. You do get a marginal value culture item with equal probability as the daily prize. (If you are only going for one daily prize in a given day your currency expenditure per daily prize is greatly reduced).
2. You get limited decisions of what you want to focus on. (Reveal is really your only source of decision making).
3. The time boosters are greatly decreased, but pet food is offered.


Oh Wise One
Let's look at this analytically. Compared to previous events with the 9 chest selection:

1. You get roughly half the number of daily prizes for the same amount of currency. You do get a marginal value culture item with equal probability as the daily prize. (If you are only going for one daily prize in a given day your currency expenditure per daily prize is greatly reduced).
2. You get limited decisions of what you want to focus on. (Reveal is really your only source of decision making).
3. The time boosters are greatly decreased, but pet food is offered.
That seems like a good analysis. I think the most anger inducing thing is going to be when someone feels they are closing in on what they want and hit the shuffle. Personally, if I';m down to two un-exposed, one the daily and one the shuffle, I'm not sure I will like how I feel if the shuffle turns up.

Another personal grief will be the coin instants. In the recent past, I simply refused to open most chests that had a coin instant in them, regardless of what else they had. I'm already throwing away coins on the trader almost every day, even though I first take several KP.


Well-Known Member
I likewise have zero interest in this event. The complete randomness / casino style system just isn't fun for me. I prefer to strategize which is one of the main reasons I play this game and fell in love with it to begin with. That seems to be completely taken away from me now when it comes to the events. The ability to strategize made the events fun for me. I can't stategize the quest list because that's now random. I can't strategize going after particular prizes to maximize my chances of certain one now either. I don't think I will be putting much effort into this event. I do have to give Inno props for at least listening to some of the feedback and coming up with a comprimise with the leveled WS / factory requirements and adding pet food as a prize. I'm still up in the air on the quest list. I've heard that it's improved greatly from some and then the same complaints from others who play in Beta. I understand that they are trying to balance things but so far I'm not seeing much of that in recent events. There will always be a few that "game" the system no matter what Inno does. This can be done in different ways including spending money The excuses I've heard to make it easier for all players doesn't seem to ring true as I keep seeing complaints from cities of all sizes. I used to love the events. I haven't cared for the past several major events to the point that I no longer have much interest in playing them. I say major because the Halloween mini event I actually kind of enjoyed even though I originally wasn't going to play it.

The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
@The Unbeliever I don't really see how it's much worse, if at all. In fact, I rather like that the 2x bonus actually works with the 'reveal two' bonus to show 4 instead, something that's been requested/complained about in FoE for years and has never happened. To me that's an improvement, and otherwise the format seems basically identical, not '100x worse'. Let's not be negative just for the sake of being negative, alright?
FoE Winter event;
- each quest gives exactly 10 event currency + daily log-in of 'free' bonus 10 event currency + 2 separate 'milestone' quest rewards totaling iirc, an extra 150 event currency.
Generally, completing ALL quests + daily log-ins will give enough currency for roughly 113 presents (opening 1 present = 10 event currency)
- 'Reveal' present gives +3 event currency (while getting the 'x2' tile will not allow for 4 reveals, it does give +6 event currency, so, somewhat equals out)
- 100% completing ALL event quests + gaining all daily log-in bonuses will give a single complete Grand Prize 99% of the time (only extreme RNG-screwage will prevent a player from getting a fully leveled grand prize)
- All 'hard' quests, (ie: scouting/gaining provinces/sectors or doing research, etc...) have an alternate option that isn't a complete middle finger.
(ie: 'Scout a Province OR Finish 12x 24hr productions in workshop equivalents' vs. our current BS of 'Scout a Province OR Research a tech - so screw all you end game players!')
- FoE team can at least do basic kindergarten level math... ie: a ch2-3 city might only have to gain 1000-2000 supplies vs. a ch13-14 which might have to gain 150,000-200,000 supplies!
- The grand prize is actually at least 'decent' and worth the space regardless of chapter/era progression. (maybe not any extra train cars, but even an end game player who has no need for coins/supplies/goods will still the enjoy the 12%atk boost & daily kp's.)

Elvenar version;
- quests give incrementally increasing currency, so it may take ch1-5 players especially days before they can even open more than 4-5 presents. (hope they don't like any of the first few dailies! :rolleyes: :(
- even 100% completing the entire main quest line + actively picking up event incidents around you city will NOT earn a fully evolved grand prize this time.
- bonus quest line is a fething insult to our intelligence! Really, 20 ribbons for Scouting/Researching/15+ VV's or even multiple 24hr productions from high-level buildings?!
- production quests, especially the goods quests, are horrifically bending pre-guest race chapter players over a barrel and then bashing them with a rusty nail bat...
It's like the Elvenar devs have 0 understanding of plain, basic math, and are internally "testing" these quests by giving their Ch1-5 accounts an automatic 700% relic boost, AND, a bunch of bonus expansions so they can always have max-level workshops w/170% culture bonus to boot!
- prizes have been nerfed in the ground across the board. (okay, so we got Pet Food, but you'll still win way more dinky coin/supply instants, runeshards & 2kp "prizes" for every pet food)
- grand prize is basically steaming crap for anyone beyond O&G's/WE's... hope you're not anyone who's into sentient goods, 'cause it just looks even more awful at that point!:p

If we thought that the Autumn Bears event was a dumpster fire, then this Winter event is basically that same dumpster fire, only now being fueled by a giant steaming turd & roasting a rotten turkey carcass on top of it.


Oh Wise One
20 ribbons for Scouting/Researching/15+ VV's or even multiple 24hr productions from high-level buildings?!
I think if I could get one thing out of them, it would be to base the number of event-coin given for a quest on the number of hours it takes to do the quest for an average city, rather than a fixed number. That means that barring use of diamonds or timer instants, every person who puts 60 hours into bonus quests will get the same number of ribbons.

Deleted User - 4262106

FoE Winter event;
- each quest gives exactly 10 event currency + daily log-in of 'free' bonus 10 event currency + 2 separate 'milestone' quest rewards totaling iirc, an extra 150 event currency.
Generally, completing ALL quests + daily log-ins will give enough currency for roughly 113 presents (opening 1 present = 10 event currency)
- 'Reveal' present gives +3 event currency (while getting the 'x2' tile will not allow for 4 reveals, it does give +6 event currency, so, somewhat equals out)
- 100% completing ALL event quests + gaining all daily log-in bonuses will give a single complete Grand Prize 99% of the time (only extreme RNG-screwage will prevent a player from getting a fully leveled grand prize)
- All 'hard' quests, (ie: scouting/gaining provinces/sectors or doing research, etc...) have an alternate option that isn't a complete middle finger.
(ie: 'Scout a Province OR Finish 12x 24hr productions in workshop equivalents' vs. our current BS of 'Scout a Province OR Research a tech - so screw all you end game players!')
- FoE team can at least do basic kindergarten level math... ie: a ch2-3 city might only have to gain 1000-2000 supplies vs. a ch13-14 which might have to gain 150,000-200,000 supplies!
- The grand prize is actually at least 'decent' and worth the space regardless of chapter/era progression. (maybe not any extra train cars, but even an end game player who has no need for coins/supplies/goods will still the enjoy the 12%atk boost & daily kp's.)

And yet, FOE players still complain about their events...

The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
I think if I could get one thing out of them, it would be to base the number of event-coin given for a quest on the number of hours it takes to do the quest for an average city, rather than a fixed number. That means that barring use of diamonds or timer instants, every person who puts 60 hours into bonus quests will get the same number of ribbons.
I've been trying to promote the idea that the newfangled 'endless quest' system should be a double RNG roll...

Basically, we can have "event quest difficulty brackets" such as;
Easy Quests @10 currencies each - 20% chance to get 1 of these quests;
- complete 5min production 10x
- complete 15min production 5x
- gain 20 population
- gain 50 culture
- upgrade 2 buildings to Lv2 or higher
- place 3 trades in the trader
- accept 3 trades in the trader
- give neighbourly help to 4 other cities

Average Quests @25 currencies each - 30% chance to get 1 of these quests'
- complete 1hr production 8x
- complete 3hr workshop production 5x
- complete 9hr workshop production 3x
- complete 3hr goods production 2x
- recruit (current squad size) units
- gain coins
- gain supplies
- gain X amount of marble + steel + planks (encourage fellowship teamwork here)
- gain X amount of crystal + scrolls + silk
- produce X amount of goods
- complete 2 encounters OR 8 tournament encounters
- complete 2 encounters OR 2 spire of eternity encounters
- gain 6 relics
- upgrade 4 buildings to Lv4 or higher

Challenging Quests @40 currencies each - 40% chance to get 1 of these quests
- complete 5min production 60x
- complete 15min production 40x
- complete 1hr production 20x
- complete 3hr production 12x
- complete 9hr production 8x
- complete 3hr goods production 8x
- complete 9hr goods production 5x
- complete 24hr goods production 5x
- gain X amount of elixir + dust + gems
- produce large amount of goods
- gain large amount of coins
- gain large amount of supplies
- recruit (3x current squad size) units
- gain 15 relics
- complete 5 encounters OR 20 tournament encounters
- complete 4 encounters OR 4 spire of eternity encounters
- produce 4 enchantments in the Magic Academy OR gain 7 vision vapors
- upgrade 4 buildings to Lv8 or higher OR buy 10kp

Hard Quests @60 currencies each - 10% chance to get 1 of these quests
- complete 3hr production 20x
- complete 9hr production 15x
- complete 24hr workshop production 12x
- complete 24hr goods production 15x
- complete 48hr goods production 8x
- gain 30 relics
- complete 8 encounters OR 64 tournament encounters
- upgrade 2 buildings to Lv12+ OR buy 15kp
- gain huge amount of coins
- gain huge amount of supplies
- Scout a Province OR research a tech OR gain 15 vision vapors

Note: @ch level or previous can be slotted in as requirements to many/most of the easy - challenging quests, but leave the option to use Lv1 turds for certain exceptions such as the large volumes of 5min/15min/1hr and the 24hr+ options...
Due to the random nature of being able to get ANY level of quest at any time, it also would therefore not pay off to keep a flood of Lv1 buildings around, except for perhaps the 24hr & 48hr productions. (but again, this gives players a tactical choice, outside of the small fraction of end game players who are 100% finished all research techs.)

This way, we avoid rage-inducing BS like:
a) scouting provinces/researching techs and/or gaining 15-20+ VV's are all worth the SAME FETHING REWARD!!
NO ONE thinks it's fair or right that something as critical as map progression or 'using up' a limited resource (ie: techs/CC's) should be giving out "rewards" as appalling as 15-20 currencies and then maybe 30-45 for the same damned task 20 quests later!!!
(seriously, the genius who thought this gak up needs to be "promoted" to scrubbing the latrines!)

b) easy to even moderate tasks should likewise never be rewarding say 3 or even 4 chests worth of currencies... finishing 5x 3hr workshop productions is just normal game play, and something that no city could ever find remotely challenging. And yet, here we are, where the past couple of events have weighted a stupidly pedestrian daily task much higher than the potential 60-90+ hours it takes for some players to scout 1 province?!
Asinine & stupid game design at it's finest IMHO.

c) Inno can better control how much event currency is given out by simply making it more probable that players will generally, say 80% of the time be earning 20-40 currencies per quest.
They can make the tasks generally require a couple of pick-ups, ie: a 'produce T1 boosted' quest can be designed around 'optimally' requiring say two 3hr collections of 5 max level factories w/700% boost for Ch7 and on players, and then scale back the numbers accordingly for the earlier chapters where it's generally accepted that factories will be lower leveled & still be working at maxing out the relic boost.

This way, if it's the dev's 'ideal progress' that an active, daily player *should* be able to clear say 8-10 quests per day on average, they can then use some basic math skills and set the quest brackets up such that the average max daily quest amounts should be say 400-500 per day. (which, across say a 24 day event would be 9600 - 12000 average currencies 'for free' for an average daily player who can put say 2-3hrs/day into the event.)

And yet, FOE players still complain about their events...
Yes, FoE still complain - though usually it's generally kept to;
1. noobs who don't really know what they're doing and/or players who don't try to learn/understand the basic strategies of the event mini-games
2. it's the Winter or Carnival events which are infamous for their more 'randumb' nature!:p

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
If we thought that the Autumn Bears event was a dumpster fire, then this Winter event is basically that same dumpster fire, only now being fueled by a giant steaming turd & roasting a rotten turkey carcass on top of it.

I completed 2 1/2 bears from that event and I spent no diamonds or real money to do it, so what was the problem for other people?

This event is giving out a building that is basically the Mermaid building, bit for tier 2 goods, and I completed 2 of those while spending no diamonds or money either. So unless I get seriously bad luck, which can happen in any of these events, I would expect to fully complete at least one building while spending nothing on the event. I would say two buildings again, but I have read about the lower amounts of event currency for this one, so one fully evolved building is reasonable instead.