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    Your Elvenar Team

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  1. RichWood

    Help Fellowship Members

    Does it hurt me, as a Fellowship, if I Remove Members that refuse to show up for meetings and refuse to communicate?
  2. RichWood

    Sorry already answered in part - Ancient Wonders Help

    I have three fellowship members, two have the green button to go in and help, one of them I was able to help them, but now I cannot. The other member also has a green button, but I have never been able to help them. Then my third member, their button is grey, I do not know what to tell them so I...
  3. RichWood


    I do not understand a couple of things, one what is the difference between Green and Brown/Gold Helping Neighbors? Two, on my Training Ground I was going to Upgrade, I have all the requirements, but has the Research button, I go there but do not find any Upgrade info? I wanted to go from 4 to 5.
  4. RichWood

    Mercenary Camp

    In the Building section, under military, one of the choices is "Mercenary Camp", it has a lock on the picture, how can I get it unlocked and select it? I have all the requirements.
  5. RichWood

    Ancient Wonders

    I have a Team Mate that needs help in their Ancient Wonders, but I cannot help them, what needs to happen to be able to help them?
  6. RichWood

    Pet Food

    How do I get Pet Food?
  7. RichWood

    Numbers Don't Add Up

    I thought awhile back something was wrong. Okay, I produced 114 Archer's but when I go to look at my camp, it says 1.6. In Spire it says 1. I do not understand where did my production go?
  8. RichWood

    How do I get these...

  9. RichWood


    I have collect 10 Shards Can not find anywhere to use them, my Ancient Wonders has no open Gates, what can I do?
  10. RichWood


    I am sure I asked this, but I can't find the thread. Do the Players have to be on the same Server to join your fellowship?
  11. RichWood

    Scrolls and Silk

    Hi gang, Im back with another question. How can I get Scrolls and Silk?...Never mind, I figured out you need a manufacturer of the items. Sorry for the bother☺
  12. RichWood


    How do I get Arcane Residue? I thought it was Vision Vapor, but its not.
  13. RichWood

    Vision Vapor

    How do I get this?
  14. RichWood

    Images and Icons

    It would be nice to have a way to see what an Image or Icon means. There are Icons under the Culture box i have no idea what they refer to. I found the below Image that only by the icon name I know it is dealing with a Resistance. On the Building when you select them tell you What they are, but...
  15. RichWood

    Elves and Humans

    Can Elves and Humans be in One Fellowship?
  16. RichWood

    Member Locations

    Can members from another Server Join your Fellowship or is it only those on the Same Server, I'm on USA4
  17. RichWood


    How do I do a Tournament in Spire? I open the Spire tab and can see teams, but I don't know how to begin playing.
  18. RichWood

    Knowledge Points

    I know I spend them only because the Knowledge Points go down, but I do not Know what to do to spend them. I am stuck again on a Quest that I must Spend x number of Knowledge Points, what do I spend the Knr Points on?
  19. RichWood

    Level Staus

    Okay, I am confused. When I go to Research, it says I'm in Level 2, but when I look at my City Info, it says I'm in Level 1. I have a Task to complete and says I n
  20. RichWood


    How do I get members and I to Interact, Trade and do Tournaments Together. I have sent messages, but get no replys.