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    Your Elvenar Team

2021 Autumn Zodiac discussion


I guess I'm done with the event...there's no way I'm coughing up 20 Vision Vapor for the task I'm on and there's no other option:mad: I'd have to craft at least 2 items to gain 20 Vision Vapor and those would be things I don't want or need so I'd be wasting my Combining Catalysts for 54 lousy keys? There's only 4-1/2 days left anyway so I'll just collect the dailies and the ones I can scrounge from the ground. Less stress, yay! LOL


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Dew Spinner

Well-Known Member
thats a shocker .... :rolleyes:
I can't do reg encounters, fast/slow/anyway ... therefore I must do the "or"
the "or" is there for that exact reason, I want my keys within that 24 hr period
to use to try and win the daily prize, Sunday's prize is not offered Tuesday morning.
Yes, it truly IS a shocker! LOL


Well-Known Member
thats a shocker .... :rolleyes:
I can't do reg encounters, fast/slow/anyway ... therefore I must do the "or"
the "or" is there for that exact reason, I want my keys within that 24 hr period
to use to try and win the daily prize, Sunday's prize is not offered Tuesday morning.
Wait but why cant you do the "reg encounter" ... that would be a fault on whom? It is not the game's problem that you refuse to play past Chapter 3, is it?


Well-Known Member
@ed1960 ,

My point was/is ..... both the A "or" B must be completeable during the
24 hr period of the day's task..... it makes NO difference what A or B is !!!

Dew Spinner

Well-Known Member
@ed1960 ,

My point was/is ..... both the A "or" B must be completeable during the
24 hr period of the day's task..... it makes NO difference what A or B is !!!
Yes, but 8 Encounters OR 8 Tournament Encounters IS better than 8 Tournament Encounters only. If the quest wasn't wrong on Gems of Knowledge then players could have prepared for the alternative.


Even as a new player, I do see the point coming where Inno does not want me to participate in or make a monetary contribution to the events any more. Which is cool. Just one part of the game. I'll play them as much as I can and enjoy working on my city with the down time. I will be much more selective going forward as to participating in an event. It must have something I can't live without. Out of this event, it was real bear artifacts (via conversion) and the dojo's. Buying KP are the quests I really don't care for. Everything else, to me, is normal game play.


Well-Known Member
@BrinDarby if you want to have a particular daily prize and won't be able to complete the daily quest on that day, can't you just save some event currency and spend it on that day?


@BrinDarby if you want to have a particular daily prize and won't be able to complete the daily quest on that day, can't you just save some event currency and spend it on that day?
I think what Brin is trying to say is that there shouldn't be a quest that can't be completed on that day, regardless of whether there's a way to circumvent it. That may be debatable (clearly Inno doesn't think so), but it is understandable.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
@ed1960 ,

My point was/is ..... both the A "or" B must be completeable during the
24 hr period of the day's task..... it makes NO difference what A or B is !!!

Just because it is called a "Daily" quest does not mean you only have 24 hours to complete it. If I did not already have some provinces scouted for this, I would just wait until Tuesday to complete it. No big deal.


Well-Known Member
@LeviathanJob I understand what @BrinDarby is saying, and I tend to agree that should be the case for the last 3-4 quests in an event, simply because people have real lives and it is nice to be able to finish quests anyway. I don't think that prior to the last 3-4 days of the event it should matter that much, and definitely not for the reason cited of wanting a particular daily prize, since one can just save up for it. (Except for the very early prizes, so I guess one could make an argument that the first 5 or so quests should be completable within the couple days.)


Well-Known Member
I'd have to craft at least 2 items to gain 20 Vision Vapor and those would be things I don't want or need so I'd be wasting my Combining Catalysts for 54 lousy keys? There's only 4-1/2 days left
There are several recipes that don't take CCs. There's the 1650 spell fragment pet food (excellent for this event if you place the Red Panda and intend to participate in the FA), 5% coin rain and 5% supply instants, 10 minute and 15 minute boosters -- and then there are the broken rune recipes for AWKP. You do hae 4-1/2 days, as you mentioned, and though I realize those are low VV recipes (except the pet food; that's 7 per), if you have the luck with the MA rotations that I do, you should see several of those each day. I've actually gotten the 15 AWKP with broken runes, 1650 pet food, and a 5% supply instant in the same rotation before.

Oh! And there's the Rainbow Flower Cage. I have enough of those, I should have remembered it first. It's only worth 1 VV without the Red Panda feeding boost, though.
Buying KP are the quests I really don't care for.
Are you only using gold for this? I've been using my boosted goods in one city. Before the Elvarian Games, I had trouble keeping enough T3 goods. Now, I've quite a bit, so I'm using it to fulfill those quests. I have 3 T3 factories at level 15, plus what's produced by the Triumph of the Tides, and what's now produced by the Red Panda.

In another city, I've been rotating between boosted goods and gold: 1, 1, 1, 1 - until I reach the number needed. And in my smallest city I've been utilizing NH, waiting to fill the quest until my daily round of visits and pulling a reverse Rumpelstiltskin to get the KP for those quests.

Admittedly, I would have liked to have seen "Buy or craft in the Magic Academy" with respect to the KP purchase quests since the MA and VV are the focus of this building. I think it would have been a nice touch to acknowledge the KP crafting recipes.


I go in a circle of gold followed by one each of t1, t2, and t3. It's just the buying of KP is outside of normal game play and I can see where this could be a problem at some point, but I may be wrong! I would like to have so many goods I don't think about it. lol.


Tetris Master
Buying KP is very normal, I exceed my gold limit daily with my production so regularly buy KP unless I've completed a costly research or upgraded buildings.

This game is about pre-planning. My scout will finish tomorrow, in time for the daily scout quest, even though I have 72hr+ scout times. I have saved up a 20+ vision vapor for several days to claim it in two days time. I will have to wait until Wednesday again to complete the 8 tournament provinces for the second last quest, and then claim the final daily quest on the same day.


Well-Known Member
even though I have 72hr+ scout times.
I think this is the kind of moment where us still relative noobs balk. (I'm still in the tutorial according to @SoggyShorts and @Iyapo1. ;))

@Huor's point was that they don't have, at this moment in time, enough goods to not worry about dropping several ten thousand on KP. Personally, I think Inno meant this particular quest to take the whole day (or more, so that when you hit #74 which when I posted earlier in the thread about #66 being the only calendar-problematic one with respect to timing, I thought was Spire encounters and not Tournament encounters because that's what my data said. I didn't recheck the pages from @TomatoeHu or @Lelanya until someone complained about it and it made me sad to see that Inno might not have checked their calendars carefully after all; when you hit #74, you would already be primed for the tourney to start the next day).

But I think both Huor and I are glad to know that there will come a time when my sad little scout time of around 24 hours in Elcysandir (I'm not sure what Huor's scout time is; and I can't give you an exact number because I'm in the process of scouting out a province :D) will be a fond memory, when we will *cue Elvenar patriotic-sounding anthem music* look back on these times of not being sure we can afford to purchase the knowledge of our elders with mere gold and trinkets. Instead, we shall rise up, with our coffers overflowing....

(Sorry, I'm feeling a bit silly atm, especially after all that ick yesterday. If I made the corner of someone's mouth twitch in amusement, my job is done.)


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Shimmer is right, most of us seem a bit grumpy. I am too, but at least I know it's my own fault. I bought the royal package early, having won a bunch of diamonds recently from the MA and Spire gods. I looked at the prizes and thought, "wow, 3 blueprints make the package worth it." I didn't realize, in a moment of brain dead foolishness, that even if I live on Elvenar 24/7, there is NO possible way I could get the 3 blueprints without spending more diamonds for extra cash. The 1500 was a teaser ... it would cost 3x that to get all the royal prizes.

Yes, totally my fault. I will never be that foolish again. Meh ... it was a new thing. Live and learn. I'll replace those diamonds in a couple weeks, but I am kicking myself because, due to that stupidity, I can't buy an expansion on the 10 percent off sale. Grrr.


Well-Known Member
I think what Brin is trying to say is that there shouldn't be a quest that can't be completed on that day,

Inno has stated that the point of the last 22 "locked" tasks, one per day, was so that
all players had something to do each day... It doesn't matter if they need the keys or
not, each day they get a task thats Complete-able ...

Therefore Chapter independant ... player independant ...
IF .. task is ..... (do AAA and/or BBB) & (do CCC or DDD)
Player XXX can do AAA&CCC, AAA&DDD, BBB&CCC, or BBB&DDD...
(Duhh since there's a and/or AAA can be mixed in above combinations with BBB.)
ALL 4 things AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, independantly should be "complete-able"
during the perscribed 24hr period each day......

We can forgo this whole conversation if the devs just k.i.s.s.'d it ....
"during 22 lock'd tasks" Spire encounders only occur on Sun-Wed, and
tourn encounters only occur Tues-Fri ..... its not rocket science, then we
wouldn't be having this conversation.....( ESPECIALLY the last 7 days of Event )

This has NOTHING really to do with me persoanally.... its the principle of it.
Plus, the Devs have add'd the "and" "or" "and/or" Specifically because they
know some ppl cannot do some of it, so they give them options.....Duhhh !!!


Inno has stated that the point of the last 22 "locked" tasks, one per day, was so that
all players had something to do each day... It doesn't matter if they need the keys or
not, each day they get a task thats Complete-able ...
This has NOTHING really to do with me persoanally.... its the principle of it.
I get what you're saying. It definitely comes across as lousy planning from Inno, and it might make things inconvenient for some people. In practice, though, it's not the end of the world; you can still get around it one way or another. Yes, I hope they design the quests better next time, but for now, we're going to have to live with it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I hope they design the quests better next time, but for now, we're going to have to live with it.
We shouldn't have to when exposed 3-4 days ahead ....
Besides the fact it shouldn't have happened in the 1st place.....
Task lists usually reside in a data file, that data file can simply
be ammended.... why not treat this as a bug, not yet triggered ?

Inno could just say the current lists are incorrect, go in make the chg,
and yet again explain that between Beta and Live things can and do chg.
Making them look like nothing was mis-planned all along.....

Botom line is EVERY event this happens, the Devs neglect to consult
a calander when organizing the lask lists..... and this happens. When
it happens in last 2-3 days its not like last Sunday where we still had
an xtra week..... Sloppy ?? it makes the devs "look" incompetent, and
in general reflects badly on InnoGames as a whole......

All I did "basically" was say "psssst, Devs, pppppp" and all @helya had
to say was "All tasks were reviewed after last Sunday's task had complaints,
All remaining tasks can be completed on the days they are offered ;).
In the future these will not occur, well lets hope not , lol."