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    Your Elvenar Team

New Fellowship Adventures!


I done with FS Adventures period. No space for even 1 factory, workshop or anything in the adventure

Plus the fact that prizes suck so much U can't even imagine doing them.
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Mathematician par Excellence
I done with FS Adventures period. No space for even 1 factory, workshop or anything in the adventure
Have a look at the quests for the event Menhiroks Duty back in may
I know the link says "charming tree" but it is the menhirok page
Compare those quests with doing 1/25 of the FA
Produce beverages 50 times
Produce simple tools 35 times
Produce bread 20 times
Produce advanced tools 30 times
Produce groceries 10 times
Produce mixed T1 3h 1 time
Produce mixed T1 9h 3 times
Produce mixed T1 24h 2 times
Produce mixed T1 48h 1 time
Gain coins 7 times (varies by level, but about equal to visiting a full FS + 10 neighbors)
Produce 21 squads of troops
donate 20 KP to a wonder
Gain 2 PoP spells
Gain 2 MM spells
Gain 2 EE spells
pay 90 relics
pay ~50K goods
The only big addition is the pay relics/goods, and the rewards are better this time (far more KP)

Plus the fact that prizes suck so much IU can't even imagine doing them.
You are once again being screwed by the Magic buildings.
I look at my Level 29 residence and it gives 2,800 pop, needs a road and costs me culture
The Menhirok gives a whopping 4,100 Pop, needs no road, and on top of that I gain 3,500 culture!
"This prize kicks ass!"

You look at your Magic res and see 4,900 Pop and think "The Menhirok blows"
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Mathematician par Excellence
Pretty much ...
Also, as for "having no space" you hardly need any.

You already have 2 marble and 7 planks, so you could actually fit 2 steel makers in the spot for your portal upgrade allowing you to easily make lux and bracelet badges for a couple days.
You also already have 10 workshops.
That means you have everything you need to make 95% of the badges listed above without adding more.


1 big problem, magic stuff causes me to be maxed all the time, so doing event causes me a huge headache


Mathematician par Excellence
1 big problem, magic stuff causes me to be maxed all the time, so doing event causes me a huge headache
Maxed out in supplies and coins? How is that a headache? How does the event make that worse?
Do you normally just let your buildings sit full of coins and supplies? If not, you must be either buying KP, or dumping in the wholesaler.

I don't see how making badges effects this at all.o_O


How was it a "fun challenge" when the FA involved sitting around clicking on workshops every 5 minutes? Or deleting culture buildings so you could have 50 tier1 buildings running 48 hour workshops? I'd like a citation on "a lot of players," because the last few FAs have been pilloried by the community, and at least these new badges are an attempt at an improvement.

While the endless clicking, and cycling through quests wasn't particularly fun, the working together with a good Fellowship in a race to see how much we could complete and knowing that even with a small group like I have in Sinya that doesn't allow Diamonds (Proudly No Diamonds pretty much says it all!) we had a chance of finishing the whole thing was what was fun. Talking back and forth on the message (and chat when it worked) was FUN! We had a blast on the first two Fellowship Adventures. It accomplished what Inno originally said was the purpose for the Fellowship Adventures; to get Fellowships working together towards a common goal. We finished the second one in 51st place (tied with the 50th place Fellowship) Pretty sure we finished, or at least came very close to finishing the first one too. The crappy prizes didn't really matter then because of the fun of engaging with our other Fellowship members!

Now, starting with the last one, it has become a long, tedious, slog for prizes that are still crap and - speaking of the last one here - that require a ridiculous number of badges to finish. I'm glad to see they've scaled back on that to a more reasonable and doable level. Now, however, they've added the need to throw away hard won relics... things we need for our magic productions, and troops... which some find unreasonable too (me, not so much. I actually don't mind this or the coins requirements) Edited to NOTE: Just read Soggy's post about just having to train the troops and collect the coins - not give them away so that is much better for those who did have a problem with that idea... I didn't. and large amounts of goods that we could use to grow our cities. This makes the current one much less fun and is keeping most of the Fellowships I'm in away from it. I'm in one of CiraKelley's Fellowships and I'm very glad we're sitting it out. Two more of my Fellowships are going "NOOOOOOOOO!!!":eek:, a fourth Fellowship isn't even mentioning it... maybe if we ignore it, it will go away (right tagg?). We still have to take a poll in Sinya to see if the members want to do it. I'm serioulsy hoping this time they will say "Uhhh... NO!" but if they don't, our admin team will work at finding a way that hurts our players the least. That should not have to be a consideration in something that should be fun, and a team building experience.
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Mathematician par Excellence
Try it once you will see....:p
Umm I do hit cap quite a lot, and that means I make more KP, still not seeing the problem.
I'm really starting to think you are just looking for problems that aren't there so you can complain.:oops:
While the endless clicking, and cycling through quests wasn't particularly fun, the working together with a good Fellowship in a race to see how much we could complete and knowing that even with a small group like I have in Sinya that doesn't allow Diamonds (Proudly No Diamonds pretty much says it all!) we had a chance of finishing the whole thing was what was fun.
Almost none of this has changed.
The only part that got harder was the addition of relics and goods, the rest got easier, and the prize got better.

I really can't remember how many relics I had when I was little (and tournaments were very different back then anyways), but my chapter 2-5 fellows are all getting close to 1K points in the tournament, so that should be about 80 relics a week.
Your "Proudly no Diamonds" FS should all have level 2 Magic Academies, so you can't even cook anywhere near that many relics. That means each players stockpile should be growing by a lot every week.


Umm I do hit cap quite a lot, and that means I make more KP, still not seeing the problem.
I'm really starting to think you are just looking for problems that aren't there so you can complain.:oops:
I really can't remember how many relics I had when I was little (and tournaments were very different back then anyways), but my chapter 2-5 fellows are all getting close to 1K points in the tournament, so that should be about 80 relics a week.
Your "Proudly no Diamonds" FS should all have level 2 Magic Academies, so you can't even cook anywhere near that many relics. That means each players stockpile should be growing by a lot every week.

You do realize that what you quoted was really addressing why we considered the first 2 Fellowship Adventures fun, compared to the last one which was decidedly NOT fun. But to answer the points you brought up:

The problem is that we are very small. We only have 16 players, 2 of whom are on leave, 2 who are inactive and possibly have stopped playing, the numbers are what makes it difficult. Yes, we need more players! We lost 4 of our best players over the last fiasco of a FA! Way too many 24 & 48 hour badges! Glad they were sensible about that this time! Anyway, while I have plenty of relics, not everyone does. And we are always challenged for goods so that is more of an issue than the relics. Troops shouldn't be a problem for some of us (isn't for me at least and I know some of the members fight the tourneys so they should have decent troop production). It's still going to be very challenging but at least this time, if the group decides to go for it (we're trying to encourage just going for completing one path on the first map and then deciding from there if to continue to map 2 or just fill in more waypoints on map one.) there are considerably fewer of the really difficult badges to complete. Setting up a chart going over how many of each of the badges, goods and relics were required for the first map was actually quite encouraging and - as I've said repeatedly :rolleyes: except for the good and possibly relics - should be very possible for us to complete at least a path on the first map plus some extras for more points. As long as we have a tourney going, the magic badges are easy. Goods though... that could be difficult... Well, I guess we'll see what happens.

Edit: keep thinking of more to say. sorry! It also helps that by the time the FA starts, I should be done with Dwarves and that will free up a lot of space for T1 factories and extra workshops as opposed to the last FA where I barely had room to squeeze in one steel and one marble factory plus add a single workshop to the 9 that I had. Needless to say, I wasn't able to be much help on the last one except for the magic ones which I did a ton of thanks to the tourney and having somehow won 30+ 14 hour instants which made making spells go much faster! :p In hindsight, I probably should have pointed that out to the discontent players who felt that admin for the group wasn't doing enough to help. *sigh* :(:rolleyes: (Just kidding! It would have only irritated them more!)
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Mathematician par Excellence
We only have 16 players, 2 of whom are on leave, 2 who are inactive and possibly have stopped playing, the numbers are what makes it difficult.
Yup, If you are missing 50% of your players, that will make the fellowship content 100% harder... that's how the numbers work.
Is there any chance you can merge with another FS even if it's just for the FA? Who knows, you might end up staying together.


There have been several well written posts on the new Adventure, so I won't attempt to duplicate those efforts.

I did want to weigh in and say that my fellowship also enjoys the collaborative aspect of the adventure.

However, given the goods/relic requirements and the poor prize selection, my fellowship voted to boycott this Adventure.


Well... after reading thru 2 pages of this thread, I can say I am feeling light and smiley about the fact that we are skipping this one. Judging by Soggy's customarily excellent analysis, it does appear that some of the problems have indeed been addressed, the fewer gross number of badges should lead to a decent reduction in clicks and it appears that some attempt to improve prizes has been made. If this trend continues we may well come back to the Adventures somewhere down the road...but certainly not this time. The problems of instability of the game itself and the chat box should be the priority at this time, trying to distract people with an Adventure that will high-lite, if not exacerbate those problems is kind of insulting.

Best of luck to those choosing to participate in this Adventure, I look forward to reading the reviews when it is done.


Yup, If you are missing 50% of your players, that will make the fellowship content 100% harder... that's how the numbers work.
Is there any chance you can merge with another FS even if it's just for the FA? Who knows, you might end up staying together.

The problem with merging is finding one that's also no diamonds. Merging with one that uses diamonds has been shot down already. The one frustration for me as mage is that most of what I have suggested to get more players has been met with "We've tried that and it didn't work." They didn't really even want me to add the line about the Fellowship to my Signature here but I'm at a point where I'm feeling rebellious! ;):p


Mathematician par Excellence
The one frustration for me as mage is that most of what I have suggested to get more players has been met with "We've tried that and it didn't work."
My fellowships have tried just about everything too, and honestly nothing works great, so I think you just have to do everything.
  • Change your FS name and city name to " blahblahblah - recruiting"
  • Make a forum thread in Fellowships seeking players
  • Add the info to your forum signature and link it to your forum thread
  • cultivate relations with your new neighbors as they appear
  • Investigate 2-4 player fellowships in case a merger is possible
  • Convince FS members from other worlds that adding another city won't hurt their relationship at all, and really work isn't that important
This game could really use a simple matchmaking tool where FS check a few boxes like
Min tournament points
Min chapter
Min score
Min visits
required boost

And then players looking for a FS can sort accordingly, and fellowships can also use it backwards to search for potential recruits.

BTW, what's the plan with the 2,200 free diamonds you get from completing chapters?


@SoggyShorts strikes again, kinda figured you would......:p
Yes we do a good job at paying for your game...:cool:
And with chapter 12 there has to be strategy even for us...​


I like the idea of the FS adventure. But with each execution it is getting worse. Here are a few simple ways the FA can be fixed:

1. Show all badges made by all FS members.
2. Allow any Ambassador or above enter in ANY badge made by ANY FS member
3. This is the big one. NO MORE QUEST CYCLING! How hard are drop-down menus??? My 13 year old daughter has designed a website with dropo-down menus.

The artwork of this game is beyond great, however the "designers" show little interest in making this game succeed


BTW, what's the plan with the 2,200 free diamonds you get from completing chapters?
All great ideas (even if I didn't quote them. People can scroll up if they want to see them again! :cool:)and I'd love to get the ok to try them.

To answer the question about the free diamonds from the Guest Race chapters... We had a very serious discussion with lots of angst about them since that hadn't been implemented at the time the group was originally set up. It was finally decided that the name said it all... Proudly No Diamonds which is why I call it the No Diamonds Challenge. No diamond use at all, even the free ones. Luckily most of us who are at a point where we get the free ones have multiple cities where we use them instead. (Love having higher level builders!) We take a lot of newbies in and teach them some of the most efficient ways to build their cities; those who fight help them with tactics for that, and when they get to guest races they either fly away from the safe nest or start a second city to use their diamonds. :)

What you have against us Diamond players?....:rolleyes::eek:o_O
We usually produce more goods, and do tourneys more to supply our magic academy...

Not a thing! If it weren't for the diamond players, we wouldn't have a game to play! I appreciate the people who have the income to be able to buy diamonds. I just don't happen to be someone who can afford to buy them, at least not as a regular thing. If we're being completely honest here, if I could afford to drop as much money as some of the high level diamond buyers do (and thank you so much for doing so!!!) I would probably be playing a subscription MMORPG. I play this because I can't afford to do that anymore. (got hooked for a while back when I had more income on Dark Ages of Camelot because some friends were playing it - unfortunately on the European server so we never did get to play together! *sigh* and would love to try the Final Fantasy Online since it's one of my all time favorites for game console play. (NOTE: I prefer ones that have a cooperative, non PvP option ;) )
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