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    Your Elvenar Team

Release notes version 1.22


New issue, assumed related to version 1.22:
My L.17 armory refused to upgrade. I just finished researching the Fairie armory (L.18-19), I have the resources/space needed (though space wasn't originally in the exact same location as the building). I clicked "upgrade" and then "move and upgrade", and when I placed the armory, it said, "sorry, an internal error has occured, please try again later." I tried again later. Many times. Posted a bug report with support (no answer yet). Then, I tried re-arranging buildings so I had the space right at the build site, and magically, the upgrade worked.

So: if "move and upgrade" is bugging out on you, try upgrading without moving. (It may require significant re-organization, and may not be possible for some until a new expansion is available.) I'm assuming this is related to version 1.22, because I've never had this problem before.

Anyone else have this problem?


There was another one.... I can't find it in search, no clue what/where it was posted. Someone else reported the same issue with residences.The work around was the same as yours, which is why your post caught my eye :) nice bug description there, good info.


yes, their definition of ' a bit' is apparently very different from mine. Or most peoples actually...or the dictionary.
An increase of 50% is hardly 'a bit' by any standard. And increasing it with another 50% of the original price with every new purchase makes it quite the opposite of 'a bit'
It might have been a better idea to make the first purchase more expensive and then each next one a bit cheaper. But no matter how you look at it, it gives a whole new meaning to 'wholesale'. I think someone at Inno should start reading a dictionary sometime.


Oh Wise One
yes, their definition of ' a bit' is apparently very different from mine. Or most peoples actually...or the dictionary.
Well, technically, since all of the coin is simply 1s and 0s on a computer server, doubling the price is just turning on one more bit..... :p

Jokes aside, none of the money is real. What they've actually done is increase the effort required to gain those goods. Personally, it's increased my effort practically not at all, because I wasn't using the wholesaler much, (or possibly decreased my effort because) when I did, I was watching how fast my excess coin went down to the line I'd set myself, not what I was getting in return. Now the coin pile just goes down faster.


I beg to differ ;) I think it's more about time, not exactly effort. I think avenues for more effort being brought into the game would actually enhance it. The general message however appears to be "slow down". This could be because so many of the long term players are reaching end game content before more can be provided? I could be wrong. LOL

For example, the workshop can be set to a 5 minute queue, but the lowest time for goods is 3 hours. If the goods could be set to 5 minutes as well, then more effort could be put into it. (for those who would want to) The workshop supplies, are only a support for the goods, so the 5 minute timer only results in an emergency "help button" if you will. If you don't have enough supplies to keep your goods going, you can work at it to balance it out. But the end result is goods are still slow going, and I think meant to be.

We're people doing this? Putting extra effort into supplies, and thusly using the wholesaler in a way not intended? Is this in-fact the real reason behind why the wholesaler was nerfed? To stop folks from being able to "effort" there way towards getting extra goods?


Oh Wise One
Putting extra effort into supplies, and thusly using the wholesaler in a way not intended?
No and Yes. I wasn't rapid cycling of workshops, but quest cycling. It's not hard for a city with lots of low level manufactories and workshops along with a large explored map to generate more supplies and coin than a fully upgraded city of the same size


Well, technically, since all of the coin is simply 1s and 0s on a computer server, doubling the price is just turning on one more bit..... :p

Technically all the coins may be nothing but 1s and 0s...but the same goes for the goods. And the diamonds.
If they felt players were getting too much coins they should have done something about that. Fix the cause of a problem, not the result.


Oh Wise One
Fix the cause of a problem, not the result.

I think the problem is multi-faceted and they did fix one aspect. I was also wondering if the huge amount of pop/culture buildings from events was in preparation for this too, as it provides an alternate way to get population and reduce coin. On one of my towns I was able to increase my space by deleting some houses (dropping coins) and placing some of those buildings.


I'm not excited about it all. A smarter AI will mean fights get harder, IMO. And mostly no extra advantage for me with my mostly 3x promoted units. I do hope I'm wrong but I'm not gonna hold my breath.


That has been one of the main feedback so far is manual fights get harder. People want smarter AI for their troops and not the enemy but it doesn't work that way.
Of course, and it shouldn't work that way. I was actually stunned when I read that the smarter AI was a player suggestion because of the repercussions. It's like requesting to reduce the range of the enchantress which naturally resulted in reducing the sorceress's range as well. What applies to one should apply to the other. Sigh, as if fighting's not challenging enough for many people, we'll now have to deal with a smarter AI as well.


Smarter AI's lol I feel you concern @ Draconomicon, but my concern is the relative size of buildings in the next chapter, Inno wants us to tear down huge section of city just to fit them in. If this is the case I am done. I feel they {Inno} has proven that what we ask for and complain about, totally does not matter. And there developers have gone Insane.:eek: