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    Your Elvenar Team

Sorcerers' Homecoming discussion


Well-Known Member
@Aritra ,
I was saying there shud be, not that there will be ....
manor pieces in the FA. I was also asking the more general
question : Of all active players.... is only 10% complete'n an
event, a successfull event or are the devs just asking themselves...
what was the total sales, $$$, and how many ingame diamonds
were suck'd outta the system.......

If "the company" cares about the playerbase, & not just themselves
then (opinion) - I don't think the metric of 5-10% completion should
be considered either acceptable or successfull....... I also dont think
that doing what is normal for a FA, being nice and offering 2 xtra
artifacts for all those whom didnt earn enuff on thier own, is wrong
in this case too.... Seems Inno has it down to "ppl will fall xxx short"
so we'll make it all better with a FA....

Just think also how Inno charges us..... event currency is grossly
overpriced when paying in diamonds, yet what do we do .....
We are told to buy diamonds 1st, which are already overpriced,
then get hit again converting diam to event currency.
Nowhere is it allowed to buy a stash outpost with diamonds,
and nowhere can you just directly buy currency with $$$$......
Not to mention, the stash outpost offer is random as it is.....

So Aritra, yes... the jist was.... is 10% successfull for an event.
( me personally ) - I think that insults the playerbase, what
do you think ?


Mathematician par Excellence
is 10% successfull for an event.
( me personally ) - I think that insults the playerbase, what
do you think ?
I think 10% success for free players is far too low.
I also think that significantly more than 10% will get 260 staves (assuming that is the measure of success).

7 days to go, final quests have higher currency rewards, and not everyone has spent much/any/all of their currency so far.

All that being said, even the ~25% who got it on Beta and the projected 20%(?) who will get it here is too low. Actually, I think even if 50% of players who complete all tasks failed to get the complete set that would be unacceptable, but I have no way of knowing how many who get fewer than 260 but more than say 200 did all tasks.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
If this were just another evolving building as the grand prize, with a FA to follow that contained more artifacts, it would not be a big deal. But them cutting back too much on the event currency from Beta to Live for this one really will keep players, without decent luck, from making a complete set, since the following FA does not include any set buildings. I am not sure how many events in a row I have gotten a fully evolved building, and not needed the FA to finish it, but even with getting around 900 extra knowledge so far, I am still 38 staffs away from getting the final building, and I am not sure I will get it without some more luck in winning knowledge. If I have to burn some free diamonds to complete the set, I will, and I won't like having to do it, but it may be the only way to ever have the complete set.


So bottom line: if I do all 75 quest and diligently pick up around city but without winning 300 event currency one or more times is there ANY chance of getting the complete set? Or has Inno just sxxxxxx all us players that can’t afford to spend much money?
I think you have to win some of those 200 or 300. I'm on the way to complete all 75 quests, collect (probably most) of the ones around the city, log daily. I just dumped all I had saved for most of the event, over 4k sorcerer's knowledge. I've been opening mostly the 80 and 89 chests and if not the ones with better drop rate: 18 and 45. I was not very lucky at first but then i got a few 200 and 300 (total 5 or 6 of them). But with over 4k spent, not sure if i'm in the average. I have 641 left with all i can get until the end of the event and 2 big prizes to complete = 40. The math seems to work for me. I have not bought any SK and I don't have the Asphen.
Hope this helps; good chests would help even more ; ).
It is doable depending on the drop. Good luck everyone.
PS: I just got into Silver league barely with 220. Sorry to the one I just moved to bronze ; p

Deleted User - 849281086

I think you have to win some of those 200 or 300. I'm on the way to complete all 75 quests, collect (probably most) of the ones around the city, log daily. I just dumped all I had saved for most of the event, over 4k sorcerer's knowledge. I've been opening mostly the 80 and 89 chests and if not the ones with better drop rate: 18 and 45. I was not very lucky at first but then i got a few 200 and 300 (total 5 or 6 of them). But with over 4k spent, not sure if i'm in the average. I have 641 left with all i can get until the end of the event and 2 big prizes to complete = 40. The math seems to work for me. I have not bought any SK and I don't have the Asphen.
Hope this helps; good chests would help even more ; ).
It is doable depending on the drop. Good luck everyone.
PS: I just got into Silver league barely with 220. Sorry to the one I just moved to bronze ; p

Gambling for currency to get top 1%, VS playing it safe and going for most points for your currency without gambling, I'm starting to think it's many times easier to wind up failing at even getting Silver, than the chance of getting top 1% with luck.

Having said that, I wouldn't even be in Silver right now had i not hit a 300 currency prize.

This all feels a little too tightly designed just to get a second place spot.

Saying "But I barely got top 6%, so i did good"... doesn't mean much if you wind up with a measly 3rd place trophy.


Well-Known Member
The FA is NOT set in stone, it can be ammended if Inno wants to, they have before.
Its still time for Inno to do the right thing...... offer the last 2 set pieces as lvl 2/3 prizes
for the FA, or @least the Forge .... (@helya )

I also gotta say, 1 week between events is NOT enuff, we need 2 weeks..... Events
are designed to drain Cats, Frags, Boosters, and everything else we collect...
hope'n that then we spend diamonds.... Well this is dumb, players whom only
get CCs from Spire , can't recoup in 1 freak'n week...... I never have time between
events really, to use what I've won... By the time I get a clear path to add stuff,
I'm already getting more stuff that instantly changes the whole calc, and puts
me back to square 1.

Last year there was a popup 3 day event before AirTraders, and none since...
Why ??


Mathematician par Excellence
The FA is NOT set in stone, it can be ammended if Inno wants to, they have before.
Its still time for Inno to do the right thing...... offer the last 2 set pieces as lvl 2/3 prizes
for the FA, or @least the Forge
That's a tall order.
1. It requires inno to admit they were wrong and that they over-nerfed the currency from Beta to Live
2. How pissed would all of the players who paid money to get their final 1-2 pieces be if they popped up for free* in the FA next?
I also gotta say, 1 week between events is NOT enuff, we need 2 weeks..... Events
are designed to drain Cats, Frags, Boosters, and everything else we collect.
hope'n that then we spend diamonds...
This comes up all the time, and when deciding between keeping players engaged (and therefore possibly spending money) vs giving players "a break" where they almost certainly won't spend money, inno will (thankfully) chose to keep giving us something to do.


With about 7 days to go I can expect another 700 event currency per city which will net me about 30 staves... which sucks because in all 6 cities doing this event I need 60 - 75 staves to complete the building set. I'm not spending money for the forge because that just rewards Inno for ripping off its customers. Diamond purchases should be for shortcuts, quick-fixes and extras only - they should not be required to complete an event building.
FYI: I have a fed ashen phoenix is two cities and they've provided no discernable advantage - those cities are at the same place ,192 -197 staves, as all my other cities.
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Flippers just flip
Diamonds are for whatever you want. If you want to spend all your diamonds on 'shortcuts, quick fixes and extras", (what ever that means?) , go ahead.

I am wondering why everyone is being given the ability to produce a nice amount of marble and planks but not steel.
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Well-Known Member
I guess I have a different supposition about possible developer actions/ motivations. I wonder if perhaps the reason they nerfed the currency is because they decided to have an FA with the final pieces as rewards. In other words, the final pieces are not rewards on beta because most people who wanted the full set could easily get it. But they nerfed the currency rewards on live to create demand for the set pieces in the FA.

It's impossible to know, but it's plausible that could be what's going on.

@juniperknome I wouldn't assume you're not likely to be bumped down on Arendyll. I haven't spent any of my event currency yet (because I'm waiting to do the province encounters in quest 71 to enter chapter 5). I would not be surprised if 5-10% of players are like me and choosing to wait.


I guess I have a different supposition about possible developer actions/ motivations. I wonder if perhaps the reason they nerfed the currency is because they decided to have an FA with the final pieces as rewards. In other words, the final pieces are not rewards on beta because most people who wanted the full set could easily get it. But they nerfed the currency rewards on live to create demand for the set pieces in the FA.

It's impossible to know, but it's plausible that could be what's going on.

@juniperknome I wouldn't assume you're not likely to be bumped down on Arendyll. I haven't spent any of my event currency yet (because I'm waiting to do the province encounters in quest 71 to enter chapter 5). I would not be surprised if 5-10% of players are like me and choosing to wait.
Listen to the seasoned players and you'll understand why people have such an unflattering opinion of Inno's motives.


Diamonds are for whatever you want. If you want to spend all your diamonds on 'shortcuts, quick fixes and extras", (what ever that means?) , go ahead.
You've completely misinterpreted what I was saying. I'm not telling anyone how to spend or on what - I'm saying that Inno have repeatedly claimed the game is fully playable for free - that diamonds are for speeding things up/shortcuts etc. I call BS on that claim when the event prize is not fully achievable for free.


Flippers just flip
You've completely misinterpreted what I was saying. I'm not telling anyone how to spend or on what - I'm saying that Inno have repeatedly claimed the game is fully playable for free - that diamonds are for speeding things up/shortcuts etc. I call BS on that claim when the event prize is not fully achievable for free.
But it is achievable for free.


Well-Known Member
Inno have repeatedly claimed the game is fully playable for free
You can get diamonds for free...spire and craft. The only cities who cant are players below chapter 3. But Inno has added to the number of diamonds new cities get when they start.

I call BS on that claim when the event prize is not fully achievable for free.
I will get the event building in all 3 of my cities. Currently 1 is at 260 and the other 2 are both at 240. I will easily get 20 more staffs by the end of the event. So far I have not spent a single diamond. I will, I am just waiting till the leagues lock.