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    Your Elvenar Team

Summer Solstice Feedback


The summer solstice thing has me baffled. I spent moon splinters to open the first chest and it said I got a bronze guard (I think), but I can't find it anywhere, or how to place the thing.

aha! thanks for the point toward another player who had a similar question answered. Found it!!! lol


New Member
I have the same issue. I apparently got bronze guard, but can't find it anywhere. I found the flower cage in the other world I play, but the guards aren't in the same spot. Did I read something wrong??


If the event prizes were the same regardless of what chapter you were in, that would inherently either make them worthless to those were were very advanced (which would prompt complaints from those players), or extremely, game-breakingly powerful for those who weren't at that point yet (which, again, would prompt complaints from higher players). Taking it to its extreme, imagine having a 2300 culture, 2300 population culture building when you're in chapter 1. That doesn't seem a little unbalanced to you? But I guess, based on the situations I outlined, the higher up players are going to complain no matter what. I only go on these forums very occasionally, and it's because there are so many overly entitled whiners here, turning it into a place of constant negativity, that it's just not a very fun place to be. People need to grow up and quit whining about literally everything that happens in the game, seriously. I'm having fun with the game, why can't you people? If you're not having fun, shut up and quit. Games are for entertainment; if being here is torture then it's really your own fault that you're subjecting yourself to it. Inno isn't forcing you to stay here.

I'm going back to the game and getting out of this cesspool since it gives me a headache reading all the whining.
I have a feeling that is happening. When you go to the world map, there seems to be more gold mines than actual kingdoms to help. so sad


I believe that you now have to complete 20 new encounters to complete the Quest. They're exempting those of us with over 200 provinces completed, because we've completed to many that it's impossible to complete 20...

...but don't feel too bad. I just hit a 28-hour impossible roadblock. The quest is "Gain 9 Relics". Since it's Monday morning - and I'm an organized player who doesn't have incomplete provinces on my world map - I can't start working on this Quest until the Tourney opens tomorrow afternoon. Basically, even though I'm here, ready and willing to play, I can't.

The haphazard disorganization of this game would be hilarious if we weren't still trying to play it!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this! There is no way I'm doing nine relics outside of a tournament.


Figured out that I won 30 inspiring meditation spells. Who cares about that garbage? I am on here at least 3 times a day, it's not like I need to increase my KP limit. If I am not on here for more than a day, I will probably never come back. Glad I only wasted $3 on that garbage before figuring out that it's a game of luck. Whats the point of giving any effort into this if you may or may not get the prize you want? Very disappointed with this quest

Agree whole-heartedly, as I won the same thing. I'm on frequently enough where that spell is useless (and also annoying because that is a simple programming choice to limit players and not create challenge). If Inno wants players to spend money, make the rewards worth it!


9 Relics is 1 province plus a Treasure Chest.

Katwijk, you have a decent rank, so I assume you solved a decent amount of provinces. However, I'm maxed out of provinces, it takes me nearly 3 days just to scout a province. Then I have to fight, which is difficult without new troupe upgrades or negotiate which is IMPOSSIBLE since I need orcs and the game decided I need to research ancient wonders before researching orc tech.


I have been playing on beta so I have had this contest going on for a while. Here is what I can report:

1. Don't stress about anything taking a while on the second quest (the non episodic one). I have 13 days remaining and I am already done with all of those quests. There are only so many of them.

2. Don't open chests unless it is a reward you really really want. There is a different daily prize and they get better as the contest goes on. The early prizes aren't so great. In fact, the last prize seems to be the best one, so if you can stand it, you might want to wait before you open any chests until the last day. At least, I think it will be given on the last day. Some days the reward is only some runes. You'll want to wait for buildings at least. As people have said, the higher your chapter, the better the buildings are, so if you are close to finishing a chapter, finish it before you open a chest. Here is the list of buildings you can win. The culture numbers and pop numbers are the maximum if you are in the Orc chapter. I didn't make this list, so I can't swear it is totally accurate:

size: 1x1
Rainbow Flower Cage 117 culture and 117 Population
Spring flower Cage: 210 culture
Noble Banner: 210 Culture
Summer Flower Cage: 230 culture
Dark Signpost: 230 Culture
Heroic Banner: 250 culture

size: 1x2
Rainbow Unicorn: 195 Culture and 195 Population
Bronze Guards: 370 culture
Silver Unicorn: 390 culture
Silver Guards: 410 Culture
Crystal Unicorn: 430 Culture

size: 2x2
Leaf Codex: 700 culture
Sun Codex: 780 culture
Lava Codex: 860 culture
Observatory: 780 Culture

size: 3x3
Father Tree: 2100 culture

size: 5x3
Glossy Garden: 1760 Population and Culture

main reward:
Venars Rock I 2x4 940 Population and Culture
Venars Rock II 3x4 1400 Population and Culture
Venars Rock III 5x4 2300 Population and Culture

3. You might not be able to make it to the second Venar's rock reward unless you buy moon splinters. It takes 200 sun things to get the second building and I am pretty sure it won't be possible unless they drastically change the rewards for the daily episodic quest. I'm not even close right now. If anything changes I will update this. As I said, I still have 13 days to go.

4. Even though I am an advanced player and this does benefit me personally, I do think it is cool that you get a higher reward if you are in a higher chapter. So many of these things really harm the loyal players. Plus, even though I don't agree with anything else he said, qaccy is right that it would be very unbalanced if you got a building with that much benefit early on. If the rewards were the same, either the buildings would be crazily overpowered for lower players or crazily underpowered for advanced players. I think this was a good solution. It would be cool if they changed as you advanced, but maybe there will be more contests in the future?

5. I can't figure out why they offered the moon splinters before the contest even started. You'd think people would want to buy them after the contest has started.

6. Even though you may not get many buildings, even if you get one you can keep forever, it is something! I got lucky and won a rainbow unicorn on beta and it is my favorite building! Yeah, it was stupid of me to try for it and not wait for the glossy garden, but it is cool! Yay! :)

7. Obviously, you are better off opening the gold chests and having a 25% chance of getting the daily building (or two or 3 of them) vs a 7% chance of getting one of them even if you can open more bronze chests.
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Maz Mellor

Well-Known Member
I have been playing on beta so I have had this contest going on for a while. Here is what I can report:

1. Don't stress about anything taking a while on the second quest (the non episodic one). I have 13 days remaining and I am already done with all of those quests. There are only so many of them.

2. Don't open chests unless it is a reward you really really want. There is a different daily prize and they get better as the contest goes on. The early prizes aren't so great. In fact, the last prize seems to be the best one, so if you can stand it, you might want to wait before you open any chests until the last day. At least, I think it will be given on the last day. Some days the reward is only some runes. You'll want to wait for buildings at least. As people have said, the higher your chapter, the better the buildings are, so if you are close to finishing a chapter, finish it before you open a chest. Here is the list of buildings you can win. The culture numbers and pop numbers are the maximum if you are in the Orc chapter:

This whole post was super helpful, Bobbykitty. Thank you!!


So, is any Elvenar staff member of forum moderator going to show some courtesy and decency and start answering players enquiries about this super bug filled event?

I have seen mods logged into the forums throughout the day, not a single reply to any question or concern.

Support is telling people any coins, goods, supplies or troops lost will not be reimbursed. Why would we want to attempt quests that may bug/ glitch out on us and end up wasting on hand stock for nothing.


P.S. As far as I know, gaining spells from doing nh works to satisfy the produce spells quests in the contest, so it will be harder if you don't have a magic academy, but I think the contest is still doable. Being how lousy the MA is compared to the value of the space given up, even if you did need it to complete this contest, I still don't think it is worth building.


I was excited about this contest, until I got to the "Produce 1 Power of Provision" spell quest. I'm one of the holdouts who STILL doesn't want a Magic Academy. I would build it for the contest if I could sell it afterward. But I hoped that my NH chests would provide one... and they did! And .... it didn't complete the quest. So I'm just out of luck.

But I had a few splinters so I decided to cash them in and won... more splinters. So I cashed them in.... and won 9 rune shards. For the Crystal Lighthouse. Which I already had 54 shards for. Wow.

Enthusiasm.... dwindling.....


That will be awful ghloire! Ugh. It worked on beta. I have that quest up too. I'll report back when I find out if finding a spell in nh works for me. Crossing my fingers it is a bug you experienced. Are you 100% sure you got the right spell? The MA is such a waste of space!!! This would make me so terribly sad!!!


That will be awful ghloire! Ugh. It worked on beta. I have that quest up too. I'll report back when I find out if finding a spell in nh works for me. Crossing my fingers it is a bug you experienced. Are you 100% sure you got the right spell? The MA is such a waste of space!!! This would make me so terribly sad!!!

Think they need to roll back the servers and turn this event off and leave it off. One person has already submitted 10 if not more support tickets for this botched event.


I would build it for the contest if I could sell it afterward. But I hoped that my NH chests would provide one... and they did! And .... it didn't complete the quest. So I'm just out of luck.

Wow, that blows....! It worked on the previous contest...actually worked on several occasions for me...I was counting on it in this Summer Solstice.

THANK YOU BobbyKitty for the above information on this latest contest - it's really helpful.


I was excited about this contest, until I got to the "Produce 1 Power of Provision" spell quest. I'm one of the holdouts who STILL doesn't want a Magic Academy. I would build it for the contest if I could sell it afterward. But I hoped that my NH chests would provide one... and they did! And .... it didn't complete the quest. So I'm just out of luck.

I DID find that relics gained through NH counted towards the "gain 9 relics" Solstice quest, though I suppose the wording difference between "produce" and "gain" might be the key if one works and the other does not count. Hopefully it's just a glitch, good luck!


Bobby, yeah, I triple checked. It was the right spell. Gray. It worked for me in the earlier contest, but not this time.


I don't really get it. Is it a game within the regular "game"...is it necessary to do the quests? I need to buy 5 KP and get 200 provinces?? sorry, but I'm not wasting my goods nor my armies...the strongest defense I have is dogs, yet I encounter all sorts of weird things...and if the reward is more buildings, where do I put them???

I'm going to simply continue to build my city to how I want it...thought that was what this game was....


it is a side game that you can play. It gives you something to do if you're bored. If you're not close to 200 provinces, you can just do 20 encounters (2.5 provinces). And some of the rewards are more KP or more rune shards, which could be nice.... But unless that was a glitch with the NH, I'll be ignoring this contest like I've been ignoring the Magic Academy for months.