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    Your Elvenar Team

World map Centers

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
US6 also has a new center city.


  • Screenshot (65).png
    Screenshot (65).png
    992.1 KB · Views: 123


Well-Known Member
Here's the current center for US7 (Ceravyn). Trikimees has been replaced by Rayqua. Some immediately surrounding cities have been replaced as well.

US7 Center 20211214 1548.JPG


Well-Known Member
Hmm, the trick of looking up a player, view their city, and exit to world map now returns me to my city, instead of the exiting city like before. So I can't see where those players above are located without scouring the map.

Edit; Well, I can find Knucklehead13, I can see the city, but when exiting it returns me to my city. This does not happen for other players, including other undiscovered players. So suggests Knucklehead13 has been moved off the map? But then why do I get a result for the city?
This is happening to me as well ~ I am using Helya's update, I think. Makes the info a bit useless. I am disappointed too.


Buddy Fan Club member
Helya's update was accurate when posted, then the Great Migration occurred, and she updated us with new centers and said it looked like we could keep track now ourselves. That was a couple of weeks ago.
Starting on p2 with: this post
Posters took screenshots of the center city and the 6 cities surrounding them so we could keep track of the center of the map for all worlds. We kept it to this thread since the title 'World map Centers' is perfect for anyone searching for it now or in the future. As you go through the subsequent posts in this thread, you will see updates to those pictures as moves continue to happen and cities continue to change. We started the most recent updates today when it was called to our attention that at least one world had a change to the center city. Since city movement will continue to happen, if any of the center cities becomes inactive, they may get moved. Anyone willing to check their own world every week or so and post an updated pic if there have been changes is appreciated. But, it's always going to be necessary to go through to the end of the thread to get the most recent picture to see what the center city is currently. From these pictures, you can always search for the other names around the center city and see what changes have happened with moves.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I went and got one for US4:

Cool. While I can go and look up the center and surrounding cities on elvenstats to check for activeness, I can't go on the map and verify centers without making a city on each server. lol

There are a couple of servers where the center and all six surrounding cities are either very small, inactive, or both. US 6 is bad for that and we will probably lose it's center soon.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Update time again. For US1, the center city is new again and four of the six surrounding are new too. It is just lucky one of the two that stayed the same is advanced and active, that one being DocPablo.

Screenshot (71).png

And US6 still has the same city at the center, Mantouf, who is still active according to elvenstats. And four of the six surrounding cities are still the same.
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Buddy Fan Club member
US4 Center changed again along with some of the surrounding cities:
US5 Center remains the same; a few of the surrounding cities changed:

Edit: Changed US4 picture; the first one was an awful cropping job, I cut the city to the right completely off, sorry.
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Active Member
I was once 6 rows from the center of US2. Moloch or monster under the stairs was the center. Mommasalty is only a row or two away now. Guess I moved - or ...
I learned how to find the center from a SW architect who used to play the game, azarra. I've forgotten now, unfortunately. Enlighten me, anyone? Please and thx.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
@helya some of the centers have been ignored long enough that we can't find them again.

US1 center is still Sandles25, same as my last check on Dec 28, and DocPablo is still lower left of center, for whenever the baby city at the center gets deleted. And considering it has been there for a month now and not changed any, have the moves stopped for now?


Oh Wise One
@helya some of the centers have been ignored long enough that we can't find them again.

US1 center is still Sandles25, same as my last check on Dec 28, and DocPablo is still lower left of center, for whenever the baby city at the center gets deleted. And considering it has been there for a month now and not changed any, have the moves stopped for now?

She said it's a regular Monday thing. That's how they have set it up.


Well-Known Member
US7 center is now Demko. Surrounding cities haven't changed.

US7 Center 20220128 0757.jpg

Surrounding cities are BigDog62 (northwest), re1zen (northeast), GivingTree (west), Twinkle7 (east), HereticJ (southwest) and Traveler74912 (southeast).