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    Your Elvenar Team

Summer Solstice Feedback


the larger buildings are supposed to be clickable. there is a glitch right now that is supposedly being worked on. My comment was that I do not want 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4 type items clickable. the would not help anyone with a culture boost. smiles.
Yeah I know my last reply wasnt meant for you but the one that jumped on me above yours.


Well, I just finished the last Episodic questline and got my 35 splinters. I had already finished the non-episodic days ago, so I was hoping to still get enough to unlock the bronze chest to maybe get that observatory. Well, that was it. No more quests and 2 days left in the solstice. I am bummed, got a lot of good buildings though, but not gonna pay to play for the last few days of the event.


If that is indeed the last quest of this event, kind of another slap in our faces in terms of earning moon splinters for further attempts at better grand prizes. There is still 2.5 days remaining which is 70 - 105 additional moon splinters just from the daily quest.

Why run an event which is quest based and not have enough quests for the entirety of the event? It doesn't take 2 plus days to click and exchange moon splinters lol.


Yeah I know my last reply wasnt meant for you but the one that jumped on me above yours.
No one "jumped on" you. I just expressed my opinion that it's clear the event culture buildings will behave like every other culture building, i.e. only the larger ones will be clickable, in a calm and sensible manner. There's nothing wrong with that. You are the one that is jumpy for no reason.


Why run an event which is quest based and not have enough quests for the entirety of the event? It doesn't take 2 plus days to click and exchange moon splinters lol.

Ya As soon as I finished my quest and collected it, the girl disappeared! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: That is a crappy thing for sure!!! 2 days left and no quests??? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: what is up with these people. No wonder there are so many glitches in the game.. the developers don't know how to count or do addition and subtraction of basic numbers. sigh... Color me very unhappy!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


Why run an event which is quest based and not have enough quests for the entirety of the event? It doesn't take 2 plus days to click and exchange moon splinters lol.

Same thoughts here...I was hoping for two more days of daily events quest...it is odd how they ended it prematurely. To me it makes sense and it is more intuitive to continue delivering quest until the bitter end, uhmmm .... but apparently not? Very odd these developers. :confused:


For the final days of the event, I noticed that, every time I completed a quest, the time allotted before the new one became visible was exactly the time remaining for that day's special offering. So, the fact that we don't have quests, but still have two days of items, is doubly weird.


It doesn't take 2 plus days to click and exchange moon splinters lol.

Yes, but people might still be trying to do some of the quests and they need more time to complete things. I think it is good that there is some time left. This leads me to my two suggestions for the contest:

1. Have a numbering system on the quests so people know how many are left. 1/25....that kind of thing. This way people won't be shocked and unnecessarily upset when quests disappear.

2. While the buildings had different culture bonuses based on the level you got them, the quests were the same for everyone. As an advanced player, these quests were very easy for me (except the awful spell quests which I will go into later). But, I have a city on another world that is not advanced and these quests were very difficult and in some cases too hard especially the ones where I had to keep clearing sectors in provinces. If the bonuses are going to be different then the quests should be too. Or at least make them easier so that the less advanced cities won't have that much difficulty to complete these quests.

3. For heaven's sake. Stop punishing people who don't want to build the stupid magic academy. End the quests that require spells. You don't need to upset your players for no reason. At this point all it looks like is a petulant programmer whose ego won't let him back down on this issue. That is silly. Just get rid of those quests.

Regarding the question about 1 x 1 culture buildings being clickable....

IMO there's no reason to think the one square (or two square for that matter) event culture buildings will be clickable and there's every reason to think that (same as regular culture buildings) the four square and up event buildings will be clickable.

Right. That.


You want feedback. I have enjoyed this festival. I now have 2 glossy gardens that are lovely, I have the first and second grand prize and they are also lovely. I was disappointed when the daily quest disappeared today as I was hoping for a few more moon splinters to have one more go at a gold chest but as I only have 80 left I cannot see that happening. I will never get the 3rd grand prize. I have 35 gold orbs towards it but it costs 350. How is anyone ever going to find that many? I did the math and even if I only opened gold chests and I got 200 moon splinters every time I open them I could never get enough to get the 3rd prize. I could buy moon splinters but to get enough to get 300 gold orbs I would have to spend 16000 diamonds which is a huge sum. That would mean spending over a hundred dollars for something that is not worth that money. I could buy a giant snail and get more population and culture for less money as it only costs 3000 diamonds.

So I will settle for what I have but I cannot see why you put a 'prize' so out of reach that no one will get it unless they spend a fortune. That make s me sad. A prize really should at least be achievable not impossible.


Making these buildings clickable reminds me of a suggestion I'd been wanting to make where it tells you how much culture a person's buildings give them if you hover over them. I have no idea why this isn't the case yet. But it definitely needs to be now because not all of our buildings are worth the same amount. My fathertree is only worth 1700 while those in the orcs research are receiving 2100 from it, I believe.


I like the summer solstice event idea. I do. I thought the quests were pretty fun, and the three grand prizes are definitely worth trying for.

HOWEVER. The way this event was done is outrageous. To not have quests last through the entirety of the event is unfathomable. I see no reason why I should have no quests whatsoever for the last 2 days. I mean, it was one thing to run out of the constant quest line one after the other. But then to run out of the daily quest line? Asinine.

Inno, you completely messed up here. The second grand prize is attainable only if you have the luck of the draw. I'm only 165/200 for that. The third prize is impossible without purchasing diamonds.... and the purchase price is insane!! You can buy culture buildings that give better perks for less money. It's ridiculous.

My feedback is that this event had soooo much potential and you royally screwed it up and made everyone in my fellowship very, very upset and angry. I'm sure we're not the only ones.

In fact, I finally made a forum account JUST to post this.


My feedback is that this event had soooo much potential and you royally screwed it up and made everyone in my fellowship very, very upset and angry. I'm sure we're not the only ones.

Trust me... your FS was not the only one. Sadly Inno does not really care if players are happy or not. As Bobbypiazza says... players get frustrated and leave and new ones take their place. so we players have no value to Inno. Sad that.


Let's put the rewards in perspective:

On the one hand they decided to offer very nice daily buildings - we have no complaints about the prizes themselves. A Glossy Garden, for example, at a Level VIII is worth about 16 Princess Arwens. That's fabulous.​

On the other hand they awarded these significantly valuable items based on luck. My fellowship mate got the equivalent of $64 via his Gardens. I got $16. This gives him a large population and culture advantage that I can't match without paying to "catch up".​

Inno can't seem to do anything without shooting themselves in the foot - or in the gut even. They make this nice gesture and offer great prizes - things most of us would never have dared to hope for, really - and then screw with us by ensuring that the distribution is guaranteed to create ill will. How could they expect us to feel totally happy watching other players get $50 in free stuff, for participation equivalent to our own?

If they were going to give away free stuff, why not use it as a chance to create good will with all the players? The prospect of one Garden each (for example) would have been enough to keep us all motivated (since we don't ever get free stuff). If we'd been able to choose our own rewards (each with a different Splinter cost) - some players would have grabbed Runes they really need, some Spells, etc.

Just as a point of clarification, I'd be writing this same post even were I the one who'd won the most daily buildings. If I'd magically struck it lucky and won so many Splinters that I won the Third Venar's for free...I'd still be writing this post. Somewhere I think there's still some possibility...

Someone at Inno comes up with good ideas, sometimes even great ones. Then someone else starts tweaking the idea until it degenerates into an implementation significantly diminished from its original intent. Please just stop.​



I don't quite understand why you're waging war against the randomness factor when the game provides you with the option to purchase more chests with Diamonds. The very possibility to aquire further chests is only balanced out with the fact that the rewards are always random. This ensures that the players who are willing to purchase diamonds for the event do not have a clear advantage over those who are unable to do so. It also ensures that the players with less advanced cities, have the chance to get the better rewards, despite the fact that completing some of the quests might be harder for them due to the nature of their cities.
They make this nice gesture and offer great prizes - things most of us would never have dared to hope for, really - and then screw with us by ensuring that the distribution is guaranteed to create ill will. How could they expect us to feel totally happy watching other players get $50 in free stuff, for participation equivalent to our own?
Because you have the same chances of getting $50 in free stuff, as you do of getting $10 in free stuff. You have equal chances of succeeding and equal chances of failing, arguably more chances of succeeding if your city is more advanced and you are at the very end of the tech tree. Do not introduce the randomness factor in an event such as this, and all of a sudden you have half the portion of the playerbase who is unwilling to spend any money in the game, claiming the event is giving a clear advantage to those willing to pay.


I do hope you're not an accountant, Malfiore. You suggest that Player X is supposed to be happy about receiving $50 less than Player Y...because Player X has the opportunity to purchase the $50 in goods. This would mean that Player Y actually loses $100 compared to Player Y.

I understand your point from a marketing point of view - If the Jones have a new car, the Smiths are more likely to go buy one to keep up. However, players who have to go buy an item that was given freely to another player aren't going to feel good will toward Inno. And I'd suggest that the high calibre of the Event rewards suggests that Inno was hoping for some good will.

We agree that we'd like to see smaller cities given equivalent opportunities. The quests themselves were poorly designed for this, though. Why "Gain 1000 Steel"? Since they couldn't tailor the quests to our boosts (technical limitation), why include Quests like that at all? Ridiculously easy for some, near impossible for others. They do have the option for OR statements though, so why not "Produce 2 6-hour productions of steel, plank or marble"? Same expectation at all levels. And if the Quests were equivalent for all players, the rewards would be equally attainable.


If any of you are old enough, it's like going to the county or state fair or chucky cheese. You pay some money to play a game, you pick up a ducky, pop a balloon or two, drop a token or two hundred in some games. If you get lucky you get a great prize, if you are like most people you get some junky little thing you have no use for. It's your choice to spend money or not. Either you get lucky or you don't. Life is not always fair. Get over it. BTW, I opened a few chests and got mostly junk, my typical luck.....lol.


Someone at Inno comes up with good ideas, sometimes even great ones. Then someone else starts tweaking the idea until it degenerates into an implementation significantly diminished from its original intent. Please just stop.

I second, third, and fourth that! Please!!!!