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    Your Elvenar Team

Summer Solstice Feedback


I just got the second prize. I also got the blue tree. That looks really nice.:) In this event I got about 9 new buildings.:) Plus the two prizes.:)


I just got the second prize. I also got the blue tree. That looks really nice.:) In this event I got about 9 new buildings.:) Plus the two prizes.:)
me too,I got several flower cages and unicorns and a leaf codex and the tree.and the two rocks,it was not too bad,but I did pay


me too,I got several flower cages and unicorns and a leaf codex and the tree.and the two rocks,it was not too bad,but I did pay

Did you?:( Man I didnt pay any. But them buildings are great culture per square though and I love them.:)


I spent money on 22,000 diamonds to get the glossy garden and the father tree and other cool buildings. I got a glossy garden, 2 rainbow and 2 crystal unis. and the first 2 venars rocks. color me disappointed. I also get runes a lot but I don't have or want any AW's at this time as I need my space for productive items. And I need my KP for the research tree. I will be glad when this crappy marketing program is over with.


It sucks that I can't get the Father Tree's (or the "Punker" Tree's as I call it ;)) counterpart, the Mothertree, because I play as a human. I'm sure they would look great together.


I guess I should consider it great news that after opening 4 more gold chests I STILL haven't won one dang building from this contest. Who wants a stunningly beautiful blue tree anyway? I do have enough meditation spells to last me the next 180 days so I guess I will get real zen about it all. :confused:


I guess im one of the lucky ones then I got 2 rocks 1 garden 1 blue tree 1 sun codex 2 rainbow unicorns 1 bronze guards and 3 dark signpost so far and I haven't sent a penny. I love this event and think they should do more


I won a fathertree in my human city, where I don't really think it fits in too well, and missed on it in the elven city, where I think it would have.

I may have read this already and just forgotten. Will they be making some of these event culture buildings clickable during NH at some point?


I have a human city and think something unique like that looks great.:)

I hope they make some clickable.:) I havnt seen anyone say anything though.


I am so glad the buildings we won will be clickable! That is wonderful! Hopefully they will get it fixed quickly! Posting this to my FS so they will know. Thanks Bobby!!


Well I dont want the one squares clickable. But my blue feather tree would be awesome. It would be a waste fopr someone to cl;ick my 200 one square when it would help much better to click my blue tree.


Well I don't want the one squares clickable.
IMO there's no reason to think the one square (or two square for that matter) event culture buildings will be clickable and there's every reason to think that (same as regular culture buildings) the four square and up event buildings will be clickable.