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    Your Elvenar Team

Dwarven Armorer

Lady Dastardly

Well-Known Member
What I haven't seen discussed here much is how good the extra RR per chest is. Being in a ~13 chest group I can certainly see the appeal of getting 6 more RR per week! Why isn't that reward enough?
This is why I'm a no vote. I would much rather have a RR than a DA, even though I'm mainly a fighter. Maybe for players who are parked, or who chapter very slowly, RR's aren't an issue, but I would need about 390 of them if I wanted to upgrade all my sets and evolving bldgs by 1 chapter level. This is a very real benefit of being in a 19 chest FS for me.


19 chests? Dayum, and ya want more?!


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Well-Known Member
I'm open for the idea that an addition to the 19th chest might be a good way to cap off the 2nd page and give something for highly competitive Fellowships to work towards. Even though I voted in favor of this particular prize, I'm now not so certain of my opinion after having read (some) of the discussion on this.

It'd still be nice, though. Maybe an extra RR or two? Or if that much is too contentious, perhaps an extra trophy or something that would be otherwise completely useless (warning: TV Tropes link)


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
not a fan , there’s so many , so so many other things to ask for that would benefit everyone .

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
@Astram just a general question, but did the rules get changed for what gets forwarded? I thought a vote had to be at least 80% in favor to get forwarded? Or am I mixing up the Beta forum requirement with the US forum requirement?


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
I count 21 markets. Who knows if they all get a CM or some double up. Either way, if they come with 3 ideas apiece, those are not very favorable odds for us. The player's vote mean very little in the grand scheme of the whole legislative process.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
@Astram just a general question, but did the rules get changed for what gets forwarded? I thought a vote had to be at least 80% in favor to get forwarded? Or am I mixing up the Beta forum requirement with the US forum requirement?
I was surprised too. I don't think I've ever seen anything get forwarded that had such a low percentage of yes votes. But I guess we take what we can get, lol.

Deleted User - 1178646

Suprised as well, 30% against is a pretty huge percentage.
I can easily come up with a dozen "more freebee" ideas that will do at least 70% lol.

Anything that would say "do you want more for free" will get at least 70%

Deleted User - 1178646

Oh sweet, when did they change getting 19 chests from "Pretty damn hard" to "free"?
The point is that when you offer "freebees" and yes 19th chest is hard but also a freebee and 3 fellowships could vote in favor of it that get is.

If a clear majority is good enough to forward it to the developers than any idea is pretty much a good idea.
" I propose that everyone gets 150.000 free diamonds at cristmas events"

Some of us understands that that makes no sense and will have repercussions. so we vote no, but the clear majority will vote yes.
I know this is an exaggeration but thats the whole point.

if 39 people vote against an idea there is probably a good reason for sucha big group saying no.
It's not that there has not been any good feedback on why not. the last thing 19 chest fellowships need is an extra boost to make it easier to get 19 chests and top the rankings.

If they asked for a few extra coin rains or whatever I could be like whatever.
But if a 30% vote agains and 39 votes agains it is not enough to block the idea, then lets stop voting and forward anyting.
Because with these rules there will be not a single idea that will get enough downvotes anyway.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
If a clear majority is good enough to forward it to the developers than any idea is pretty much a good idea.
Again, you are giving too much credence to the power of our forum vote. It is not a direct line to the devs. It only moves ideas to the CM council. It still need to survive the competition amongst other ideas introduced by all the other markets to make it to the devs. Our vote means very little in the grand scheme of things.


Oh Wise One
Due to the overwhelming vote disparity in favor and in order to be included in the CM meeting this week I am closing the voting a day early. If we wait, then the idea cant be presented before the meeting this week.
So if it was 18 to 8 it would get the same treatment? Because that would be an identical overwhelming ratio. My recollection is that there was a time when we could view the vote results and have an idea if 40 people who have never come to the forums in the last year suddenly all showed up to load the vote in favour of an idea. Just one more thing that seems a little different.


Buddy Fan Club member
"do you want more for free" will get at least 70%

19 chests ... "Pretty damn hard"
Both of those statements can be true at the same time, guys.
So if it was 18 to 8 it would get the same treatment? Because that would be an identical overwhelming ratio.
I also remember when voting was technically 'in favor' but the idea was not forwarded. An example of that is this archived thread post. Unfortunately, it appears that the voting results were not saved when the idea was archived, so we can't see if it was closer than 70/30.
As for restricting our view of who voted, I think that came about due to posters complaining that their vote should be private. With the extreme care INNO has always shown for 'privacy' issues, framing their complaint that way was a no-brainer for some. So, helya made it so that individual votes are no longer public, but mods/CM's can see them. That put the onus on the mods/CM to review the votes for any irregularities. I presume @Astram did that before deciding to forward the idea.